Saturday 19 July 2014

MY Convo!

I know, I know there are quite a lot of unhappy events happening to me. But, I'm sooo gonna focus on this particularly important event in my life and omit any other negative elements. *shoo shoo*

Since its written on the invitation cards that graduates are required to register by 8.15am, which means I need to leave my house latest by 6.45am (just in case traffic jam), which also meant, I woke up at 5.30 in the morning to dress up and put on some slight make-up.. Ya, I'm not an expert when it comes to putting on make-up and needed more time to get ready. There was this set of earrings and necklace that I put on with me that day, it's a birthday present from my dear jimui. Though she couldn't make it to my convo, wearing them made me feel like she was with me all along.. :)

Then, I drove all the way down to Nilai myself. The first familiar face that I saw, was M. Gosh, it has been like what, 7 months since we last parted? We had some brief chit chat and proceeded to putting on the graduation gown. After changing the "burgundy" hood to our BBIBI hood (ya, they gave me the wrong hood), there was this quite-handsome guy helping me with the gown.. LOL (and M also thinks that he is quite nice looking.. LOLOLOL) 

After meeting up with some friends, especially my dear N, who appeared in a white-and-gold-stripe satin kind of dress, we proceeded to registration counter and taking a group photo. Sigh, I would have one more group photo should I achieve First Class Honour, which is one of the biggest regrets that I didn't. 

We then queued up and started to MPH where the official ceremony was held, the freezer which I have been afraid to be in ever since my first final paper in Foundation, and I'm glad that I decided to wear my blazer. Well, it was definitely not difficult to spot my gor gor in the hall for, not only he is one of the tallest guys (probably the tallest, I would say) in the hall, he was just standing right beside the aisle. As for my dad, his seat was just few rows behind mine that I spotted him a split second before the ceremony officiated. Though it was not the first time stepping onto the stage to receive a recognition, it was one of the most important days in my life after all. Of course I was quite ganjiong lar.. lol.. I'm glad that I didn't trip over or anything while I walked across the stage (considering soooooo many unlucky events that has been happening to me). 

Anyway, after the ceremony ended, my dad passed me a bouquet of graduation flower along with a tiny bear wearing a mortar-board. While everyone else was rushing to have their free lunch which was served at another building, my dad and I had some photos taken with the help of few of my friends.

One thing that I regret was that, I should have seized the chance to take photo with as many people as I could (including friends and lecturers) instead of wasting precious time to queue up for the studios shot. Grrrr.. The moment I done with my shooting, everyone had fled away.. Sigh.. Wrong move, fatal move, stupid move~~~

I'm also sad that I lost my phone at the wrong timing. Everyone was soooooo busy taking photos with phones, and almost everyone had at least a personal photographer holding at least one DLSR, who would follow them wherever they went, eg: M. M had like, three persons shooting photos for her, and one of them was carrying two DSLRs. *jelly*

But, I'm grateful that my gor gor had become my personal photographer that day, like last minute kind of thing. Well, though he didn't bring his DLSR along, and was holding a mere iPhone, he was nice enough to literally follow me everywhere I went, until the extend of going to the academic block and took photos of me with with our lecturers. Hehe.. 

The blue bouquet from my dad and the red one from FY :)
Aside from my dad, you are one of the most important men in my life.
Thanks for coming all the way down to Nilai gor, it really meant a lot to me.
And thanks for being my personal photographer of the day :)
So now, I kinda regret that I deleted my FB. My friends must have been posting up photos after editing and touching up here and there. Not only I deleted my FB, I lost my phone as well that, N can't send me photos via watsapp even though she intends to... Hmmmm.. Now, I only have few photos with me.. Damn!

Regardless, the past is in the past. Thanks again to everyone who wished me a heartiest congratulation, be it in person or via SNS, as well as those who I've taken photos with (though I might not have THE photos).. lol.. It's definitely good to see you all after so long a time. All the best in your future undertakings ya.. Though we might not be able to keep in touch via FB, I hope to be able to get back my number and since I lost my phone, I lost all your numbers as well.. Do feel free to text me and jio me out for yumchaa.. Haha..

Take care, peeps.. God bless..


  1. Bor Jio meh?
    Everytime I jio u u also busy de la...
    Got jio also same as bor jio...

    1. wat to do? im nolonger a student.. ofcz not as free as u lor

  2. Congratulations! Good things will come after bad things :) Wish u good luck!
