Saturday 13 July 2013

Guys Whom I Crossed Path With

This post is extremely long. Are you ready? LOL~~~

Actually, my final exams start next Friday, International Trade Law on the 19th, and International Trade Finance on the 23rd. I ought to seize each and every second left, studying, memorizing and practicing the questions from past semesters paper. I shouldn't be writing this post of mine when it makes no sense for me to jeopardize my goals. Ya, I'm aiming for first class honour for my degree. My goal for this semester is to score As for both subjects. For this, I took the liberty to quarantine myself in the library to do notes, mind-maps, self-readings and more. My performance was, so far, up to my expectation, got As for both tests. Not that I want to brag, but it's really something to motivate me to go further. However, one of my friends had got me into thinking of the word "timing", and I started "swaying" away in my memory pool.

(Note: This is a very personal post of mine written in a chronological manner. Perceive it in any way you please. You may even wanna make guesses, at your own risk, that's it. LOL..)

In retrospect, there was this guy named KQ. I can't really remember how did we come to know each other, but I do remember that, he was one of the laziest students in my class. Whenever the teacher ran a spot-check on our homework, he would sure "kena" the caning. (Note: basically, it means, he got caned.) He was a very funny guy though, active in sport, especially basketball, and he looked so charming when he managed to score for the team. This could be one of the reasons why his homework was most of the time, if not every time, not being done? He was very humorous and he knows magic. Was this the reason why I had a crush on him back then? Haha. Well, pardon my naive-ness, I once wrote him a letter to confess my feelings for him. Ever since, he started to avoid me. Things got more awkward when I started to buy him some small gifts randomly, eg, a small note book, in hopes that he would jot down the homework and make effort to complete it? OMG, what was I thinking? I remember giving him a bookmark when we had a trip together to Kuching, written at the back "I Love You". Ahem! I was so childish, wasn't I? Wait, it wasn't a trip of two-of-us, it was a graduation trip after our UPSR, okay? (Note: UPSR is a government examination when we finished our primary education.) Hmm, though we now share a steady friendship, neither of us mentions anything happened in the past. Are we shy, or we merely refuse to talk about it?

Next, this guy named CY, my assistant class representative back in high school. I was a very talkative person back then, had a group of friends who like to sing, and would always sing in the class whenever there was no teacher around, formed a mini group who collected lyrics of variety of songs, mainly Chinese and English songs. One fine day, I received a SMS from a stranger, who proclaimed himself as CY. Though I had no idea where did he get my number from, I confirmed it with him personally the next day, and ever since, we started chatting. Things started to get weird when I heard one of his friends, let's call him A who told me that he had feelings for me. A did so because he wanted the mobile number of a friend of mine, and I said, I would only trade with you if you could tell me a secret. There, I started to "observe" the way CY texted me, and imagine him telling them with his tone of voice. Though I was skeptical about the "secret" his friend told me, I myself made a move to avoid him. Things got worse, when one of the most popular girls in our school, from next class, came over and "validate" the scandals. OMG, I was so shy and felt as if my reputation has gone! I started to warn him in hopes that all the gossips would stop. I think my pressuring was too much that ever since, we never talked to each other until today. Well, except for the time when I accidentally bumped into him with his GF, we "hi-bye" and that's it. Hmm.. He is quite a nice guy though.

Okay, there were these guys, which I have to relate them together, let's call them guy B and guy C. Guy B was one of the smartest students in my class, we had been in the same class for four years. I was kinda admiring him because, he wasn't just smart in terms of academic, his general knowledge was so wide that it impressed me. I like to hear him talked about world history, economics, politics, technology and all. His expertise would be on language. He has always enlightened my with his vocabulary in Hokkien, Tiew Chew, Hakka (all of which would means nothing new to you if you understood these Chinese dialects.), Japanese and Korean. He has in-depth research on how Japanese was influenced by Hokkien when Hokkien was one of the busiest commercial ports back then. Besides, he can speak fluent Korean, well, at least "sound" fluent to me, when he come-clean that, he made it up. Which means, if he were to speak Korean over the phone to you, you wouldn't have suspected that, the person speaking is not a Korean in the first place. On the other hand, guy C had been in the same class with me for five years, basically throughout my high school life. He is not much of a person with confidence, probably because he has been living in the shadow of his elder brother who always outshines him? Erm, I don't really know what to talk about him, but I have a feelings that he likes me. If you noticed, it's LIKES, present tense, see? LOL. Or perhaps my level of narcissism is just too high? (Actually, there is a chance that he might be reading this post too... Oops... )

