Sunday 27 October 2013

Early Breakfast @Delifrance

So, there I was, arrived at Mid Valley at 9am when my interview was scheduled at 10.30am. All because my dad asked me to leave early to avoid jam. So, there I was, wandering around the mall when there was nothing for me to do. 
Getting prepared to face the day.
My interviewer was nice enough, asking me to make sure that I had my breakfast before my interview. I had a feeling that this interview would yield good results and so, I made sure I had adequate nutrition to fight for my post.
Official website:
I stood there at the cashier for quite a long time and had no idea what should I order. I mean, my usual breakfast would be a cup of hot Milo and a few slices of Gardenia bread, that's it. Fortunately, the cashier was kind enough to entertain me (of course lar, I was the only customer right there and then!) and recommended some breakfast set.
See? I was their first customer. lol
Before they served the food, I was there taking my own sweet time wandering in the restaurant and taken some photos. P/S This was my first time daring to do so because I was the only one there. If there were to be other customers in the restaurant? I shy to walk around and talk random photos lor. Haha...
Simple and nice wallpaper at the back of the counter.
That's the corner where they prepare the food.
A wallpaper of my favourite Eiffel Tower :)
Is it a French painting? Or just some commercial painting? Hmm..
The croissants are not huge ones.
They are just like, 5-inch?? So mini...
AND, it's tasteless.. Like "literally".. ahem ahem..
My breakfast set: Le Mini Croissant Sandwich
"Best things are enjoyed in petite size sometimes!
Savour our signature mini sandwich with variety choices of
sandwich fillings in Egg, Tuna, Chicken or Toast and Cheese."
I like the environment though, with the aromas of bread, toast, and coffee :)
When it was 10.25am, off I went to the place the interviewer agreed to meet me up. And, guess what?
The interview went well. What they say again? Monday BLUE? Nay... :p

"Till next post, cheers :)

Wednesday 23 October 2013


Actually, this will be a short post, just something to share.

These are few photos which I find interesting (The captions are merely personal point-of-view):

The result of war and revolution, vestige to behold.

Choices of life:
To stay warm and alive; or
To die for fame and triumph

Maybe this is what my friend always said,
"When the time comes, people die anyway."

Development and advancement come with a price.

Hopeless presidential-ship 
Effective measures are needed.
Be prepared to plant your own tree for personal oxygen supply.
I think the plant might not even survive.
Student's life.
A photo commented by an anonymous:
"It's often true that newspaper are filled with toxic sludge for the mind.
Well done, a nicely done social commentary."
Hope you enjoyed.
'Till next post, cheers :)

Sunday 20 October 2013


Nah, don't ask me anything about this, I have no idea what it is either. My friend CT jio-ed (asked) me out for this event, something to do with Nuffnang also I guess. Nah, I don't know, I don't even care! LOL.. Since she accompanied me for the FoodFest event, so I have to return the same favour lor. I'm not supposed to come back home actually, because I have a handful of assignments awaiting to start! Ya! Not awaiting to be done because I've not even started anything yet!! T.T

So, this time, I wasn't the one driving, she was. And it was a real eye-opener that there are people who drove worse than me (haha, no offence k? :p). I enjoyed so much in the car by just being her "side mirror" to constantly keep an eye on the road to make sure that she didn't hit any car/motorcyclist by accident. LOL. Anyway, the event wasn't as huge/happening as I thought it would be.

Though I'm not much of a Jaguar fan, I took this photo
because its kind of rare on the road, I think...
Sorry for the poor quality. It was nice though...
They even gave you glove so you won't dirty your hand.
Oh, and wet-tissue too.
Don't ask me who they are...
I don't find them particularly eye-catching :p
After meeting up with CT's cousin sister, we went to Ichiban Boshi for lunch. The service was soooooo dissatisfying that I ended up given them a very low rating on the customer feedback form. The food, wasn't particularly outstanding either. Overall comment, not systematic enough. Oh, and there is something I wish to add: Psycho students are not someones whom you could afford to mess-up with! Ahem ahem...

