Tuesday 5 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: SkyPark Observation Deck

From Singapore Flyer, we walked back to the same direction to where we came from - Marina Bay Sands LOL.. Yeah, 'cause there's where the SkyPark Observation Deck is located. The reason why we arranged our agenda this way was because, we wanted to see if we were lucky enough to witness any sunset from the above, wondering how would the sky look like haha.. 

Double Helix
Photo taken on our way back to Marina Bay Sands.

You need to head back in to the shopping mall, and search for the ticketing counter for SkyPark. You may inquire about it at the information counter, and the friendly officer will direct you to the place. For more info, please click here.

Marina Bay Sands Box Offices:
ArtScience Museum Lobby
Concierge Desk, Hotel Lobby Tower 1
Retail Concierge, The Shoppes L1
SkyPark Ticketing Counter, Tower 3 B1 (The one we went to)
Theatres, The Shoppes B1

Marina Bay Sands
I have no idea since when I have a thing for architecture like this :D

Marina Bay Sands
Head straight and take the escalator down (follow the red arrow),
then look for the SkyPark signage.

SkyPark Ticket Price
One of the slides showed at their LCD screen.

We then took the lift all the way up to 57th floor. The lift was so quiet and still that you wouldn't notice it's moving at all, if not for the pressure that your ears feel. It gracefully took a mere 30 seconds to reach at the 57th floor! (Ya, I literally timed it as I had nothing better to do LOL)

Top right: Some restaurants;
Bottom right: Some souvenirs shops.
There are shops selling some F&B and a whole lots of souvenirs too, the typical ones are like, key chains, T-shirts, mug, fridge magnets and so on~~~ So yeah, no worries if you feel thirsty or the sudden urge to buy some souvenirs for friends :) For more info about the restaurants and bars available at the SkyPark, please click here.

It was sooooo windy up there!! And, we were lucky that the weather was nice with not much sun :D Here are some of the photos taken at the SkyPark:

Flower Dome
Flower Dome and Cloud Forest.
Marina Barrage at the end. For more info, please click here.

Photo taken from Sands SkyPark
Are you able to point out the Esplanade, The Float,
the Helix Bridge and the ArtScience Museum?

Singapore Flyer.
Hello Singapore Flyer, greetings from the Deck :D

Singapore financial empire
The empire at a glance!

Infinite Pool.
Infinite pool on the left; and.. Is that the port over there?

Recorded some videos but have no time to edit them yet. Oh well, will update again should I ever done editing it LOL... Ending the post here with my big-head photo:

Yay, me with the giants :D

As you can see, the sky was pretty much clouded, not able to witness sunset as we wish for. May be I should try again next time hehe... Stay tuned for more! 
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D