Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Letters #1

Again, the #1 indicates that there will be #2, #3 and so on. Well, I vowed to myself that, I'll make it a habit to write letters one day before the end of each year, means 31st Dec (and I do hope I would be able to comply). There is a phrase, "Live each day as your last, and you would die with no regret". I don't know when would I be leaving this world, but there are plenty of words that I would like to say to some of my fellow friends. However, seeing that I'm not much of a person who could really express my feelings to another party, I think, converting those into words would most probably be better than keeping everything to myself. At least, this is the first step I undertake to "expose" my inner-self, right? Anyway, I'll be utterly blunt here and I apologize if I were to offend anyone of you. And, I'm sorry again that I couldn't write letter to literally everyone that I've met. Please don't hold any hard-feelings against me, okay? Please?

* The letters below are not in chronological manner, nor do they have any specific arrangement in terms of priority because people, who appear in this post have brought significant impact in my life to a certain extant. Thanks.

Monday 30 December 2013

Singapore 3D2N: #3

Ahem.. Last day lur.. Instead of having a speed-breakfast, we enjoyed our breakfast until the time was up, a full 2-hour breakfast, since we weren't rushing anywhere. Then, we took a mini-tour around the building before we left.
A swimming pool on the rooftop.
Not bad, we could see Marina Bay Sands from our place.
Then, we checked-out at 11.30am or so, and went to The National Library to meet a friend of mine.
How convenient.
My friend and his wifey, ZY, who brought us around the Bugis Street, and treated us fruit juice. Hehe...
Thanks for meeting up with us :)
Then, we headed to The Changi Airport via the Green-line MRT and took about one hour to arrive from the Bugis Street. After refunded our EZ-Link at Terminal 2, we had to take the skytrain to Terminal 1 (where Air-Asia usually lands). So, we did some shopping at the Tax-free shops, checked-in luggage and had our dinner at 5pm, where I had a spicy chicken spaghetti for S$8.90. Then?
If you wanna take photos with planes behind you, just visit their washroom will do.
They have super nice "scenery" there. Wide and clear glass panels.
Elaine, with her Giant Trojan Horse.
Nice effects right? Hehe.. XD
A maximum of 10 minutes for each access.
Guess what? Our flight delayed again, for almost one hour! Grrrr.. And, there was an Ang Mo behind my seat, making me uncomfortable. I think they really have super long legs that I could feel his knees behind my seat, backbones pain!! Finally, we arrived and Elaine bought some tax-free mint chocolate! I want to buy also lar, next time. Hehe.. Anyway, Elaine's father picked us up and he is kind enough to send me back home. Thanks, uncle :)

That's all for the trip. Looking forward to having more trips with my jimui! Which means, it's time to start saving up money again!! Haha..

