Friday 1 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: River Cruise

River Cruise is like a river taxi, you may hop on-and-off as long as you have the ticket with you. It wasn't in our plan on the first day. However, when we were strolling along heading to the Merlion Park, my dad noticed the booth and he seemed to be very interested with it. So yeah, we went back there and bought the tickets after visited Merlion Park.

This is the same photo I shared in my previous post on Merlion Park.
This time round, I emphasis on the small booth over there (the red circle) LOL

The full duration is 40 minutes, which is quite worth it :D

Nothing better to do while waiting.
So yeah, practice time~

After I hopped on, I straight went to the deck at the back.

One thing I like about this River Cruise is that, there is this audio commentary in English throughout the journey. If you were to sit inside, you are able to watch the visual commentary as well. Which is a good thing because, you will be able to understand the history of each buildings rather than just merely taking photos haha... Here are few of the shots taken:

Here's the Cavenagh Bridge, and Fullerton Hotel at the back.

One of the jetties the boat stopped by.

Feeble attempt at getting a symmetry shot~

A closer view of the Fullerton Hotel. 

They are stopping by at the Merlion Park too!

3 iconic buildings in one frame :D

The heart of financial hub in Singapore.
The audio commentary explains the reason why they are built in this area too!

A closer view to focus on these two symbolic buildings :D

As you can see from the photos above, the weather was quite chill and windy. We were so lucky to have this weather with us throughout our stay in Singapore. Imagine taking this River Cruise under the hot scotching sun LOL

We then hopped off at the Bayfront South jetty and continued marching on to our next agenda - Singapore Flyer! Actually, if you are tired of walking, you may hop-off at the Promenade Jetty and save all the walking distance (around 1.5km?), which is way way way nearer to the Singapore Flyer because the jetty is just right in front of it!

Stay tuned for more!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

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