Sunday 27 July 2014

Sunway Lagoon

This post is under the label "Trip" though it isn't really considered as a trip.. lol.. Actually, we were both very upset when our plan to visit Melacca during this Hari Raya was forced to cancel. Not to mention, my bestie was hence kind of angry at me as I was the one who started everything, yet also the one who caused an ending to it. However, I'm glad that the misunderstanding between us has been lifted away and there we were, only the two of us, marched on a "trip" to Sunway Lagoon.

She was aware of the "buy-one-free-one" promotion, thus we paid only RM120 for both of us. Quite worth it, I would say, as it includes 5 parks, except  Bungy Jump, G-Force X and ATV. (I think Go-Kart too if not mistaken) Last time we used to get a watch-like band, which stores the MYR for transaction in the park. Now, it's even more advance. No more rubber-like watch band. The bar-code on the ticket itself serves as a "debit-card" already. What's more? The lockers used to function on a lock-and-key basis (as in literally key); now the bar-code itself serves as an e-key. RM15 (RM30 for big locker) whole day for unlimited access (means, you may open as many time as you wish without any extra charges like how it used to be). Kind of cool!

You can't get to choose which locker you want, as you need to register at the counter,
got the RM15 deducted from your "debit-band", then the system will randomly choose for you.
I suppose it was due to the fact that the coming Monday is Raya, thus the park was not as crowded as last time when I went with my tuition friends. It's good that we managed to finish almost all the exciting rides by.. around 2pm or 3pm.. Really, the queues were not at all long.

Impressive eh, The Vuvuzela?
Photo taken before it was our turn *was a little too excited* hehe..
The first thing that we tried was the Vuvuzela. I had been wanting to try ever since I heard the advertisement on radio. As it requires at least 5 people for one buoy, we grouped-up with another 3 persons, a father with two sons. 5 of us rode it twice! Haha.. Super duper SYOK!!! How I wish I could record it down though... Then we went for Congo Challenge and African Pythons. I gathered that, ever since I experienced the incredibly amazing excitement from Vuvuzela, it seemed like all the other rides couldn't impress me any further.. Hmmmm..

We went on to try the Waterplexx 5D. Well, the 3D glasses (to me) didn't really function 3D-ly (to my bestie, it did though). I was rather shocked by the water spurted out from a standing pipe right beside me (oh, and one more right above my head from the ceiling). Seriously! If you are not ready/willing to get wet, please don't try this... Nevertheless, it was fun lar :)

The Surf Beach was basically, nothing much to explore. After like, 5 minutes “soaking" in the water, we proceeded to Extreme Park. I kinda wanted to try the G-Force X, but it was too expensive lar, RM60/person; and the Bungy Jump also, RM130/person. Sigh.. At the end, we tried out the Flying Fox which, as my bestie described it "not as fast as I expected". Well, to me, as it was my first time, I find it quite ok lar, I was quite "ganjiong" before the guy pushed me forward, but I didn't scream at all until the end. Hmm.. But still not bad lar :)

As we didn't have any heavy breakfast, we were famished by noon time. However, we decided to go for a Pirate's Revenge ride before lunch (to avoid puking out the lunch.. lol). It was quite scary lar, of course, as it went on a 360-degree swing. Haha.. Then, we went to Marrybrown to have our lunch.

One of the most crowded "makan" places in the park.
Both of us ordered the same set, as it was the most economical set (RM12.90) we could afford.
Then did I realize, their fried chicken is more spicy then both KFC and McD combined.. *super like*
Seeing that we had almost finished all the major rides, we made a move to the Wildlife Park. Erm, it's not as wildlife as it sounds though, in my opinion. Because many of the "habitat" of the animals are under either maintenance or construction. Nothing much to take photos despite of the fact that, I kinda regret for not bringing my camera along. Hmm.. There was this animal show at 3pm. Since it was rather early (we finished wandering at 2pm++), we killed our time at the Wave Pool. Hehe.. But erm, the animal show had not much to "show", they had only this extremely adorable and fluffy rabbit from Turkey, a blue-tongue emo lizard and an extremely "manja" civet cat, who likes to "merajuk" and nibble people.. Haha..

Then, we went on and tried the Tomahawk, followed by the World War Z Live in Scream Park. Gosh! The "ghosts" really scared the shit out of me! At first, they appeared to be under captivity. Who knows from which point onwards, they are no longer held captive! They literally popped out from their "jail" and frightened us! I screamed for God-knows how many times because of their unexpected appearance, which in some cases, they chased after you! Fuh! And there was this walkway with 3D wallpapers whereby, each of us was given a 3D glasses before entering. I must say, the effects were quite amazing, especially when we entered the "spinning chamber" whereby, we were required to walk on a mini bridge across the chamber with the wall spinning. Imagine you are walking in a tunnel, and the walls on your both sides spin anticlockwise. With the 3D glasses on, I felt as if I was walking in a drunken state, as the bridge seemed as though it was rotating in the same pace as the wall as well, but in opposite direction. (Ah, fine. Just pardon my poor descriptions. I don't know how to properly describe it just so you could imagine how was it really like)

