Saturday 29 June 2013

CC1: The Ice Breaker

Thursday, two days ago, I had the chance to give my first speech in the very first toastmaster meeting. Ya, it's called Toastmaster. I know, I know what you guys are thinking. You might have one, if not a few, of the following reactions when you first heard of it:
  • Wait, what? Toastmaster? Do you go there to learn bread-toasting skills?
  • Oh, I know, toastmaster right? It must be some kind of food bazaar! It sounds fun!
  • Hey, my sister likes to cook too. Can I invite her to join the toastmaster meeting?
  • Do I need to bring any equipment or extension plugs? Or we get to share the utensils?
Trust me, I've got a lot of similar responses the moment I mentioned TOASTMASTER to my friends. Because of the work "toast", everyone interprets it in their very own way. As for me, I came across this word from a friend of mine on one of his FB status. BUT, I've never thought of anything related to food or cooking in the first place. Weird eh? (Perhaps I never have any interest in cooking? Or, I wasn't hungry at the moment? lol) Before my curiosity consumed me, I google-ed for it. 
" Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people of all backgrounds
become more confidnet in front of an audience. "
Brief Intro: "Toastmasters International, founded by Ralph C. Smedley, is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting locations. Headquartered in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, the organization has more than 280, 000 memberships in 13, 500 clubs in 116 countries." (Toastmasters International, 2013) In INTI-IU, this club is formed under the Mass-Com-Club (MCC) by Ms Jasmine Chin, and I, am one of the charter members of this newly-formed club. *proud* XD

Tuesday, I was curious about the meeting and so happened that, I met one of the VPs in cafeteria, let's call her G. I went up to her and asked, "Is there any way possible for me to give my first speech in the meeting?" She referred me to J the President of the club, and J said, three person had booked for the project topic for the upcoming meeting, so I have wait 'till next week. Though I was kind of disappointed, I was actually excited and looking forward to give my first speech. Hehe.

Wednesday, when I was doing my notes for my International Trade Law, I received a call from our Vice President of Education, HK and I was shocked. He said, "I will arrange you for the project topic tomorrow, are you okay with that?" That instant moment, I had a mixture of feelings. I mean, of course I was excited for being given this opportunity to speak in front of the toastmasters during the first formal meeting. On the other hand, it was the uneasy nervousness which spurted in me. According to HK, J asked him to do so seeing that I seemed very eager to give my first speech. OMG! I totally couldn't remember how was my tone of voice when I talked to J the other day. Did I give that impression? Hmm... Anyway, I accepted the offer confidently with honour. :D

As soon as I hung up the phone, I was already not in any proper condition to continue doing my notes. My mind was fully occupied with my first project topic. I knew it should be something about one's self'-introduction. Thus, I tugged a piece of full-scape paper out from my file and started drawing out a mind-map on the areas which I wished to talked about. Basically, something about me, eg where do I come from, which high school did I come from, what course I'm studying right now and so on, some basic information or funny stories about my family, my interest, eg my hobby and some of my favourite sports, and finally my ambitions.

I have class from 8-10am every Thursday for this semester. Directly after class, I went to library for three missions: first, continue my half-way-through notes; second, finish the revision papers on some calculations for my International Trade Finance class on Friday; third, add on points for my mind-map in order to meet the requirements stated in the user-manual, not to mention, I need time and some private space to practice my speech, in terms of tone of voice, gestures, body movements and so on. Thus, I really did not have any time to be wasted on anything other matters. In fact, time has never been enough, to most of us, if not everyone. 

"Time flies" has never been a more appropriate term to describe my situation that day. In a blink of an eye, it was already 5pm and I was thinking: "Hmm, I shall get myself something light to fill my stomach seeing that, the meeting will be held at 6.30pm (my usual dinner time) but I'm not particularly sure what time would it end." With that, I went to cafeteria to get myself a waffle. On my way back and forth, I was practicing my speech and even "hid" in the vicinity after I finished the waffle where no one would see me. Why? Ya, with the reflection of myself on the glass panel of the lecturer's office (it's located at somewhere isolated.. ha), it was the only choice I had because there was no mirror to be found in the campus (unless you are referring to the washroom though.. but still, it's not private enough.. lol).

With a heavy heart, I left the library at 6.40pm (ya, I know, I was damn late) and headed to the media center where the meeting was to be held. Though I wasn't the last one to be there, it was kinda embarrassing to be the last project speaker who arrived. Anyway, the theme of the day was "peace", and the word of the day was "vanquish", due to the free gift we received from the neighboring country. Suddenly, the secretary of the club, M appeared from nowhere and told me that, I should give a title for my speech. I was like, "What?!" I thought it was all about introduction of oneself. After some mind-crunching moments, I named it: "My First Time". (ya, I know, my first blog has the similar title too.. haha) I'm such a person with no creativity at all eh?
Ya, I was the last project speaker of the day,
with J as my evaluator =)
Actually, what I prepared for the speech, hardly had anything to do with any of my first times. In order to suit my speech to my title, I had to make some amendments to it, ON THE SPOT. So, to be frank, though I know it was a wicked thing to do, I wasn't paying FULL attention when some of the table topic speakers were giving their speeches because I was busying cluttering some relevant points into my prepared speech. Trust me, it was unintentionally done and I'm very much a regretful person now.

There, the most significant moment arrived when The Toastmaster of the Evening (TTE), N introduced me to the stage with a warm hand shake. I don't really know HOW to describe my speech in details, but I do know how to summarize my entire experience. First of all, I was nervous like hell, erm, not to the extend of at sixes and sevens okay? I did notice that, however, my voice was a bit shaky at times, especially when I met a bottle-neck in my speech and didn't really know what to say next. In order to salvage the bizarre moment, something amusing crossed my mind. You know what? I talked about my father and it really calmed me down. Besides, I felt more like myself which allowed me to freely express what I wanted to share with my fellow friends. =)

After my speech, there was a 15 minutes break and followed up by the evaluation session. This is where the evaluators give their comments on the speech and suggestions to improve. Ah-counter (the person who counts the speech crutches) , timer (the person who keeps time: table topic speakers and project speakers will be given 2-4 minutes and 4-6 minutes respectively to present their speech) and grammarian (the person who corrects grammar for every speaker) will then present their reports. The general evaluator (GE) will take over the floor to make a general comments for everyone supplemented with encouragements and motivations.

As for me, I had 23 speech crutches throughout the 5.41 minutes of my speech and made some careless grammar mistakes. Hmm.. I should practice more then! (I know my grammar sucks.) However, SK, the GE of the meeting told me that, my gestures and body languages were beyond expectation for first-time speaker and he asked me, if I had given any speech before. Well, though they weren't really speeches, as a business student, it's inevitable for us to have presentations right? In fact, students from other disciplines are required to have at least one presentation in every semester, I reckon. I have spoken in front an audience of approximately 100 people in the lecturer hall for my Marketing presentation back then. Though I didn't perform up to my own expectation, at least it was my first time having the guts to speak in front of such a big crowd. Hehe.

I'm glad that I took the initiative to join Toastmasters Club in the first place and it's indeed my honour to be one of the charter members of the club. I wish to express my gratitude to those who introduced and exposed me of the club as well as those who brought me in to the club. It is a platform for all of us to improve our communicative skills with FREE constructive comments from the evaluators. As what our club advisor, Mr T said, "Everyone communicates, but not everyone connects." It's indeed something which we should ponder upon. I'll keep on improving myself and never give up easily with a spirit of "Embracing the challenges for a brighter tomorrow". =)

Last but not least, please remember, "Life is a journey, not a destination". We shall never stop learning!

'Till next post, cheers. =)

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