Saturday 16 November 2013

An Occupied Saturday

Ahem, as usual, my role today was? DRIVER! Early in the morning, sent my grandma to the market and "tapao" some breakfast. Then at 10am, sent my little brother for his dental checkup. After lunch, had a short nap and woke up at 1.30pm. And, hohoho... I went to support my cousin sister's exhibition with my friends. :D

So, we were brought to the reception counter and given a "souvenir":
The title/theme of the exhibition.
I thought we needed this to solve some "cases" actually.. LOL...
Then, we were invited into an elevator and the "tour-guide" started to explain the exhibition flow. We started from the third floor and there's where my cousin sister's work was being displayed. To know more about her, please click here. :)

Some of the projects which caught my eyes:
Project: Alienware Exhibition; Concept: Paradigm Shift
"To allow visitors that enter the space to feel as though
they are in an alien spacecraft."
Project: Life Story of Coco Chanel; Concept: Celebration of Joy Spite Up and Down
"It is driven from a meaningful life experience that has
surrounded the brand since its very beginning." 
Project: Lamborghini Construct; Concept: Frozen Motion
"The Lambo Construct attempts to capture frozen motion
of racing Lamborghini vehicle and corresponds to the purse of speed."
Project: Manuka Honey Exhibition; Concept: Apis Mellifera's Drift
"The flying movement of a honey bee transporting the pollen to destinations
also plays a role as it represents bee language by forming a 'dance'."
The alien's concept is, somehow fascinating because, to me, it is kind of a new thing. I never knew people could get inspired by the alien's saliva and applied it into his design (though it might sound disgusting... but hey, the designs are not bad right?). The second one is Chanel. Ever since I came across with the history of Chanel in the YouTube channel, I'm inspired of how determined Coco Chanel was, despite of the adverse environment at that time, to revolutionize the entire Europe fashion industry, how she got the idea of "borrowing" the design of military suit into women's sweater and so on. Terrific! The third one is, well, my all-time-favourite car manufacturer, Lamborghini. How could I miss this? I've always wanted to have one before I die wey! Haha... Lastly, the Manuka Honey. Erm, it's just so happened that, one of my assignments was about exporting Manuka Honey from New Zealand to UK, I kinda felt the need to somehow capture it. It's like, hmm, who knows, maybe our "company" may want to acquire this concept? LOL (btw, I'm sorry for the poor-quality photos)

Then, we went to Sunway Pyramid for shopping. And, ahem, it was my first time walking such a long journey in the rain! My entire back was literally all wet-up! Though my friend, CT brought an umbrella, it wasn't enough despite of the fact that, both of us are of fun-size. Hopefully I won't get sick, again! (Ya, I know. I've come to realize that my body is not as strong as I thought. Sigh!)

We bought ourselves some doughnut for teatime and started window-shopping. Well, not really "window" though. We did go in and make some "circles" lar. LOL... I think, CT is quite happy today because she got to buy what she has been planning to buy. I mean, she always wanted to buy something but was always indecisive, or should I say, she is afraid to spend too much. Today, she actually bought a short pants and a dress! Oh, not to mention, OVERSPENT!! Such a record worth remembering! Haha... Me, on the other hand, bought two long-sleeve formals for my upcoming interview, and an extraordinarily thick sweater. It's not ordinary cotton material, its some synthetic wool or something, I guess. Anyway, I'll definitely need it for my finals because I have a paper in our INTI's well known freezer - The MPH! I can still remember vividly when I wore three jackets for a 2-hour exam. I am serious!!

Hmm.. It was my first time to actually buy what I needed to buy rather than spending unnecessarily on something which are, well, wanted. You know there is a difference between needs and wants, right? Ah, I'm so proud of myself. Wait, not to mention, usually we went shopping from morning 'till evening, today? We were there for like, what? 2-3 hours? Ahem ahem~~~ XD
Do you agree? LOL
Okay, it's indeed a day well spent! I hate to say this but, hmm... It's time to settle down and get ready for my finals. I'm soooooo nervous wey~~~ T.T

Signing off, wish me luck! :)


  1. 3 jackets? so exaggerating! cant u all just ask to turn off the air cond?

    Good luck for ur finals!

    1. nope, bcz the aircond is centralized.. and re-switching it on takes time to heat up the generator.. but now they are more considerate.. they would switch it off like, half an hour before the paper ends.. not that it makes any significant difference though..
      anyway, thanks for your kind wishes! :)