Sunday 29 December 2013

Singapore 3D2N: #2

We were supposed to wake up at 6.30am, get ready for breakfast and leave for Universal Studio by 8am.
Our breakfast.
Luckily we managed to be there by 9am (before the ticketing counter opened) and.. Here comes the story. When we were taking photos at the "globe", a man (a bit bald with a tummy) approached us and asked if we wanted to buy ticket from him for S$70, instead of normal price S$74. I nearly believed him but Elaine was skeptical about it. We then asked the officer for clarification and ended up, we were told that, it's prohibited for outsiders to sell tickets like that. Then, he was "chased" out of the place. Ahem ahem.. It seems like we had reported a crime eh? Or, was it "potential crime"? Hmm..
The "globe", photo taken by the uncle. LOL
The first thing we did after getting in, was to head over to the locker room. S$10 for a day. You may choose either 4 hours, or 8 hours and so on. We should have just paid for 4 hours because we finished early. Aiks..
Everything is computerized, easy and convenient. :)
I'm glad that our friend shared his experience with us and thus, with strategies laid out before us, we finished all the parks within two hours. Hehe.. The first part we rushed to, was the Transformer 3D. Super nice!! I would have another ride if time permitted, seriously! Then, we rushed to The Mummy Ride in Egypt theme park, super fast and we screamed like hell. Exciting!! You could literally feel your adrenaline rush!! Hehe.. The "boat ride' in The Jurassic Park was supposed to be awesome. But, I'm glad that our boat wasn't full, or else, all of us would have been soaked with water. Haha.. The Shrek 4D in the Far-far Away Castle was still okay, but if you are an excitement-seeker, this may not suit you. Oh, and the Madagascar boat ride is the same as well, we wasted 45 minutes queuing up for a 10 minutes ride. Ishh.. Anyway, glad that we managed to finish on time and started a second round tour with my camera along. Photo time!! :D
Super long queue for this bakery shop.
The entrance of the souvenir shop for Transformer Theme Park.
The StarBot Cafe, a futuristic-themed restaurant where we had our lunch.
S$ 13.90.
I was sad, wait, I AM still sad, because the Battlestar Galactica was, I mean IS under maintenance :(
I was soooo looking forward for the ride, you know? Sigh...
I think they are two-to-three stories tall?
The ride in this park wasn't as "syok" as expected though...
The castle.. Super enormous wey~~~
Why did they hang a corpse on the tree ya? Hmm...
What I bought from Universal Studio:
A wallet for my little brother; a "December" birthmonth key chain;
and a Teddy key chain for my cousin sister (belated birthday gift).
At 3.30pm or so, we left Universal Studio and, they stamped our arm with "invisible ink", and said, "it's UV".. Should have tried to enter again after we came out, to try the UV stamp and see how it works, aiks.. Then, we went to SEA Aquarium, it's just a few steps away from Universal Studio, the world's largest aquarium accredited by GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™, with our planet’s largest window to the ocean!! More info on: Click here or Click here.
Normal price: S$38;
Show them your student ID to enjoy S$10 rebate.
Sorry for the dark photo.
But, the X'mas tree was literally IN the aquarium!! Ahem Ahem...
Do you know what this is?
It is a sea-house. How beautiful eh?
Okay, these crabs are HUGE, and there are around six of them.
They are bigger than two footballs combined!
OMG!! The oral arms and tentacles (lappets) are super long!!
I wonder if it's a he or she.. Soooo SEXY... 
Awww.. Are they couple?
I wonder how they look like when they kissed.. lol..
Then, around 7pm or so, we left the aquarium. Erm, the queue for the Sentosa Express was super duper long!! And erm, Singapore is indeed a very materialistic country. With a "double express" ticket, you don't need to queue for sooooo long (ya, we were stuck in the queue for around 45 minutes), just "cut-into-the-queue" will do. Wait, I think Sentosa is not the only place like this eh? That's why, being rich is important. And they say, "Any problem which can be solved with money, is not a problem in the first place." An inconvenient truth eh? *Food for thought*

Just in case some of you are wondering where we stayed:
The fee is reasonable, the room is pleasant, and the people are nice.
Since we lazy to eat outside (ya, our legs were still soar),
these breads became our dinner. S$1.50 each.
Actually, I heard from my friend that there is this dancing fountain in Sentosa, somewhere in front of/in the Universal Studio whereby, the fountain dances according to the music, a nice scenery to take photos as well. Since we left at about 7pm, we missed the night show which usually starts at 8pm. Aiks..

Anyway, one more post will be up soon. Stay tuned :)

Saturday 28 December 2013

Singapore 3D2N: #1

We were early at the airport and thus, had light breakfast before taking off.
Typical eh?
So, the flight was delayed for one hour and 15 minutes! I would say, if you are in a rush, Air Asia may not be a good choice for you. No offence. Ahem Ahem! 
Immigration, Terminal One, Changi Airport.
Anyway, after I changed the notes, we registered ourselves a shuttle bus to our place of stay for S$9. I forget the agency for this service but the bus driver was kinda grumpy. Then, I noticed that there are quite a lot of Hyundai cars around the airport area, but when it comes to the city area, people drive Japanese and German cars. When we arrived and paid the fee for second night, we got the key and, tada...
Top left: My bed on top;
Bottom left: Elaine's bed on top;
Right: The washroom.
After taken some rest, we visited Chinatown.
One of the streets.
China-themed buildings are everywhere. 
Ate Penang Fried Kuey Tiow all the way in Singapore? LOL
But it's expensive k? S$ 8.90. 
Decorations for CNY are already up for sale.
One last photo before we left.
What I bought from Chinatown:
6 for S$10. But some are selling at 4 for S$10.
Must really have patience to look for cheaper ones. Hehe..
3 for S$10.
Then, we visited Gardens by the Bay.

Photo taken once we were out of Bayfront MRT station.
Panorama view of Gardens by the Bay.
Breath-taking scenery eh? :D
There is a restaurant on top there:
S$10 for entry (just to take photos);
S$18 for set meal (if not mistaken).
When our stomachs started protesting, we went and had dinner, erm, I had a set of Bento for S$ 8.90 and a cup of Soya for S$ 2. The price seems normal, but when you converted it back? Ahem ahem... Then, we visited The Helix Bridge.
Night view.
We were exhausted like hell wey, after a whole day of walking. We wanted to join their Christmas Countdown event actually. But erm, ya, I chose the wrong exit and that's why we had an extra 20 minutes of walk. Our legs were so soar that we didn't even bother about our initial plan. After shower we slept at 12 or so, and had to wake up early the next day. Guess why?

