Wednesday 2 October 2013


Well, sometimes, I found myself blog too often. I mean, though once a week may not sound too frequent, its like, I'm too lifeless that I didn't have much things to share/update :( This will only be a short post then.

A few days back, I went to library for some test revision. Erm, it was around 6-7pm I think. And erm, my posture that time, was just like any other times, I always hunch my back. I can't really sit straight, I don't know why. I'm getting older perhaps? Okay, back to the topic. As I usually let my hair fall free without tie-ing my hair up, it tends to somehow "covering" my ears. (Its just a normal posture but I'm not sure if you could imagine it due to my poor description.. lol)

Then, its like, I heard echo, as if someone was talking. I turned around but there was no one near me, or at least, they were a few tables away and its impossible that the sound they made was as if whispering into my ears. I thought I was thinking too much, thus, regained my conscious mind and continue reading my notes.

However, it happened AGAIN! I tried smoothing my hair in place behind my ears but nothing had changed. When I listened attentively, especially using my left ear (theres where the whisper came from), there was nothing. Only when I wanted to study, the whispers came back again. Argh, so irritating wey!

I know some of you may not believe in God but I do. I quickly took out my talisman which I always bring with me, and started praying. This may sound superstitious but after that, the voice was gone!

So freaky wey~~
Or, am I insane??
But, why was it left ear?
Why not right ear or both ears? zzzz

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