I think Grand Canyon River Rapids was our last ride? Actually, I was looking forward to the Niagara Fall, seriously. Last time when I went with my tuition friends, I was so addicted to it that I insisted to ride for the second time, and they were nice enough to accompany me. Hehe.. But, sigh.. A big disappointment of the day! Anyway, speaking of Grand Canyon, there was this guy (not local, I presume?), when the alarm was loud enough to alert us of the upcoming rapid stream, he wanted to act cool and heroic and at the end, being flunked over from his seat and crushed on top of me! Gosh! He is big size and definitely not light weight, okay?!! My chest had been in deep ache even after 15 minutes or so had passed; my toes were numb (which I suspect he stepped onto me) and fingers on my right as well. He had certainly ruined my mood! Grrrr!!!

They HAD to choose this ride in exchange for their new hotels meh? HAD to meh? Ishh.. 
Vuvuzela from afar. Photo taken on the Suspension Bridge.
Well, I was still too "gatal" and persuaded my bestie to accompany me for the Suspension Bridge. It was 40m++ long and it was hot back there! I must have lost my mind a little when that arrogant bastard crushed onto me! Our legs were deeply sore at the end of the bridge, yet, needed to get down to the ground from that tower of, hmm.. 4-5 storeys high.. So, we went back to the Wave Pool again and spent the rest of our evening there until 5.30pm. And to be honest, we actually had a lot of fun there, trying to float with our head facing up, sitting under the "mushroom" fountain to get our shoulders and body massaged, AND taking countless of photos!! Muahahaha......

One of the photos taken under the "mushroom".. LOL
A combination of 30 frames from Timeshift Burst apps in my phone..
I like the way my hair "danced" under the water.. lol
After taking shower and refunded back the leftover from my "debit-band", we left to Sunway Pyramid and had Hot-n-Roll to temporarily fill up our stomach.. Haha.. Hmm.. A day well spent, indeed. Though I regret that I forget to apply sun-block before leaving to the Lagoon, I am not regret for bringing my phone along with me the whole day. Ya, though it doesn't have a SIM card yet, it is waterproof! Hehe.. Just hope that my skin won't get worse or dried up wey.. My whole body is so aching right now, but it definitely worth the ache.. Haha.. Oh wait, this doesn't include my chest ache caused by that foreign bast**d.. Ishh..

Thanks for spending the day with me, my dear. I'm glad that we are back to being besties despite of what happened in the past. I definitely had great time there, and I hope the same goes to you too. :)

Saturday 19 July 2014

MY Convo!

I know, I know there are quite a lot of unhappy events happening to me. But, I'm sooo gonna focus on this particularly important event in my life and omit any other negative elements. *shoo shoo*

Since its written on the invitation cards that graduates are required to register by 8.15am, which means I need to leave my house latest by 6.45am (just in case traffic jam), which also meant, I woke up at 5.30 in the morning to dress up and put on some slight make-up.. Ya, I'm not an expert when it comes to putting on make-up and needed more time to get ready. There was this set of earrings and necklace that I put on with me that day, it's a birthday present from my dear jimui. Though she couldn't make it to my convo, wearing them made me feel like she was with me all along.. :)

Then, I drove all the way down to Nilai myself. The first familiar face that I saw, was M. Gosh, it has been like what, 7 months since we last parted? We had some brief chit chat and proceeded to putting on the graduation gown. After changing the "burgundy" hood to our BBIBI hood (ya, they gave me the wrong hood), there was this quite-handsome guy helping me with the gown.. LOL (and M also thinks that he is quite nice looking.. LOLOLOL) 

After meeting up with some friends, especially my dear N, who appeared in a white-and-gold-stripe satin kind of dress, we proceeded to registration counter and taking a group photo. Sigh, I would have one more group photo should I achieve First Class Honour, which is one of the biggest regrets that I didn't. 

We then queued up and started to MPH where the official ceremony was held, the freezer which I have been afraid to be in ever since my first final paper in Foundation, and I'm glad that I decided to wear my blazer. Well, it was definitely not difficult to spot my gor gor in the hall for, not only he is one of the tallest guys (probably the tallest, I would say) in the hall, he was just standing right beside the aisle. As for my dad, his seat was just few rows behind mine that I spotted him a split second before the ceremony officiated. Though it was not the first time stepping onto the stage to receive a recognition, it was one of the most important days in my life after all. Of course I was quite ganjiong lar.. lol.. I'm glad that I didn't trip over or anything while I walked across the stage (considering soooooo many unlucky events that has been happening to me). 

Anyway, after the ceremony ended, my dad passed me a bouquet of graduation flower along with a tiny bear wearing a mortar-board. While everyone else was rushing to have their free lunch which was served at another building, my dad and I had some photos taken with the help of few of my friends.