This guy named FY, was the guy I admired in tuition. The first time I saw him, I was drown by his physical look. Not that he looks like price charming, I just didn't know why I got attracted in the first place. Then, I heard my friend said, he is an all-pointer achiever in her school. He was the Head of Police Cadet, the Head Prefect, and not to mention, his results was one of the top in the school! He was also the champion for NST Spell-It-Right Competition. I think I was lucky enough to know him through my friend, YL, and know more about him. His science and mathematical subjects are among the best, particularly chemistry, physics and additional mathematics. He always studies before he attends any classes. When we were in Form 4, he had already started studying physics in Diploma level. I still remember that, there was once when I couldn't understand what the teacher was teaching in the class and I sought for his help. After the tuition, he stayed back to teach me, he even lent me his Diploma physics text book to make sure that I understood what he was trying to explain. It was already half passed 10pm, but he didn't mind staying back to draw me all the diagrams and patiently explained it step-by-step. Well, to be frank, I think one of the reasons why he had to repeat it over-and-over again was not merely because the theory was difficult to understand, it was partly because, I couldn't concentrate when he was explaining. I mean, I literally "starred" at him, amazed by how perfect a person could be, the way he talks, and fascinated by his eyes. My heart was literally racing when we were sitting face-to-face, hopefully I didn't blush, or even if I did, I hope it was not noticeable. Haha..

JC is the one whom I met during my orientation in my university. He was one of the scholarship holders awarded for his leadership skills. I didn't know much about it though. He is very good in socializing. When I was in my first semester, I was so excited and joined four clubs. He surprised me when he told me that he joined five! He asked if I would be interested to learn Latin dance, I was like, "Wait, how did you know I was interested?" I mean, I was already thinking about it way before our conversation, it's odd that he knew what I was thinking, isn't it? Then we joined dance club together and he was my dance partner for a few sessions. After we completed the course, we recorded a video of us dancing Latin. Awwww.. When I chose French as one of the compulsory foreign languages, he was the one who tutored me and taught me extra vocabulary to support the lecturer's teaching. He was a member of squash club too, and we had a few matches before. And I have to say, he plays better than me. Hehe.. Few months back, he was supposed to come and look for me, whereby, I promised to show him around Klang, bring him for Bak Kut Teh (Note: Klang's famous cuisine), and probably have an ice-skating session together. However, both of us was quite depressed when our results released, so yeah, the plan was called-off. He was the one who got me into thinking of the word "timing" too. He confessed his feelings for me a few days back, "What if I confessed my feelings to you back then?" On my way to class yesterday, I saw him holding hands with his GF. Ahem XD

This friend of mine, named CH, I know him from a seminar. We didn't really talk much but we added each other in FB, as well as exchanging h/p numbers. I still remember vividly how he used to scold me when I seemed like one who doesn't know how to cross the road. He grabbed my arm and asked, "Hey, are you blind?" Well, this might sound rude to you but he wasn't asking it in a harsh way, he was just concern of my safety. Then, we went on chatting via FB-pm and found that, we have a lot of things in common. He is a fan of Robert Kiyosaki too, and we talked about our interest in business, economics, finance and so on, we even talked about our families and our lives. He has a degree in Financial Engineering, I have no idea how does Finance relate to Engineering in any way possible though. Ha. We used to chat almost everyday, from morning 'till night, after logging off FB, we would send SMS instead. I still remember how he used to call me before he sleeps. When I was rushing assignments and had to stay up late night, he always said, "How I wish I could be there to bring your sweater. Nah, I'll send your virtual coffee to help you stay awake instead then." That was the first time I came across with "virtual" stuff, and we started to use this word more than necessary. When he had running nose, I would say, "Nah, here's the virtual tissue". We were so close back then, too close to be true. He is 3-4 years elder than me, and we went for a movie once. I have no idea what happened or what did I do wrong that, we are no longer as close as before. I really wish to know the reason(s) behind~~

