Monday 14 October 2013

Port Dickson 2D1N

I didn't know about the existence of the star-gazing trip until my friend ZY sent me the link. It was an event organized by the Astronomy Club of INTI. I was the club member for a several semester back then when I was still actively involved in clubs and events though. Seeing that the club ex-chairperson, aka one of my good friends was going, I decided to join and treat it as a "mini" meet-up session for the three of us. With only RM80, food and accommodation for 2D1N is included.

Taken in the bus :)
We wanted to have dim-sum (a type of Chinese delicacies) before departing from INTI by but we woke up late (typical eh?). We took a few photos with ZY's iPhone 5 (ya, she insisted that its better than my phone! ishh) in the bus because we were too bored! After an hour or so, we arrived, had sponsored-nasi lemak as brunch, checked in, and went outdoor for ice-breaking games and so on.

This was the "vacation home" that we stayed.
(Photo uploaded into the event page in FB)
Erm, I don't have much thing to talk about the ice-breaking game actually, because it was just some ordinary games to get to know new friends. Then we had the "running-man" game, whereby, each person would have their own names pasted on their backs, then enemy team will tear off your name tag. Our group was "smart" not to involve in the initial tearing stage thus, stood aside and watched the people running and chasing around. As a team, we managed to take down the only yellow member "alive". However, somehow our group was under-attacked and each of us ran separate way. There was a guy who saw me standing at one corner and decided to chase after me. I ran as fast as I could but I gave up hearing his foot steps after me and surrendered. I'm such a coward right? :(
Both of us, smiling like small kids.. Hehe..
Three of us, from HOC club, until now.
Friendship forever ^ ^
West, your eyes too small.. LOL
BJ, our roomie..
When we saw the committee started giving instructions for the upcoming water games, ZY decided to give our friend, CW a call. He stays around the place and he came to meet up with us. So, both of us abandoned the team and went to hang-out for tea time at Pappa Rich, Water Front PD. We started to "interrogate" each other about their recent encounters and talked about life and goals and more, for around three hours. We then took some photos by the seaside and headed back. You know what? Among the three of us, I am the only one still studying! Fine, I'm graduating soon, soon enough! XD

Then, we passed by an event held by Honda and decided to be "busy-body" a bit. We were asked to do some survey and a free gift will be given. You know what? I've been fancying about Honda CR-Z and have always thought silver color looks nice. In the show room, the CR-Z was red in colour! You know how "yaoyeng" (basically it means cool and sturdy) it is?? MT is price at around RM116k while AT is priced at around RM119k. OMG!! I really feel like buying it, you know? AND, I've decided, I'm gonna work my ass off to save enough money to own that car! Then, it would be my first sport car in my life! THEN, I'll set a higher target for myself and buy even more sport cars in the future! Muahahahaha *evil laugh* :p

A note book as a free gift, with a quote to motivate me:
"Drive your dreams" :)
When we headed back, it was around 6pm. We thought to watch sunset but we were too late. I'm not sure if other participants got to see it or not though. Dinner was DIY barbecue session. For the first time, I was so patient and "roast" the chicken wings for half an hour straight! As in, "brushing" the chicken wings with butter and honey, non-stop! It was damn hot and oily, especially when the wind blew the "smoke" towards your direction. Anyway, my hard work paid off when the chicken wings tasted up to our expectation. Hehe.

According to the club advisor, one of the reasons our club is still surviving,
is because of the telescope! lol
When they were playing the "killer" game, ZY and me slipped out again to meet CW for supper. But, the place that we planned to go for "tong shui" (dessert) has closed and thus, we changed plan and visited the beach. According to CW, the beach that we went is "man'made", as in, the sand is extracted from else where to extend the size of the current beach. Well, I would say, this one is even cleaner than the one beside our "vacation home", and its softer too. We walked along the beach and, talked about life again. I don't know why but I'm so confused with my future. I mean, I know what I want to achieve, but I'm not sure which path should I undertake to reach there. Hmm... Oh ya, and we visited CW's house also, hehe..

Our room...
We got back at around 2am and guess what? I straight fell asleep like a dead corpse without any shower! LOL.. We were supposed to have our star gazing session from 12-1am, the estimated time for a clear sky for star gazing. But, everyone was so fatigue that the most they could wait was 'till 2am. Then the next day, I heard people saying that, the sky was damn clear from 4-5am (those who was awake to see sunrise). I on the other hand, didn't even bother about the sunrise (how to see sunrise when we were staying at the west coast? zzzz) and woke up at 7 in the morning to shower instead. After some light breakfast, ZY and me started cam-whoring, haha..
Sigh, my face too big...
Panorama View
I love morning breeze :)
The effect makes it look odd though.. lol..
She imitated my style.. lol..
A final group photos before we left...
Our ex-chairperson, as legendary as always XD
On the way back to INTI, the organizing chairperson of the event asked us about our experience and any comment which we would like to voice out. And, there was the time when almost everyone, if not everyone, pretended to sleep because? I don't know, shy perhaps? But, I was really really tired, so I wasn't pretending, I really slept in the bus and with a blink of an eye, we arrived. Backbone pain though. Haha. Then, ZY and me headed to have some dim-sum as "compensation" for Saturday's breakfast. 

The first thing we did was to eat instead of taking photos.
Sorry that the food doesn't look complete.
But I can assure you, they are delicious! :)
Overall, it was a nice trip to remember.
"Till next post, cheers :D

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