Sunday 2 June 2013

The Very First Time

Well, everyone says, there is always a first time for everything. Recently, one of my friends has been constantly updating her blog describing how has her sem-break been coming along. And I would say, because of her, I'm getting a habit of "stalking" other people's life. You would probably argue, "Hey, what's wrong with reading blogs? It's one of the ways to keep-in-touch with some 'long-lost' friends. It's one of the mediums which act like some sort of diaries, describing, sharing or expressing some thoughts, experience or feelings etc. If reading a blog indicates a trait of stalking, the world today would have been full with whole bunch of stalkers who read newspaper, or articles from columnist sharing their experience and recommendations...", and never ending arguments. So, I guess, I'm not much of a stalker after all. Hehe.

This friend of mine, sees blogging as a way to improve her command of English. She has been spending her sem-break on a series of novels, The Hunger Game Trilogy (or, is it?), which I would say, Bravo! Well, it not easy to finish-up a book in the first place, at least to me. I'm not much of a novel-addict, but it depends on the story as well. To be more precise, the level of how intriguing the story is, and also the way of writing of the author. As far as I could recall, I bought myself the first novel, not just some random pocket-size novel of course, an one-inch-thick novel titled "Twilight", and managed to finish it in two months. Ahem. Erm, I know it doesn't even worth bragging, which I never even have the intention to, but there was still some sense of achievement back then. I could finish a pocket-size novel in two days, the fastest, when I really got engrossed with the story. Thus, an one-inch-thick novel to be finished in two months, not to mention, when the finals were just around the corner, which mean, I had to schedule my time for studies, tuitions and revisions as well, I would say, the reason behind the sense of achievement was valid. Ha.

Let's not get carried away. This friend of mine, who determined to improve her English, has not only written review on her novels, but movies as well. She will always attach some photos of her favourite scenes, or her favourite actors/actress, before she starts describing each one of them. I would say, I've learn a number of new vocabularies from her review each time I "stalked" her blog. Hmm, I wonder, did she come out with the way of how she describes the movies, or did she refer to some movie reviews from other sources. Haha.

One of her posts was about her favourite destination which she aims to visit, Paris. Some of the reasoning she provided were much of a common sense, includes, the food, the weather, Eiffel tower, the people and culture. Erm, she never forgets to emphasize Paris as "The City of Romance", and followed by wedding photo of a young and lovely couple kissing in front of the Eiffel towel. And according to her, it's not a bad idea at all, (erm let's just put the safety issue aside for the moment) to travel alone which increases the possibility of getting bumped into a handsome French guy who would french-kiss her. LOL

Speaking of Paris, it's one of the cities on my list which I plan to have a visit too. I've always been telling myself that, I'll do whatever it takes to work my ass off, to earn as much as possible, even to sacrifice my sleep or social life with anyone, to take the risk of being accused as some selfish and greedy workaholic, to the extend of being single and unmarried, or whatever price that I have to pay, so that I would have the ability to make all my dreams come true. There is a saying, "no pain no gain." In Economic terms, this is what we called as an opportunity cost, forgo the second best choice for the best. And there is a saying too, "Live with a dream, not in one", which brings us to another quote, "Talk-Action=Shit". Thus, whatever hardships that I'm facing now, I tell myself that, I'll go through it, for, they make me a stronger and better person.

Okay. Done with my babbling and ranting, the very first post of mine shouldn't be one of an emo post.. shoo shoo..

Hmm. Back to the topic. Something I like about this friend of mine is that, she always has the courage to speak her mind out, erm, to the more precise, write! She may not appear to be an outspoken person, nor is she an expert in socializing, but at least I know, she is true to herself. She will never say anything which would hurt the other party, or cause the others to feel disheartened. Whenever people took her for granted, or being untruthful to her, insult or abandon her, or do anything which hurts her, she will not lash her anger and dissatisfaction out on anyone. Instead, she keeps a journal to express her feelings.

She is being herself in the sense that, she doesn't wear a mask to face the world despite the fact that people are getting more deceiving nowadays. She doesn't care of what people think of her, or may be a little. For example, the way she wanted a French-kiss is publicly posted on her blog. I mean, I wouldn't do that even if I wanted to have one. But she did, and that's one of the reason why I admire her, for she possesses something which I don't. She is also the one who encouraged me, (well, not much of an encouragement but more of a "challenge", I would say) to start writing a blog. She wanted to know more of my life too. So now, is that stalking or what?

Seeing that this is my very first attempt in blogging, I wish to dedicate this post to my beloved friend, for, without her, I wouldn't have started this new "habit" and expose myself to the public. I mean, of course I'm aware that, we may set privacy for our blog if we wanted to, but, hmm.. Let's put it this way, I would like to save myself the troubles of approving or resetting the privacy whenever someone wish to read my blog or vice-versa. However, seeing that this new "habit" of mine is subjected to my time management skill, please accept my apology ahead if I rarely update my blog. (I doubt I would have anyone stalking my blog though). Ha. Cheers :)

Be true to yourself and determined for what you want to achieve,


  1. haha! I thought ur first blog post would be...the usual short introductory post but who knows it came out so long! How long u took to write these? :O
    And I very paiseh that u spoke of me so many times *shy*

    Yes! The main reason I want you to start blogging is because I can stalk you!haha!

    About the movie reviews, yeah u caught me! I always read some movie reviews before I write to find the right words to describe my feelings LOL

    Hey, I didn't want a French kiss actually! French kiss with a stranger...very unhygienic lor! I was just

    Keep it up the good work k! Blog more so that I can find out more abt u! lol!!

    1. Dear my first stalker,
      It took me around 4hours to achieve this length. But length is not the matter, the content is. I was surprised to find it this long too the moment it came towards the end. Haha.

      Its normal that you felt paiseh. I would feel the same too if someone describes me like the way I did. Ha. So, now you have the chance to stalk me already eh?

      Well, I would say, I had a hunch you must have been gotten some ideas from other sources too for the review. See? I'm always right XD

      Unhygienic? Hmm, every relationship starts with a stranger. When he has become someone more than a friend to you, I doubt you would use this word to describe a french-kiss again. Besides, you wouldn't have suggested for a french-kiss if you never thought of wanting it right? Hehe.

      If the time permits, my friend. If it does, I will certainly update my blog. Thanks for your support by "stalking" me! LOL

    2. I was saying about French kiss becoz..ppl always see French kiss as romantic mah..And I think usually people kiss "easily" in Paris, even though they just met the guy first day, just becoz the guy was sexy hahaha. That was what I meant!

    3. well, u dun hv to go to French just to experience French-kiss. i think most of d guys nowadays know how to french-kiss a girl ady.. u might even get one in your home country know? haha
      "easily".. there u are.. i've always liked the way you describe.. haha.. way to go! if you ever been to Paris, pls share your experience of french-kissing a sexy french guy on d first day ya! XD

    4. french-kissing a malaysian and french-kissing a french guy isnt same ok!!ok let's not continue on this topic for ever. =.=