Next, there is this guy called TL, my classmate since foundation. We were acquaintances in the beginning, I heard of him from a friend of mine, he was the tallest guy among all, it's impossible for you to hear nothing about him. Who knows, on my first day of class, I found out that, he enrolled for the same program as me. He was in his formal, on the first glance, he looked like an uncle. Seriously! He looks too mature for our age. At first, I saw him as an arrogant person, bragging his experience on making his first million. Ya, it sounds insane, isn't it? But as time passes, I found him a nice guy to be with, friendly and always ready to help. If I'm not mistaken, I think we had done a group assignment back in foundation. He is tall, so was his GF. (Note: Not that she is no longer tall, just that, I'm not sure if she is still with him.) Few months before the course ended, he confessed his feelings for me. Erm, I didn't want to ruin other's relationship though. Seeing that I've been hoping to have an elder brother since the age of 14, my dream comes true the day he sees me as his god-sister. We started to get closer and more attached to each other until the day everything seemed to go rogue. A lot of people perceived our attachment as an engagement in a relationship, even I myself was convinced, partially I guess, that I was in one. But the lacking of sense of security, not the mention, the guilt that had been haunting me, was among the reasons we are back to square-one. Seeing that he has a new GF now, I do my best to avoid any possible interaction with him. The last thing I want in my life, is a guy who multi-tasks between people, particularly women.

SR, I get to know him from a club, called House of Commerce (HOC). The very primary reason I joined this club was because, my attention was caught by the word "Cash Flow Game" written on the promotional soft board. The chairperson said, the cash flow game would be commenced at least twice a month, whereby the game board introduced by Robert Kiyosaki would be used. OMG, I joined the club without any hesitation. On a separate note, I found the chairperson quite handsome actually. But when I attended their first general meeting, I saw him holding hands with his GF, who was the secretary of the club. Hmm, okay, I think it makes sense. Fine, I was supposed to talk about SR. Ya, we participated a 3D2N leadership training camp before. I was still quite new to the event organized by the student government and he was one of the few whom I knew among all the participants. So basically, we spent most of the time together whenever we were not engaged in any group activities. He enjoyed himself so much teasing me when he found out that I actually had an extremely huge appetite, my portion was of that for two persons. Ya, no joke. He passed me his food whenever he couldn't finish it. I'm not exaggerating okay. But rest assured, my appetite is now of an ordinary person's. Erm, SR actually "hinted" a few times about his feelings. He always initiated some intimate topics which I had no idea how to react, thus acting as if I had no idea what he was talking about. My blur face was among the "techniques" I used to avoid such awkward situations. Haha.

Hmm, I'm not making this up okay, this guy's name is really Sky. Not in the sense that his identification card written "Sky", but everyone calls him Sky. He once made a joke when I playfully asked for his suggestion what kind of nickname should I have, he said, "You may choose, cloud, sun, moon, rainbow and... I think rainbow suits you most. You are always so cheerful." Hehe, such a kind compliment I got from him. I know him from HOC too, but our interactions on the later stage were not much of any HOC-related events. We joined Astronomy Club too. Though both of us know nothing much about astrology, we enjoyed discussing about horoscope, staring into the sky and talked about the stars. He actually has some self-studies on Ying-Yang, and he knows some basics of fortune telling too. He once tried to analyze my personality and said, I'm still like young kids, not fully grown up yet, the way I behave, the way I think and the way I talk. He said, I have this kind of aura which will easily influence people around me and bring them joy. That's why, part of the reasons why he likes to hangout with me is that, he feels relax and happy each time I'm around. Even when I felt emo, my positive energy will always brush them away and up for the new challenges. He likes this side of me. He is my senior who graduated two semesters before me. There was once when I told him that I would probably looking for job in DHL, either somewhere in Cyberjaya or LCCT. He was kinda excited, or a little bit over-excited, I would say, and responded, "Hey, good to hear that wey. We could work in the same company then. I was thinking of DHL too." Ahem.. Well, I still don't know where I want to go yet~~

