Sunday 23 June 2013

A Wonderful Day

First of all, this post consists of two parts:
Part I: Hanging out with high school besties
Part II: INTI Homecoming Buffet Dinner

Part I: Hanging out with high school besties

As what we've planned, all of us met up at CT's house. However, one of the plans was altered. CT should be the one driving us to Setia City Mall. Suddenly, I was told to be the last-minute driver as her car had been sent for service by her dad. Ahem. Well, fine then. As long as they are willing to "entrust" their life on my driving skills, I'll "honour" this task! Ishh...

We had some conversations on the way heading to our destination. Basically, some typical topics such as studies and semester break, recent endeavours, oh ya, and the hair topic. Ya, its HAIR. ML dyed her hair and had it curled, CT curled her hair too, remaining just LY and me with "ordinary" but NATURAL hair (which we are kinda proud of, left aside how envious we are for their guts to make such changes).

We arrived at around 11am with the help of our honourable navigator, TCT, which you will never get it elsewhere. We wandered around the mall, (well, basically what you do during window shopping, isn't it?) slow and steady, as if we had all the time in the world (actually we had to leave by 4pm because I had to attend a dinner at night). I kinda feel bad because we were there for one and only one major motive, blazer hunting. They were accompanying me into each and every store which I think I could get a blazer with reasonable price. However, I wasn't that bad too. We shopped for shoes, handbags, accessories, groceries, smartphone covers, cosmetics etc. Then, the hunger irritated us.

We went to Pat Kin Pat Sun (PKPS) for lunch. And there, was when the "sampat" moment started. (note: it means, started to chat, gossip, get busy-bodied etc about certain topics, mainly "personal matter") It was "conducted" in an unusual manner. I started the topic by asking ML, then CT took over and asked LY about hers. I kinda had a feeling that ML would be the one "interviewing" me that instant moment. BUT, I was wrong. My part was brief and steady. *Muahahahaha* Anyway, since a picture tells a thousand words, here are some of our food that we ordered.
Top Left: some chicken chop
Top Right: some beef chop with black pepper sauce
Bottom Left: mushroom spaghetti with tomato sauce
Bottom Right: Fish and Chip
We went to a pet shop right after our lunch. There, CT enlightened us with her knowledge on pets, especially her adorable puppy (breed: Shih Tzu) and hamsters (breed: Syrian). They are selling different breeds of doggies, kittens, fishes, hamsters and guinea pigs. I vowed to myself that, I'll get myself a Miniature Poodle one day, especially when I have to stay far away from home in neighbouring country in order to earn a living. Sometimes, it's good to have a pet to accompany you rather than human (in a way, frankly speaking), for, they are loyal and will never betray or back-stab you! Besides, according to CT, Minature Poodle is one of the smartest dogs, easier to be trained up! Hehe...

At the end of the day, oh, I mean our catching up session, ML has gotten herself a pair of sandals at a discounted price with my member card. CT and LY didn't really buy anything, as I could recall. And for me, I was the biggest spender of the day! I've gotten myself a nice-cutting H&M blazer, a cream-colour belt, a purple dinner bag with shiny beads, and mask. Ya, MASK! Not the facial masks that you are thinking of right now. It's the mask that everyone ought to have in order to survive through the thick haze.

Just in case some of you don't know about my country of origin, it's located nearby Indonesia. Its around this time of the year (each year, without fail), mid-June or so, it will be no doubt to receive such "gift" from our dearest neighbour. Teary eyes, soured throat, phlegm from the nostrils, fever and so on, more and more people are getting sicked. Perhaps, some, if not many, of the doctors out there, couldn't help it but to gloat and thank our kind neighbour for, their business has now being brought to a greater heights! zzzz

Last but not least, another photo to end this up (P/S: there is another group photo being with-held by my friend.. Ahem!)
Top Left: A Pets Lover.
Middle Left: Thanks for blocking my pimples off... LOL
Bottom Left: Future stock broker!
Top Right: The radiant smile she epitomizes. :D
Bottom Right: Belated birthday gift, hehe...
Shocked to find out that, we are all single AND available. Ya, through thick and thin, you'll find out who is that person who never leaves, who will always tolerate you, understand you, grow with you and never let go. I'm sure that, women nowadays, are better off without men (in a way) to focus on our career, stand on our own feet and make our dreams a reality. However, for those who believe that, marriage is an inevitable process which everyone should go through, please bear in mind of the following quotes: "Sometimes, the person who will walk with you 'till the end, may not be the person whom you love; he's simply the right person who appeared in your life at the right place, at the right time."

For those who have found their one and only, congratulations! You are the luckiest person alive! Appreciate and treasure your loved one dearest to your heart and never give up :)

Part II: INTI Homecoming Buffet Dinner

I arrived home at approximately 5. Rushing to get ready, dress up and make-up for this fabulous event, INTI Homecoming Dinner. It gathers all the INTI alumnus from the very first batch of students since it's establishment 'till the very recent graduates, former and current lecturers, INTI's stuffs and officers. The theme of the event is "Reunite, Refresh, Re-connect". 
Organized by INTI Alumni Association
There was a mock-tail session followed up by the opening ceremony of the event. Speeches after speeches from Founder and Chairman of INTI Education Group and Chairman of INTI Foundation, Mr Tan Yew Sing, former President of INTI, Professor Emeritus Dr Lee Fah Onn as well as the President of INTI Alumni Association, Raynard Ng. 

People were free to mingle around, make new connections, or catch up with those who once crossed path with us. Take me for example. When I walked towards the table I was assigned to, I didn't know anyone of them except, let's call him Mr. K. He was with three other friends, a smart looking fresh grade, an amateur photographer and a semi-bald student? Ya, I think he is still a student, I'm not sure. Only after a few rounds of conversation, did I know that, he (ya, the semi-bald student) is from the same home town as mine. We went to the same tuition center back then, and he was in the same class with me for two subjects. And I realized, how small the world could be. He knows me five years ago though I have no idea who he was, I didn't even know he existed! Four years in INTI, I've never met him (or, have I?), yet, he knows some of my close friends (doesn't it sound freaky?). From our home town, off to a university in an isolated rural area, back to Subang for Homecoming dinner, only to be engaged in our first conversation. Could you imagine?

Speaking of making new connections, I'm glad that I took the initiative to attend this amazing event. A few photos here to share, expressing how grateful I am to have met them in my life.
Alex Siew, a friendly and humble person to talk to :)
Left to right: A super-high-pitch vocalist;
A soon-to-be graduate in International Business;
An important figure in coordinating the event;
A former member of INTI Concert Band;
A shy acquaintance whom I met.
A person who always looked after me when I was her junior.
Thanks for all the advice and guidance you have shared with me, Jie Jie :)
Life has a mysterious way of working things out when you least expected it. When you think it's bleak, you would always be surprised by the end results. Never lose hope in the world you live in despite of those who make your life miserable. Never lose faith in yourself and become someone who makes the impossible possible. Never compare with others but yourself, and strive to be a better person than you were yesterday. Finally, appreciate and never forget those who have helped you through and lent you a hand when you needed it the most. 

'Till next post, cheers :)


  1. why u keep flattering me? lol
    No wonder u asked me on fb what breed was the hamster =.=
    oh ya...better to adopt a dog than to buy ok!
    can find a poodle in adoption center also..

    1. eh, that wasnt flattering.. it IS the truth k? hehe.. ya.. because i wanted to write it in my blog.. haha.. erm.. adoption? thanks for your suggestion.. 'cos i just thought of getting one, haven't thought of how yet.. =)
