Sunday 7 July 2013


Have you heard of a movie titled Despicable Me? Have you watched Despicable Me 2? Oh my, if you haven't, you should probably get yourself a ticket! Everyone seems to be so crazy over the cute little minions that Mr Gru has. They are adorable and lovely! And the best thing? You can now get it with every purchase of Happy Meal from McDonald's!
Do you wish to collect them all? Hehe
With that, my friends and I went to McD yesterday around 10am or so, queued up for approximately half-an-hour to purchase it. As I wanted all three of them, I purchased three sets of Happy Meal alone. Crazy eh? Well, seeing that I have two little brothers, one minion for each of us sounds like a wise plan to avoid a fight-over among the siblings. You know, we are actually quite childish at times, brutal physical battles are nothing new. Oops...
You see, four of us got ourselves seven minions. Haha
Ya, I know, some of you might not be able to understand the reasons behind our craziness. You may say, "hey, they are just some marketing gimmicks okay? By producing them in bulks, in China, cost of production per units hardly exceeds 10₵, yet you are getting them at RM3 each?" FYI, before this, customers were allowed to purchase them without the need to purchase the Happy Meal. However, they noticed the loopholes and thus, when we went there yesterday, only with Happy Meal can you get the minions. Well, having no need to pay for over-priced minions, I certainly have no problems at all to get them for my brothers. :)
Yaya, I've got them. Don't get jealous ya! XD
After having our own sweet time at McD, we followed our plan and headed down to Seremban Jusco to watch Despicable Me 2. Actually we'd prefer to watch it right away and be able to come back as early as possible because some of my friends still have their assignments to rush for. However, we only managed to get tickets for 3.45pm show. Thus, for the time being, my friend, FY and I wandered around the mall for some window shopping. Erm, it wasn't quite a "window" shopping for my friend though, she has gotten herself some singlets and dresses actually. An hour before the show, we went to Row-Six (南洋轩) for lunch. 
My Tomyam Seafood Fried Rice :)
If you were to ask me to describe the movie in details, the story line, the funny sides of the minions and all, I'm sorry to say this but I won't do it for your sake. I mean, if you'd ask me would I recommend this movie to my friends, I would say yes. To me, I'll give a movie quite a low rating when I find myself flipping my mobile over and checking on the time, reluctantly keeping my ass attached to the seat until the movie ends and keep adjusting my sitting posture. I mean, not that the seat ain't comfortable, it's just some psychological effects, I guess. In Despecable Me 2, however, I found no sign of irritation throughout the length of time. In fact, they made my day! :)

The hours spent in the theater were full of joy brought by the minions, especially their un-understandable language (I mean, to us), how creative they are and how they make their work full of fun. One thing we may learn from the minions is that, humans are not bound with a dull life. We are always free to look for entertainment even in our work itself, look at Google! Generally speaking, there is a huge contrast between the Eastern and Western culture. Here, we tend to work our asses off to earn big money, avoid unnecessary expenses, save up for the next generation and all. That's why, we hardly have the chance to relax and enjoy our lives. Westerners, however, earn what they deserve and spend them for what they deserve too, travel around and get exposed! Not that we could bring all the wealth along with us when we pass away, am I right? I'm glad that some young generations from the East have started to change their mindset once imposed by their families. 

We headed back right after the movie. Well, I was actually hoping for more, you know, 1hr 45mins (rounded-off) just ain't enough! However, I would like to give a piece of an advice here. Please watch it without any expectation just because everyone else is saying how awesome the movie is. When your expectation has been raised due to comments or reviews from others, it would yield a lethal outcome and you would probably say this after you watched it, "Nah, not as awesome as it sounds to be. Everyone is just exaggerating about it." That's the reason why, I refuse to be a movie spoiler here. Hehe.

Well, just some videos here to share, some songs the minions sing. CUTE and FUNNY!! Argh... How I wish to have these minions too!! :D
Wait, under-wear?? LOL

They look adorable on their costumes, don't they??

Hope you enjoy. 'Till next post, cheers :D


  1. hmmmmm I just dont understand why ppl are crazy abt minions...I just dont un why ppl adore them... They are cute but not THAT cute rite? lol anyway congratz on getting ur hands on the minions!bcz i heard its selling fast some place even sold out!

    And I heard monster uni is better than D2...I watched the first movie of both...but found both of them so-so lah..but monster inc 1 is like 7 years ago! anyway i'll wait until its downloadable hahaha

    1. well, actually i adore kungfu panda more.. bt i heard hv 2 wait 'till 2016.. d minions frm mcd r indeed nt THAT cute, bt in d movie they are.. hehe.. thx.. minions in mcd here sold out in 2hrs! n v hv 2 mcd here ok? lol.. erm, i nvr watch monster inc b4 though.. i'l dl it oso lar.. XD