MH was the VP of Activities of Squash Club, and seriously, his skills are among the top. I know him through an event called "Squasherton-120", I was recruited under the sponsorship division. This event was aimed to be recorded into The Malaysian Book of Record, whereby, we invited players from everywhere, mainly players from our network as well as those who have been participated numerous friendly matches organized by various institutions. I can't really recall what was his position in the event, but he was one of the reasons I joined Squash Club as Treasurer. Haha. He is a very outspoken person, humorous and good in socializing. From the way he approaches people, you can easily tell that he has been socializing for quite some time. I can even bet that his dad is a businessman, who usually deals with countless social events. I admire him for the way he makes new friends. He can always initiate a new conversation with any random topics. He has nice rows of teeth. Fine, I realized the way I describe it isn't as appropriate as it should be. There were a few times in which, I tried to make it to his training session. In Squash Club, senior players, mainly those state players will be coaching the new members basic skills and rules in squash. But, I've always seen studies as my first priority, that's why from what I managed to recall, I failed to attend any of his session. What a shame, right? Tell me 'bout it.

BH, okay, I don't know how to start. Well, I was asked to join the Chinese Cultural Society (CCS) by one of my friends. I think I met him in the gathering night. He was invited to perform Diabolo (Note: A type of chinese yoyo) for the audience. The moment he went on stage, I was stunned by his skills. The way he flung the Diabolo up to the sky and managed to re-catch it gracefully, how he made sophisticated knots on the Diabolo and untied them in no time only to fling the Diabolo again. I love to see him solo on the stage, performing the incredibly breathtaking acts which only he alone knows how. Well, then I joined the Diabolo practice because of him. Haha. Every Wednesday 8pm, he would be there to teach us. His "sifu" was once an INTI student as well, and both of them were from the same high school, how small the world is eh? Diabolo is not something which the students could learn on a spoon-feeding basis. Whenever I failed to perform some particular acts, he would always say, "Never imitate, you must feel if for yourself". I like the way he teaches us, I mean me. Hehe. He is a very patient person, though I used to ask him quite a lot of silly questions, I never really made him mad before. I think he had a crush before back in high school, it has been around eight years but he seemed hasn't let go just yet. He had a GF too in Uni, but it lasted for a mere few months. A few weeks back, he came to visit us after he submitted his internship report. We had lunch together and I really enjoyed the time with him. He is a bio-chem/bio-mech (I'm not too sure though) engineering student, I gained so much knowledge on microbes the other day. I really adore knowledgeable person. And I owe him a meal too. Hehe :D

RL, a person whom I met during an event, Chinese Cultural Night (CCN). When it was towards the end of my foundation, a friend of mine asked me to join the event as an organizing committee, I was one of the Exhibition Crews and he was the Head of Program Master. It was my first time joining an event of such scale, which targets a minimum of 800 audiences. We have never talked before until the day I was on duty looking after the exhibition booth. We were selling some herbal eggs, Chrysanthemum tea, Siew Pau and all, thus staffs were needed to generate sales too. One fine day, he stopped by and started ranting about how dissatisfied he felt towards the Organizing Chairperson, the unfair treatment and all, I was just listening without giving any feed-backs or comments. When I heard he tendered a CCN event proposal for the following year, I was surprised that he looked for me to lend him a hand. He wanted me to be his VP, but I could only promise him a secretarial post because I never wanted to flunk my exams. As a secretary, I had to follow him around, be it site-seeing, attending meetings with the committees, some discussions regarding the formal documents to be submitted and so on. We were quite close back then, and I still owe him two Starbucks and he owes me a set of McD. When I was working on my own event, Leopoly, I sought for his help to be my Vice Organizing Chairperson, and he agreed. There, another event for us to work on, and we certainly had great times together, especially heading out to look for sponsors. Though I rejected his confession, we are still friends now, after all, we still owe each other F&B. lol

