Saturday 2 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: Singapore Flyer

As mentioned in my previous post on River Cruise, we hopped-off the river taxi at the Bayfront South Jetty, which made us then, walked for approximately 1.5km to the Singapore Flyer. Another alternate way would be taking the river taxi and hop-off at Promenade Jetty to save all the walkings! Haha.. It's really up to you. As for us, we opted the first one which allows me to capture some photos along the way! :D

Need a reason to visit the Singapore Flyer? Did you know that, it's the world's largest observation wheel outside US (according to their official website)?! Click here to find out 9 other reasons why you should visit Singapore Flyer :D

I couldn't take my eyes off of these giants *gulp*

From where I stood:
LV Island Maison on the left, Marina Bay Sands on the right,
and ArtScience Museum a bit further down.

Stopping by at the Helix Bridge.

At the end of the Helix Bridge, turn right onto the under-pass and there you go, you have reached the Singapore Flyer.

The building where the Singapore Flyer is attached and connected to.
The ticketing counter is at the other side.

No idea what is this ticketing counter for.

This was the ticketing counter in operation the day we visited.
The ticket price for adults: SGD 33.
The ticket price for child: SGD 21.

A closer view on one of the capsules while we were queuing up.

Photo taken in our capsule.
Left: Flower Dome; Right: Marina Bay Sands

Did you know?
Singapore Flyer’s 28 capsules and each capsule’s maximum capacity of 28 persons, is the evident figure of 28 means “double prosperity” or “easy to prosper” in Cantonese. Swing to some good Feng Shui onboard Singapore Flyer – the largest wheel of Fortune in its own rights. ~ Singapore Flyer Official Website

I can tell you, the rotation was super slow until you wouldn't feel a thing!
All thanks to the sophisticated mechanisms and firm structures :D

Are you able to recognise few of the majestic buildings?

See? They even provide dining service in the capsule!
Fuh, imagine having dinner over-looking the stunning night view!!! 

For more info about the unique experiences by Singapore Flyer, click here.

A must-visit attraction for breath-taking views!!  Stay tuned for more!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

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