Saturday 9 November 2013


Ahem, this will be a short post, "commemorates" how dry my week was. Actually, I thought my mid-term break would be "happening", not in the sense of engaging in vacations or outings with friends, but at least, there would be some "interesting" events/activities for me to indulge myself into. Well, there was, and you know what that is? For the entire week, I had been the OFFICIAL driver of the family! "Eh, send me there.", "Eh, go buy some groceries, they are running out.", "Oii, what time you free ar? Send me to temple." etc etc. Argh~~~

Well, I remember saying that I have assignment to be accomplished, right? And guess what? I erm, I tried to search for the Korean drama that my friend recommended me and dot dot dot. I think you know what happened next. Though it was just 10 episodes so far, but ya, most of my mid-term break has been well spent in dramas. Of course, not just Korean drama alone lar, it includes Hong Kong drama, as well as two American Drama, namely The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. Hmm.. So.. I'm still far from completing my assignment. Or should I put it in this way, I underestimated the assignment in the first place? *regret*

However, aside from academics, my job-hunting mission is on its way. I was called upon for an interview for a customer service position which I didn't apply in the first place. I guess they might have found my resume in the pool and decided to call me up. So, I politely rejected the invitation because my interest lies nowhere near customer service. Then, Thursday, I went for a second interview and, hmm, based on the response from the department manager, I feel quite likely that I would get an offer. BUT, the HR asked if I applied other jobs as well, and I answered YES. Hmm.. I'm not sure what would that indicate but, at least I should be honest, right?

Then after I had my lunch, I went up to KL to collect my appointment letter. Yup, I already got a job offer yet I'm hunting for jobs. Hilarious right? Well, I'm thinking, there's still like what, one and a half months to January? I still have time to spare for interviews right? I mean, I'm not a person who is complacent for what I've got and thus, I always seek for better prospects (Gosh, I'm so greedy!). Speaking of which, I'll have a presentation on next Monday as part of the selection process for another company. And to be frank, the question for the presentation is so damn challenging! I'm expected to design a new product/package to promote the company in achieving one of their objectives (which I don't find it appropriate to reveal it here and I'm sorry). Ah, I hope one week is enough for me to brainstorm something remarkable to make me standout! *fingers crossed*

Oh, on a separate note, ever since I had diarrhea for three days since last Friday, I thought I was healed until one day after that and the diarrhea resumed. Though it lasted only one day, I really think that there's something wrong with my body. C'mon, the highest record I've ever hit was 18 times in three days and it was "excruciating"! Anyway, thank God I'm feeling much better now for, nah, I don't know why. I think I should really start eating regularly from now instead of skipping lunch as how I used to since months ago. 

Argh.. This assignment which I'm rushing now, has a presentation on this coming Monday. Gosh! How lar? Procrastination has reached to God's level! Well, look at the bright side. May be my quality of work appears as it's best when it's done last minute? :p

'Till next post, cheers...


  1. ur diarrhea...might be IBS...go google abt it :P

    1. Irritable bowel syndrome? what's the difference with functional gastrointestinal disorder?
      so many pro words until i oso pening~~
