Thursday 12 December 2013

The Unofficial Closure

Ahem ahem.. *clearing throat*
Okay, I've been away from my blog since, two-three weeks ago? Let's see if I've behaved myself according to what I've vowed:
  • I vowed, to sleep for a maximum of six hours a day, everyday;
  • I vowed, to avoid any social media until the middle of December;
  • I vowed, to discipline myself and avoid any contact with any DRAMAS;
  • I vowed, this will be, I mean, this IS, my last blog entry until my finals end;
  • I vowed, to be ready, to make any sacrifice necessary, to secure that piece of "paper";
  • I vowed, to restrain myself from more interviews, unless it doesn't disrupt my daily schedule.

Okay, during the study break, I slept more than that; but one day before the papers, I slept 5 hours; so, I think considered a YES? Social Media, hmm... First few days, yes; but then even lecturers are using FB nowadays, so... Am I forgiven? DRAMAS --> Definitely a YES!! (I'm proud XD) Blog entry, I made it (though restraining myself from it seemed hard at times). Sacrifice, I'm ashamed T.T... Interviews, err, ahem... I attended one, but it didn't really caused any disruption, so, I made it too? Hehe... Overall, I've already prepared myself for the worst to come *finger crossed*

Seeing that I'm leaving soon, my roomie and I went for dinner together (an official one). Hehe... It's kind of sad, you know? We have been roomie since January this year (oh, wait, since last year August, to be exact), but we rarely hang out together, we hardly even talked to each other. Okay, I'll write the details in another post of mine. Now, let's focus on the dinner. We went to Nando's in Nilai and, ahem, I told her I didn't know how to chop the chicken into pieces and wanted her to teach me. But, we both managed to finish at the same time lar. Oh, and my left overs were "cleaner" than hers. Hehe.
Appetizer: I forget what they call this, but it's something like naan. Nice! :)
I shouldn't have ordered the Mediterranean rice, quite spicy for me
(especially when I had my chicken with Super Hot sauce). Haha...
So, I like their promotion in the sense that,
the English is so Malaysian!! XD
So, here comes the summary of my exams:
  • Cross-cultural Management: Not enough time to finish the paper, too little examples were given.
  • Strategic Management: I was well prepared, but then again, time management issue.
  • International Management: The entire building was black-off, so we were given some generous extra time. Or else, I'll fail the paper for sure. Too much things to write yet too little time.
  • International Economics: I didn't manage to finish the paper, wasted too much time drawing the graph. A piece of advice, don't choose graph question if you are better off writing answers in theories.
  • Global Issues: Overall, it was okay. The only paper that I could finish in time. How pathetic! T.T

Last semester is all about creating memories and thus, taking photos is a mandatory! 
Only 7 of us are "unofficial graduates".. Haha..
Oh, and, it was also a tradition for a little "data-exchange" on the last day in INTI:
"Data"? Nah, dramas lar...
Sharing is caring mar.. lol.. XD
Okay, that's it for today. More to come in my upcoming posts. I think I'll spend most of my "semester break" to do only four things: (i) blogging, I already have several titles in mind, some of which are quite long ones, haha; (ii) watching dramas before it's too late; (iii) vacation!!!; (iv) interviews~~~ P/S I wish I don't have to be a full-time driver again, LOL...

Signin' off with this:
Was messing around on my last day in campus. Adieu!

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