I like the environment though...
This, this wasn't any ordinary green tea.
It took them more than half an hour to serve this! Gosh!
Well, we then sent CT's cousin sister back home. Ah, I realized I really do enjoy observing big houses, where all of them have different design, theme, and style. Some classic, some modern contemporary, some look like office block, some look like mini castle. I felt so good just being in the environment full of all these kind of houses. Hehe.. Oh, on a separate note, I've bought some mask, erm, The Beauty Diary for RM39.90. I'm not sure if it suits me, but perhaps it worth trying? My face is so oily and pimples everywhere :(

Lastly, CT and I had some gossip-ing session at her home. Though I've always known her as a person who wishes to know all the details, but I never knew she was THAT curious!! Haha.. And erm, it's kind of my first time, to share those private details with someone else actually. Well, of course it's not the whole picture lar, because all the exclusive details belong to me, and me alone! Muahahahaha :p

Fine, that's all. Time for assignment "camp", get ready to have panda eyes for the following days! Grrrr......
"Till next post, cheers :)

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Time Wasted!

Hmm, this may sound weird but, still remember the day ZY and I asked CW out for “yumcha” session? CW and I have been texting each other ever since. Erm, it’s not like we have never chatted before, but the last time I could recall was in June. Fine, let’s not get carried away. Here was what happened.

He didn’t even tell me in advance that we would be going to Alamanda for dinner and movie. So, I was wearing short shorts and a plain T-shirt. If I were to know in advance, I would have wore long pants and brought my sweater along. Fine, we went and bought tickets for Escape Plan, wanted to purchase the 9.20pm show but it was a full house. We had no choice but to choose the 10pm show.

Went for dinner at the food court and we were done at 8.30pm! 1.5hours to go for the movie, what were we supposed to do to kill time? Argh, we were just wandering around the mall and randomly picked some shops to “spin-around” here and there. Well, this was the first time I didn’t spend to buy anything, okay? (kinda proud actually.. lol..) He ended up buying two pieces of cloth though.

After having great time chit-chating while window-shopping, we headed to the cinema, here I must mention, Golden Screen Cinema! We were in since 9.45pm or so, and at 10pm sharp, advertisements were all over the screen, for? 5mins. Then? Something went wrong to the operator and we had to sit in the darkness for, guess how long? 35minutes! Eh, we just sat there for nothing, isn’t it a waste of time?!

Well, though it was the right thing to do to fully refund our tickets, but I think that’s not enough. Time is money! Besides refunding, they should compensate us as well! We wasted our time there for nothing but waiting. Of course, we have all the right to walk out from the theater, but because of the good faith that we have on the management, we were willing to sit back and waited. Are you saying that our faith is not worth the compensation for our time wasted in your cinema?? Though you may not be able to measure the value of time as it weights differently to each independent individuals, at least there should be some kind of actions to show how apologetic you are, right? Some coupons, free gifts or something more, perhaps? It’s not that I’m a cheapskate person or something, actions speak louder than words after-all. They should show us that, they have the intention to retain the customers for future visits, right?

~I heard the movie is quite nice though~
Hmmph, though I wasn’t upset for not being able to watch the movie, I was quite disappointed with the management. What a day!

‘Till next post, cheers…

Monday 14 October 2013

Port Dickson 2D1N

I didn't know about the existence of the star-gazing trip until my friend ZY sent me the link. It was an event organized by the Astronomy Club of INTI. I was the club member for a several semester back then when I was still actively involved in clubs and events though. Seeing that the club ex-chairperson, aka one of my good friends was going, I decided to join and treat it as a "mini" meet-up session for the three of us. With only RM80, food and accommodation for 2D1N is included.

Taken in the bus :)
We wanted to have dim-sum (a type of Chinese delicacies) before departing from INTI by but we woke up late (typical eh?). We took a few photos with ZY's iPhone 5 (ya, she insisted that its better than my phone! ishh) in the bus because we were too bored! After an hour or so, we arrived, had sponsored-nasi lemak as brunch, checked in, and went outdoor for ice-breaking games and so on.