Next post coming up, cheers~~ :)

Friday 27 December 2013

Last Minute

Okay, I don't know if you all believe this but I didn't have a passport until last week. And, this will be my first time travelling overseas. Hehe... So, waking up early in the morning, we arrived at 6.30am and started queuing up at 7am, for ONE hour until 8am!! So, as we were ones of the Top 10 applicants, we gotten our passports after 11am. Yay~~~
The queue was quite long, I think.
So, Monday, I brought my little brother for a movie, Walking with Dinosaur 3D. The story was quite nice in the sense that, it shows how a little dinosaur, who has been bullied by his elder brother, grows up and leads the herd. I was shocked by some of the scenes lar, it was a 3D movie after all :)

Then, I went and collected my camera which was ordered a week before. They were offering a RM200 rebate, but then it became a RM400 rebate promotion! How could I miss it, right?
Ya, I know, I'm a huge fan of Sony! Hehe..
Okay, the title is named "Last Minute" because I got my passport two days before my trip to Singapore, and I packed my stuff the night before! I was kinda excited because, this was my first time having a vacation without my family along! You know my dad is kinda strict right? I thought I couldn't fall asleep due to over-excitement but I ended up sleeping like a dead pig! LOL

I'll process all the photos taken in Singapore and will be posting up some of them soon. Hehe...
'Till next post, cheers...

Friday 20 December 2013

Bye, INTI!

I was supposed to fully-check-out after my interview on Wednesday. But, when I was told it has been rescheduled to Tuesday at INTI Subang, I had no choice but to give up this opportunity. So, I had to deliberately make up a journey all the way down to Nilai, "pack" my things (ya, still have few things left) and check out. It was when the moment I cleared up the place, my emotions, both happy and sad, got mixed up. Happy in the sense that, after spending four years in the "jungle", it's time to have some "non-jungle" life; sad in the sense that, after spending four years there and I have to leave my "second-home"? It's definitely not an easy task, at least for me.
My room, my "second-home".
All these, have accompanied me for four years!
Can you imagine that??
The pantry and the bathroom.
Ah, I'll never forget these places...
A lovely gift from my roomie..
Ahem.. I miss her already..
I kinda felt reluctant to leave this place...
Let's reminisce back the old times. I was still a kid back in foundation. Ya, I just left high school and I brought my "kanak-kanak riang" (kinda means, happy go lucky) personalities into the supposed-to-be-more-mature stage. And then, people always teased me for being blur-blur (ya, as if I was an alien who doesn't understand human language.. may be because I was too childish, or too innocent.. I'm not sure). Actually, I don't mind, as long as everyone is happy, then I'll be happy. ;) As time passed, my observations told me that, it's time to grow up (oh, especially during the so-called "r/ship" period). I started to think more like an adult, started to remind myself, it's time to be mature (especially when I was turning 21). I was so confused as to, which type of person I want to be, which type of life I wish to lead, and HOW to get there? I started to feel left-out, when I saw few of my friends have already planned their life ahead. And there I was, telling myself, "it's time to change".

Compared to the good old days, I would say, I smile and laugh less nowadays. Not that I'm not happy, just that, I need to manage the intensity of it. I am more serious when it comes to discussing about life or career, rather than having a it's-too-early-to-plan kind of attitude back then. Some how or rather, I know there is a need to behave professionally for, it's time to join the workforce. I may still have the "little-child" in me, but she will only come out comfortably in front of certain people, say, my jimui. Hehe... Oh ya, one more thing has changed. I used to be so afraid to present in front of people, but no more. I remember how my voice trembled during my Marketing Planning presentation whereby, more than hundreds of students were there looking at you! Ahem... Well... Though some of our classes might not be as huge as that, I managed to improve my skills from, not holding any cue-cards, to walking in front of the audience, with loud and confident voice. Though it may not sound like an achievement worth mentioning, at least to me, I'm happy that I'm far better than my peers. :D (However, I don't know why when it comes to presenting for my interviews, my skills are not as good.. Hmmph..)

Erm.. I'm not sure what else has changed, but I'm sure that, I'm now a different person thanks to all the events that happened in the past four years in INTI. I'm glad that I took up the courage to join Indians and "bananas" to train up my English, instead of joining my own kind, the "Cina-kuih". Four years has indeed made an impact on my life, and I'll never forget INTI, as a platform for me to improve. I know my English is not the best in INTI, but I'm kinda proud of myself when some of my friends envy me for, I speak fluently in both English and Chinese (Ya, a lot of people mistaken me as a banana at times.. LOL). 

Okay, I'm writing a letter to some of my closest of friends and, will be posting up one day before the New year. So, if any of you are curious, stay tune! :p

'Till next post, cheers :D