JP, he was the Head of Hall Master for my Leopoly event. RL was the one recruited him on behalf of me for his talent which would be of help for my event. He was actually one of the Hall Masters under CCN organized by RL, but he got promoted as the Head for my event. Ha. Indeed, he helped me a lot with the construction of the properties, consists of houses, shop-lots as well as sky-scrappers. I couldn't imagine what would the event be like if he wasn't there to help me out. As  a leader in a whole, I had to stay back with my Hall Masters when they were working out on the buildings, so had he. When everyone else had gone back after they done their job, it left me and him alone in the store room. While cutting, pasting, coloring, designing all the buildings, we would chat and joke at the same time. Some times, he even brought his net-book and played some songs, which I would say, the atmosphere was fantastic. It's nice to know that we both love the same genre of music, we both love and we both love GOTCHA calls. When I shared with him some of the Gotcha calls I downloaded from the website, both of us burst out laughing. He recommended a few old movies starring Stephen Chow, and we spent time in the store room watching the movie from YouTube. It was such a memorable moment. We even spent the whole night together in the store room straight until the next morning. Ahem, nothing happened, okay? I think he is one or two years elder than me, that's why he treated me as some sort of sister? I remember how he brushed my hair when I was sleeping in the storeroom. Oops...

DC, my classmate for International Trade Finance. I'm not sure from where I know him, but I'm sure that I know him from an event. We added each other in FB but never really chat, when we bumped into each other, the most was hi-bye. Until previous semester, we had a small chat when he asked which subject I would be taking and which subjects left. For this semester, I'm actually taking subjects based on my own choice, for the first time, I'm not taking any subjects following any friends. I've got myself ready to be alone in the class, knowing that, no one to talk to will grant your brain full capacity to pay attention when the lecturer is teaching. Who knows, he is also taking this subject in this semester and we started talking and seemed more like "friend". We have always been sitting together in the second row, and we are also in the same team for group assignment. He gives me the impression that, he is stalking my FB. He confronted me a few times before, asking me what happened between me and my friends, why didn't I take the same subjects as them. I was like, "My dad pays for my study, I am the one deciding what subject I want to take. Why should I follow friends?" Doesn't it make sense? Besides, I think it's time to start being independent now, like what I've said before, no one would walk alongside you until the end except yourself. He asked me out a few times, he told me that he had a journals about me, as in, what he found out about me, what he knows about me and what is he curious about me. He wanted to go for a movie with me, which was totally fine by me, because I wanted to watch it too. But erm, to avoid awkward moment, I invited few of my friends to join along as well. He asked my opinion on whether or not he should go for his arm operation. I didn't say much though.

I think that's 'bout it, these are some of the guys whom I crossed path with. I mean, of course there are more, but these few are the ones whom I think I have something to write about, at the very least, that I have several pieces of memories about them. I'm kinda surprised when a person whose memories are too poor to memorize the easiest of formulas, could manage to recall the slightest of details. Though the tiniest bit of each events were not being mentioned, which I believe was due to the limitation of my brain's capacity, the overall picture will always be there, imprinted. For 21 years on earth, I suddenly find it a need to have a flashback on them, whom once appeared in my life, some of which are still in-touch, and some of which aren't. Nevertheless, people whom I met have made me who I am today. For that, I'm very grateful.

I believe in timing. Do you?

I wonder when would I have the free time to write such a long post again, not to mention, an everything-under-the-sun post. Hmm, anyway, I think I probably won't update my blog in anytime soon until I've done with my finals. OMG, I must really put more effort to get what I really want. Okay, no more slacking, back to work. Wait, I'll be meeting up a friend of mine who is going to fly off soon, so yeah, the entire Sunday will be gone. Work resumes on Monday, perhaps? Haha...

'Till next post, cheers :)


  1. Brushing your hair while ur sleeping? I guess that means you werent sleeping then? *evil smile*

    1. erm, i think i was falling asleep, or i was in d process to fall asleep, or i was half way asleep, or i was half awake, or i was too shy and pretended as if i fell asleep to avoid the awkward moment? lol.. im nt too sure myself either XD