This was the "vacation home" that we stayed.
(Photo uploaded into the event page in FB)
Erm, I don't have much thing to talk about the ice-breaking game actually, because it was just some ordinary games to get to know new friends. Then we had the "running-man" game, whereby, each person would have their own names pasted on their backs, then enemy team will tear off your name tag. Our group was "smart" not to involve in the initial tearing stage thus, stood aside and watched the people running and chasing around. As a team, we managed to take down the only yellow member "alive". However, somehow our group was under-attacked and each of us ran separate way. There was a guy who saw me standing at one corner and decided to chase after me. I ran as fast as I could but I gave up hearing his foot steps after me and surrendered. I'm such a coward right? :(
Both of us, smiling like small kids.. Hehe..
Three of us, from HOC club, until now.
Friendship forever ^ ^
West, your eyes too small.. LOL
BJ, our roomie..
When we saw the committee started giving instructions for the upcoming water games, ZY decided to give our friend, CW a call. He stays around the place and he came to meet up with us. So, both of us abandoned the team and went to hang-out for tea time at Pappa Rich, Water Front PD. We started to "interrogate" each other about their recent encounters and talked about life and goals and more, for around three hours. We then took some photos by the seaside and headed back. You know what? Among the three of us, I am the only one still studying! Fine, I'm graduating soon, soon enough! XD

Then, we passed by an event held by Honda and decided to be "busy-body" a bit. We were asked to do some survey and a free gift will be given. You know what? I've been fancying about Honda CR-Z and have always thought silver color looks nice. In the show room, the CR-Z was red in colour! You know how "yaoyeng" (basically it means cool and sturdy) it is?? MT is price at around RM116k while AT is priced at around RM119k. OMG!! I really feel like buying it, you know? AND, I've decided, I'm gonna work my ass off to save enough money to own that car! Then, it would be my first sport car in my life! THEN, I'll set a higher target for myself and buy even more sport cars in the future! Muahahahaha *evil laugh* :p

A note book as a free gift, with a quote to motivate me:
"Drive your dreams" :)
When we headed back, it was around 6pm. We thought to watch sunset but we were too late. I'm not sure if other participants got to see it or not though. Dinner was DIY barbecue session. For the first time, I was so patient and "roast" the chicken wings for half an hour straight! As in, "brushing" the chicken wings with butter and honey, non-stop! It was damn hot and oily, especially when the wind blew the "smoke" towards your direction. Anyway, my hard work paid off when the chicken wings tasted up to our expectation. Hehe.

According to the club advisor, one of the reasons our club is still surviving,
is because of the telescope! lol
When they were playing the "killer" game, ZY and me slipped out again to meet CW for supper. But, the place that we planned to go for "tong shui" (dessert) has closed and thus, we changed plan and visited the beach. According to CW, the beach that we went is "man'made", as in, the sand is extracted from else where to extend the size of the current beach. Well, I would say, this one is even cleaner than the one beside our "vacation home", and its softer too. We walked along the beach and, talked about life again. I don't know why but I'm so confused with my future. I mean, I know what I want to achieve, but I'm not sure which path should I undertake to reach there. Hmm... Oh ya, and we visited CW's house also, hehe..

Our room...
We got back at around 2am and guess what? I straight fell asleep like a dead corpse without any shower! LOL.. We were supposed to have our star gazing session from 12-1am, the estimated time for a clear sky for star gazing. But, everyone was so fatigue that the most they could wait was 'till 2am. Then the next day, I heard people saying that, the sky was damn clear from 4-5am (those who was awake to see sunrise). I on the other hand, didn't even bother about the sunrise (how to see sunrise when we were staying at the west coast? zzzz) and woke up at 7 in the morning to shower instead. After some light breakfast, ZY and me started cam-whoring, haha..
Sigh, my face too big...
Panorama View
I love morning breeze :)
The effect makes it look odd though.. lol..
She imitated my style.. lol..
A final group photos before we left...
Our ex-chairperson, as legendary as always XD
On the way back to INTI, the organizing chairperson of the event asked us about our experience and any comment which we would like to voice out. And, there was the time when almost everyone, if not everyone, pretended to sleep because? I don't know, shy perhaps? But, I was really really tired, so I wasn't pretending, I really slept in the bus and with a blink of an eye, we arrived. Backbone pain though. Haha. Then, ZY and me headed to have some dim-sum as "compensation" for Saturday's breakfast. 

