Friday 13 December 2013

Big Bad Wolf 2013!

I missed it last year, whereby, I was supposed to go with my friends whom I made during internship. But, my dad's refusal on letting me go was the reason why I was so emo. This year, thus, I was determined to go, AND, I dragged my cousin sister along. A plan to go with relatives than going there alone had, finally, gotten my dad's approval! So, we departed at 9.15 or so and reached there at 10.30 or so because? Ahem... We missed a junction and had to make a U-turn, AND, it was a heavy jam. Sigh~

The main entrance.
When I entered the hall and looked to my left.. Ahem ahem..
So many boxes were piled up wey~
When I wanted to look for more books, my brother annoyed me with his growling stomach. So, at 1.30pm or so, we passed our box to the counter before heading upstairs for food.
The area which they helped to look after your books
while you attending your stomach. Hehe..
The dining hall.
My brother's lunch! :D
So, there is this playground at the mezzanine floor.
Muahahahaha.. More than 3 millions books know? XD
So, at 3pm or so, we started sorting out our books (filtration).. Hehe.. Me and my brother's portion added up a substantial RM200+, while my cousin sister and brother bought books worth RM300+++.. Fuyoh!
No time for procrastination wey.. Haha..
I found the book which one of our lecturers recommended.
This will be the first book I am gonna occupy my time with. *Happy*
So, they are not selling Chinese books. My brother was quite disappointed though (and I think my aunt too). Today was indeed a memorable day. The time spent in the car, especially. First time, I was in a car driven by my cousin sister and, I must say, she has incredibly shocking driving skills that will keep your adrenaline rushing! Muahahahaha... *Admiring her.. lol..* Then, there were moments where we all sang in the car along with the songs played by the stations. I can't really recall the last time we had that but today was fun. We had so much laughter despite the fact that we almost ended up in the middle of nowhere (again, when the GPS ran out of batteries). Haha... Looking forward to spending time with my cousin sisters again, both of them! (one of them is on the way back to fatherland from UK! OMG, really can't wait to see her!!) :D

Ah, I feel so grateful to have them back, to make my escape plan possible (ya, my dad used to hold me in captive, remember), to make my visit to BBW a reality, to have spent quality time with them, and to have brought so much books for my semester break. Love you, Maine! ❤

I shall indulge myself with the aroma of "literature" then.
'Till next post, cheers :)

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