Sunday 29 December 2013

Singapore 3D2N: #2

We were supposed to wake up at 6.30am, get ready for breakfast and leave for Universal Studio by 8am.
Our breakfast.
Luckily we managed to be there by 9am (before the ticketing counter opened) and.. Here comes the story. When we were taking photos at the "globe", a man (a bit bald with a tummy) approached us and asked if we wanted to buy ticket from him for S$70, instead of normal price S$74. I nearly believed him but Elaine was skeptical about it. We then asked the officer for clarification and ended up, we were told that, it's prohibited for outsiders to sell tickets like that. Then, he was "chased" out of the place. Ahem ahem.. It seems like we had reported a crime eh? Or, was it "potential crime"? Hmm..
The "globe", photo taken by the uncle. LOL
The first thing we did after getting in, was to head over to the locker room. S$10 for a day. You may choose either 4 hours, or 8 hours and so on. We should have just paid for 4 hours because we finished early. Aiks..
Everything is computerized, easy and convenient. :)
I'm glad that our friend shared his experience with us and thus, with strategies laid out before us, we finished all the parks within two hours. Hehe.. The first part we rushed to, was the Transformer 3D. Super nice!! I would have another ride if time permitted, seriously! Then, we rushed to The Mummy Ride in Egypt theme park, super fast and we screamed like hell. Exciting!! You could literally feel your adrenaline rush!! Hehe.. The "boat ride' in The Jurassic Park was supposed to be awesome. But, I'm glad that our boat wasn't full, or else, all of us would have been soaked with water. Haha.. The Shrek 4D in the Far-far Away Castle was still okay, but if you are an excitement-seeker, this may not suit you. Oh, and the Madagascar boat ride is the same as well, we wasted 45 minutes queuing up for a 10 minutes ride. Ishh.. Anyway, glad that we managed to finish on time and started a second round tour with my camera along. Photo time!! :D
Super long queue for this bakery shop.
The entrance of the souvenir shop for Transformer Theme Park.
The StarBot Cafe, a futuristic-themed restaurant where we had our lunch.
S$ 13.90.
I was sad, wait, I AM still sad, because the Battlestar Galactica was, I mean IS under maintenance :(
I was soooo looking forward for the ride, you know? Sigh...
I think they are two-to-three stories tall?
The ride in this park wasn't as "syok" as expected though...
The castle.. Super enormous wey~~~
Why did they hang a corpse on the tree ya? Hmm...
What I bought from Universal Studio:
A wallet for my little brother; a "December" birthmonth key chain;
and a Teddy key chain for my cousin sister (belated birthday gift).
At 3.30pm or so, we left Universal Studio and, they stamped our arm with "invisible ink", and said, "it's UV".. Should have tried to enter again after we came out, to try the UV stamp and see how it works, aiks.. Then, we went to SEA Aquarium, it's just a few steps away from Universal Studio, the world's largest aquarium accredited by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™, with our planet’s largest window to the ocean!! More info on: Click here or Click here.
Normal price: S$38;
Show them your student ID to enjoy S$10 rebate.
Sorry for the dark photo.
But, the X'mas tree was literally IN the aquarium!! Ahem Ahem...
Do you know what this is?
It is a sea-house. How beautiful eh?
Okay, these crabs are HUGE, and there are around six of them.
They are bigger than two footballs combined!
OMG!! The oral arms and tentacles (lappets) are super long!!
I wonder if it's a he or she.. Soooo SEXY... 
Awww.. Are they couple?
I wonder how they look like when they kissed.. lol..
Then, around 7pm or so, we left the aquarium. Erm, the queue for the Sentosa Express was super duper long!! And erm, Singapore is indeed a very materialistic country. With a "double express" ticket, you don't need to queue for sooooo long (ya, we were stuck in the queue for around 45 minutes), just "cut-into-the-queue" will do. Wait, I think Sentosa is not the only place like this eh? That's why, being rich is important. And they say, "Any problem which can be solved with money, is not a problem in the first place." An inconvenient truth eh? *Food for thought*

Just in case some of you are wondering where we stayed:
The fee is reasonable, the room is pleasant, and the people are nice.
Since we lazy to eat outside (ya, our legs were still soar),
these breads became our dinner. S$1.50 each.
Actually, I heard from my friend that there is this dancing fountain in Sentosa, somewhere in front of/in the Universal Studio whereby, the fountain dances according to the music, a nice scenery to take photos as well. Since we left at about 7pm, we missed the night show which usually starts at 8pm. Aiks..

Anyway, one more post will be up soon. Stay tuned :)

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