The first thing we did was to eat instead of taking photos.
Sorry that the food doesn't look complete.
But I can assure you, they are delicious! :)
Overall, it was a nice trip to remember.
"Till next post, cheers :D

Thursday 10 October 2013

A Fruitful Wednesday

Well, there are two main things I wish to share here. My university was having a career week from 8th-10th October. I registered to attend a workshop on the 9th, 10am-12pm. However, it clashed with another event I registered weeks ago, by the first ever TEDx-INTIIU, which started from 10am-2pm. I had no choice but to attend the workshop (seeing that I'm graduating soon) in the morning then only headed for TEDx.

Workshop: Top Glove, Top Quality, Top Efficient

It was a resume workshop. It started off with a brief introduction on the company, then moving on to preparing resume, do's and don'ts during an interview, and Q&A session.

I've always knew that Top Glove (TG) is one of the biggest rubber manufacturers specializing in glove production, the main supplier of clinical glove. During the introduction part, I came to know even more about the company. It exports to more than 180 countries, has 27 factories with 498 production lines employing 11, 000 employees. It has offices in Klang and currently constructing its new building in Setia Alam (completion upon March 2015). Our lecturer always said, Malaysia produces rubber better than Thailand. But from the workshop, we were told that, Top Glove's rubber supplies come from Thailand because of its superior quality. There, I learn something new, and realized that, not everything the lecturer told was true. 

We were taught the techniques to effectively compose our resume, for example, it should not be more than two pages because, HR wouldn't have time to go through everything. List only the significant ones will do. Then, we were told on some typical attitudes that deprive the job opportunity away from the candidates, unwillingness to learn, demotivated to achieve KPIs and so on. We were also told the expectation TG has on the fresh grads. There was a junior engineer sharing his working experience as well. He had an internship in TG, after finished his studies, he continue his journey with TG since 2.5 years ago. He said, TG emphasizes on overall exposure and opportunities. As an engineer, they are given opportunities to propose new technologies to the management as well. Oh, and there is a TG Foundation, providing support to those who are interested to further their studies. THIS is tempting!

During the Q&A session, some of the students asked about salaries, bonuses, promotions and everything else except, probation period and the future of the company. I mean, aren't these two important as well? Why did they just think of the reward without concerning what could they contribute to the company? Unfathomable indeed. So, guess what? I asked about it. Seeing that TG has international involvement, I would like to know, would the company be devastatingly impacted if the US refused to raise its debt ceiling? I've seen news on how chaotic US is now, when the Congress refuse to do so. According to Warren Buffet, it would be dangerous if it were to be risen. However, the first treasury bill to be due falls on the 17th October. I have no idea what would be like if there was another depression due to US's default. 

That's why, I'm kinda afraid. No matter how big or strong a company may sound to be, it will still be part of the collateral damage, right? Then my dad said, I was just thinking too much. Besides, according to the HR manager, since TG focuses on supplying the medic industry, its a market which could hardly be affected by the economy. Really? However, the moment I compose this, here's the update.


So, when I arrived the hall, I missed the first four presenters, and the fifth presenter was going to end his speech. Fast forward to lunch break, I had a chance to have a conversation with my lecturer who taught me English during my foundation. We talked about life, and how team members take the leader for granted, pushing everything to the leader and expect the leader to do most of the work. Actually, I don't mind doing most of the work because at the end of the day, I will be the one who learnt the most while they all would not be competitive over others in the working world.

