Friday 1 November 2013

Busy, Sick

Last week was still okay, I could still cope up though everything seemed to be done last minute. When I couldn't get internet in my hostel, I went to Mc'D and guess what? I was there for almost 10 hours and left early in the morning at 6am. I was literally awake the whole night. Wait, I took a "nap" for, like half an hour? And to be honest, staying up the whole night is not something funny or enjoyable. It sucks! :(

This week however, everything was literally at it's FULL swing! I had an assignment which I needed to start from scratch to be submitted in 3 days and one more assignment which I needed to compile within one day. It was kind of suffocating actually. Not to mention, I had a test today which? I studied only an hour in prior. And, I had a feeling that I would not be able to score well for it. :(

The thing is, I have no idea how the hell did I get sick. This feeling is just the same as last time, when I skipped few of my meals and ate a lot (2 bowls of rice) to compensate the meals that I skipped. Yesterday, I just had a cup of Milo in the morning and skipped lunch, I didn't even buy anything to crunch on during tea time. My stomach was literally empty until the extend that, you could hear the stomach juice growling. And then at night, my friend forced my to eat vegetables. Ya, I'm not much of a vege-fan. To be frank, the amount of vege I ate yesterday was the most I've eaten in the whole month! (I'm not exaggerating k?)

Maybe because of this, and the fact that I've been lacking of sleep since last week, my body immune system crashed? Today, I was having diarrhea for the whole day. And guess what? Seven times of diarrhea is my highest record ever! = = My head dizzying, my body aching, hard to walk and hard to think. Like I've said, the test this morning? I don't think I could score :(

Despite of the fact that assignments are done last minute,
my interviews are piling up as well. Hmm...
I was supposed to go home today right after class for my one-week mid-sem break. But I chose to stay back and get enough rest. Driving back at night, not to mention with unfunctioned mind, could be dangerous. Hopefully everything that I've written down to be done over the break will be done accordingly without procrastination? Hmm...

"Till next post, cheers...


  1. Aiyo why so pia? Health is more important la. Besides when u fall sick, u lose even more, right? Take care leh!

    1. thanks, dear.. <3
      but hey, am i d only one pia?? u were still awake at 4am last nite k?
      "Hope u want sleep cannot sleep, want die cannot die!"?? walao.. cruel sial~~

  2. Pity that vege, eaten by u still get blame..haiz...sad case..

    1. so, vege is more pitiful than me who had diarrhea for nearly 20times lar??

    2. Nope...I never say tat, just you diarrhea is not because of vege lor.
