Thursday 14 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: Gardens by the Bay

After we had our dinner at Marina, we walked over to Gardens by the Bay via overhead bridge (aka Lions Bridge) which also kind of links to the underground Bayfront MRT Station (Exit B). For those who wish to have time strolling around the Gardens and taking nice photos, I would recommend going there earlier, say 5 something or 6. 'Cause when we were crossing over at around 7.30pm, it had started to get crowded because people were coming from all over the places for the Light & Sound Show which usually starts from 7.45pm.

Actually, a more precise term for that would be Garden Rhapsody:
"The Garden Rhapsody is a signature light and sound show of the Gardens by the Bay, and its overall creative vision is led by award-winning Lighting Designer Adrian Tan, and one of Singapore's most sought-after music composer and arranger, Bang Wenfu, since 2015." - Gardens by the Bay official website

Singapore Flyer at night
Photo taken on our way heading to the Gardens via the overhead bridge.
Should have captured with longer exposure aiks ~~

Supertree grove at night
Only if I had wide angle lens~~
Love how the camera is able to get such low-noise shot!!

Recorded a video of the Garden Rhapsody show, which was around 10 minutes or so. Will upload to my channel after some minor editing :D Anyway, need a reason to spend time here for Gardon Rhapsody than anywhere else? Did you know that, "68 independent audio speakers are used during each Garden Rhapsody show, simulating 'live' musicians performing at various spots."? Sources from Gardens by the Bay official website :)

Supertree at night
Feeble attempt at capturing the beauty of the Supertree.
Should try longer exposure next time~

OCBC SkyWay at night.
Part of OCBC Skyway...

Actually, I felt bad that I arranged our agenda this way. Because to be honest, if you visited this place during the day, you'd most certainly will go up there to enjoy the panoramic vistas of the Gardens and Marina Bay skyline from the OCBC Skyway at a height of 22m. When I visited this place like 3 years ago with my Jimui, we made it to this 128m long aerial walkway and I can tell you, the view is gloriously superb!

Feel tempted to share some of the photos taken like 3 years back!! XD

Watching Marina Bay Sands from Lions Bridge
Photo taken on the Lions Bridge

Panoramic view from Lions Bridge
Panoramic view from the Lions Bridge.

The magnificent Marina Bay Sands.
The magnificent Marina Bay Sands.

Supertree grove.
Supertree grove~~~

Supertree Grove with Marina Bay Sands
Can you see how long the aerial walkway is??? *gulp*

Supertree, OCBC SkyWay
How tiny humans are~

Hours and admission for OCBC SkyWay (For more info, please click here):

  • Daily 9am-9pm (Last sale at 8pm, last admission at 8.30pm)
  • Ticket for adult: SGD8
  • Ticket for children (age 3-12): SGD5
  • Tickets can be purchased at near the entrance of the OCBC Skyway (cash payment only)

Dining at IndoChine, Supertree, Gardens by the Bay
"Take chilling out to new heights at IndoChine."
For more info, please click here.

A lot of photos could be taken if you spend a little bit more time there! So yeah, if we are going to Singapore again, then I need to bring my family there during the day and take time strolling around the garden and take more photos :D

Stay tuned for more!!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

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