During the lunch break, Zlwin introduced himself to JJ, who was talking to Kavin. Kavin said, "Zlwin? I have never heard of it, but I've definitely heard of Alvin before." Guess what Zlwin said? "Ah, my elder brother is Alvin, each of the sibling take an alphabet and I'm the last one, so my name is Zlwin." Both JJ and Kavin was staring at him, wondering if he was serious. Then Zlwin said, "Nah, just kidding!" Both JJ and Kavin smirked. And JJ replied, "I was about to say, 'Wah, your mum so productive ah?'" LOL

One thing I wish to highlight here, is the magic show. It was really my pleasure to witness magic first hand. I mean, of course I've seen numerous magic shows before, be it from TV or invited guest for some events. However, I've never watch a magic show in such a SHORT distance! He was doing some "fork-bending" magic in front of me just 2-3 feet away! Of course I've seen it from YouTube before and I've always thought that it was some post-editing effects. But THIS, I watched it with my own naked eyes! Though my friend said this is a trick many magicians know, but still, I'm impressed! You know what, I'm damn regret that I didn't record it down. Or else, I'll sure upload it here to share with you all...
He is more handsome in real life than in this photo, okay? :D
BTW, he is performing in Zouk, KL.
Feel like going there to meet him lar.. LOL
Well, there is one thing in common, from all the speakers of the event. Erm, I'm not sure of those whom I've missed, but I'm pretty sure that, they mentioned the word PASSION! Kavin spent two years to be a stand up comedian though the first time he attempted a joke, no one laughed. Deborah realized that, refugees who fled their home country for survival hardly get noticed by the society and often being looked down upon and discriminated and thus, she finds helping them a wise thing to do. Jonathan has never dreamed of becoming the first champion for The Apprentice Asia 2013 and all he ever done, was to be prepared at all times and does what he loves. JJ, one of the founders of "Gotcha" call featured in, has an engineering background. He joined as the Hitz Cruiser, learnt about the front line promotional events, then exposed to composing music (I think) as music exec, became a DJ for 2-6am session and so on. He has deep interest in learning everything about a radio station and have been doing what he loves too. Zlwin, though he was being kicked out from the magic club that he joined despite of the so-called "family" bonding that he had built with the club members, he never gives up in pursuing his dream.

What the speakers have in common, is that, they are living their lives doing things that they are passionate for. I mean, its not the first time hearing people say, do what you love and live your dream. Its very inspiring to listen to their journey in getting to where they are today. No matter how hard things had gotten to be, they never give up. JJ mentioned something similar with what Steve Jobs said in the video I posted last time, about connecting the dots. No matter what life throws at you, you just need to go along the way, grab the opportunities to learn new things, regardless what it is because, you will never know when would it come handy, especially during the turning point of your life. It really worth my MYR20 for the registration because, what I gained from their speeches are priceless.

But then again, here comes the question, "What do I passionate for?", "Am I still too young to figure out what I'd love to do for the rest of my life?" I am a person who has interest in almost everything, ranging from food, wines, fashion, electronic devices, IT, astronomy, sport cars, investments and so on! I don't particularly hate anything, to be honest. But how do you distinguish between a hobby and a dream? They are people who love to take photos as an amateur but eventually, hobby turns into passion and it turns into a career. Some people dance for some family or special occasions but eventually, it turns into something stronger and they become professional dancers. I'm a business student and thus, it makes things more complicated. Students who study law, become lawyers; those who study medic become doctors; and those who study engineering become engineers. As for business, every industry needs people to run the company. There are a wide range of choices out there, which industry should I join? To be frank, I have no idea. I think, all I need to do now, is to imagine, "If I were to step into this industry, could I be in it for the rest of my life?" Or even, "If I were to die tomorrow, would I go with no regret and rest in PEACE?" Well, once you stepped out from one industry to join the other, you have to start from zero and learn everything all over again because, different grounds have different playing rules. That, is the world of business.

Ah, I really don't know. Should I choose the industry with bright future ahead, eg green energy, health care, or F&B? Or should I really choose the one I like? But the point is, I don't find anything particularly love to do. Besides, I'm a person who can easily "hypnotize' myself. I may not have the interest in the first place, but I have the ability to make myself believe that, that is the right way. BUT, is this really what I want, to live in the illusion that I created for myself, wanting myself to believe that I love it?

My current state.
Main-stream, or Niche?
It was indeed a fruitful Wednesday.
However, it results in a few days of confusion that I would have to bear.
Anyway, "till next post, cheers :)

Sunday 6 October 2013

NNFoodFest 2013

When I checked my inbox a few days back, I found an e-invitation to NNFoodFest, a food festival organized by Nuffnang for Nuffnangers (oh, of course non-nuffnangers as well). I'm glad that my best friend, CT was successfully "persuaded" to join me there, instead of "brain-washed" by her cousin-sister the otherwise. Hehe.

So, we departed at 1pm+, arrived there way earlier than the time for registration which was 3pm. There was a guy walked towards CT and started talking to her, asking her if she is interested to join some company for part time job or something. What I wanted to say here, is, CT is super-duper naive! Whatever the guy asked of her, she answered! She told him her age, where she stayed, her surname, and her H/P number! Gosh!! AND, she shook hand with him! She wanted to act all-cool though, but she laughed at times when she wasn't sure how to respond. Well, he did ask whether I'm interested, all I did was shook my head and looked away. Haha.. I think I was kind of cruel lar, to leave my friend there "dealing" with some stranger without giving a hand. Nah, I was just eliminating the chance for her to say, "Why are you so rude?" when I attempting to "signal" my uninterest. So, ahem.. Thanks for the amusing show, CT! XD

Then, we wandered around the shopping mall to look for the socks I wanted to buy. Erm, its not just some ordinary socks, it must be made of bamboo charcoal because of my feet "disease". It costs me RM14, hopefully it works.
Eh, its not just for men, its universal okay.. Haha
And, there is a small "booklet" introducing its benefits.
Let's see if this local brand worth my second purchase :)
Fast forward to 3pm, I wouldn't say the queue wasn't THAT long because we went there 5 minutes earlier. We needed to register and fill in our blog's URL for their "little" free gift. Then, we started to tweet, tweet and tweet. Oh, for your information, all the food were FOC as long as you fulfilled one of the following, (i) scan their respective QR code (I heard its for iPhones only though); (ii) tweet #NNFoodFest, #vendor's name; (iii) like & share vendor's FB page. Means, as long as you have your smart phones and equipped with data plan, you'll get free flow of food throughout the event! As easy as ABC right? :D
This was the free "gift" I mentioned.. lol...
It tastes good though~
The first stall we went to. Gotten ourselves a free scoop of New Zealand
Natural ice-cream by #NNFoodFest #NZNTHISISJOY.
I chose a strawberry flavor. Its compact.
I was afraid it might be too sweet but, its just nice! :)
I captured this because its my favourite colour, purple!
The first VINEGAR bar, I don't dare to try though
(I hate vinegar) lol...
Free PORK burger from NinjaJoe by #NNFoodFest @porkburger.
Extremely nice! And we are given a coupon to purchase its burger at RM1 only!
(valid until end of this year).. Awwww...
Free Nando's chicken by #NNFoodFest #nandosMY.
Their extra-hot sauce is spicy enough, yet they have
extra-extra hot sauce too!! OMG~
Free Chatime by #NNFoodFest @chatimemy.
CT almost read it as cha-ti-ne-my.. LOL... 
I chose a Lemon Winter Melon. And a free sticker to stick on the arm as one of their
"marketing strategies".
This is no-ordinary fries, okay? Yuuummmyyy...
#NNFoodFest #CrazyPotato.. 
The CrazyPotato was among the most demanded food of the day!
At 6pm, we went for a workshop conducted by Brian Chong, an award-winning food photographer from Canon. But, apparently, he is not just some amateur photographer, he is a professional as well! They were giving away 10 free books of coupons (valid until 2014) for whomever answered their questions correctly. However, we were too shy and thus, no coupons for us.. lol... Oh, we bumped into one of our high-school friends as well.. hehe...

People were listening attentively.
At the end of the day...
Are you drooling over the mouth-watering food? Muahahahaha~~~
Click here to visit another version of the event.. Hehe..
Thanks, Nuffnang! Looking forward for your upcoming events!
'Till next post, cheers :)