One thing that I regret was that, I should have seized the chance to take photo with as many people as I could (including friends and lecturers) instead of wasting precious time to queue up for the studios shot. Grrrr.. The moment I done with my shooting, everyone had fled away.. Sigh.. Wrong move, fatal move, stupid move~~~

I'm also sad that I lost my phone at the wrong timing. Everyone was soooooo busy taking photos with phones, and almost everyone had at least a personal photographer holding at least one DLSR, who would follow them wherever they went, eg: M. M had like, three persons shooting photos for her, and one of them was carrying two DSLRs. *jelly*

But, I'm grateful that my gor gor had become my personal photographer that day, like last minute kind of thing. Well, though he didn't bring his DLSR along, and was holding a mere iPhone, he was nice enough to literally follow me everywhere I went, until the extend of going to the academic block and took photos of me with with our lecturers. Hehe.. 

The blue bouquet from my dad and the red one from FY :)
Aside from my dad, you are one of the most important men in my life.
Thanks for coming all the way down to Nilai gor, it really meant a lot to me.
And thanks for being my personal photographer of the day :)
So now, I kinda regret that I deleted my FB. My friends must have been posting up photos after editing and touching up here and there. Not only I deleted my FB, I lost my phone as well that, N can't send me photos via watsapp even though she intends to... Hmmmm.. Now, I only have few photos with me.. Damn!

Regardless, the past is in the past. Thanks again to everyone who wished me a heartiest congratulation, be it in person or via SNS, as well as those who I've taken photos with (though I might not have THE photos).. lol.. It's definitely good to see you all after so long a time. All the best in your future undertakings ya.. Though we might not be able to keep in touch via FB, I hope to be able to get back my number and since I lost my phone, I lost all your numbers as well.. Do feel free to text me and jio me out for yumchaa.. Haha..

Take care, peeps.. God bless..

Sunday 13 July 2014

My Side Of The Story

In response to my friend's blog post:

To be frank, I didn't know you would be pissed off to that extend. I know, anyone would have felt disappointed and furious in this particular situation, let alone a delicate and sensitive person that you are. I know too, that you are not the one who initiated the notion of having the trip in the first place. And I'm terribly sorry to have foxed you into giving me a hand in organizing this trip. Believe me or not, I was as excited and enthusiastic as you were when we confirmed the booking and started planning the itinerary. Remember I volunteered myself to be the driver for the trip so long as we all shared the petrol and toll together? Sadly, my humble and filthy little car could not afford to accommodate the number of people who promised to join, in which, I was one of them. Or else, everything would have been much simpler without having the least of thought of buying bus tickets. I daresay, the worries of taking a bus with a significant risk attached is among the reasons for the last-minute pull-out. Not to mention, we are required to fetch a cab from the bus stop as it would be a rather long journey from there to the hotel that we had booked.

Anyway, done I am, with the nonsense above which, I presume that you would want to hear no more. Please just take a deep breath and cool down before reading any further. I think there might be a misunderstanding based on the judgement that you held against me, which resemblances an accusation of me being an irresponsible person. I know from your post that, you have been busy and under a lot of stress lately. And you are perfectly right, is there anyone who is not busy and stressed out in this era? EVERYONE IS SUPER BUSY AND DAMN STRESSED OUT! You have a fair share of taste of an occupied life now, and I hope that it means you understand how our lives have been. I know, everyone has the right to voice out their dissatisfaction and express their exasperation. And I want you to know that, I have my fair share of unfortunate happenings of late too.

As you all know, I lost my phone last Friday. I was so emo about it not just because of my phone, but my content in it as well (which I mentioned in my previous post and I have no intention to repeat all over again). But, did I mention that I got reprimanded mercilessly by my dad for being so absent-minded? No. Did I mention that I had cold war with my dad ever since? No. Did I mention as well that, I had a fight with my grandma last Saturday regarding the skeleton in our closet and resulting in another cold war? No. Did I mention that I fled away from home for three days just so I could be alone to find peace and clear my thoughts? Hell no. Did I mention that, I was undergoing that particular menstrual cycle that time, which was probably one of the reasons why I acted so recklessly as to run away from problems? The answer is a damn NO! Oh, by the way, do you know how it felt like, when the uncertainty as to whether your family would be attending your convocation, sunk in, deeper and deeper as the day drew nearer? Convocation, one of the most important days in your life (aside from marriage, I suppose), yet your family didn't even bother to attend? Do you know that I can feel tears welling up in my eyes typing all these out while trying my best to fight them back? I really had no intention of digging the past events out and presented them here for, I already had my feelings expressed by writing them down in my diaries. But for the sake of lifting the misunderstanding that lies between us, could you even imagine the pain, the emotional turmoil, that I have been going through?

Actually, I would very much prefer to let you know in person, or PM you via FB. However, your FB seems to be perfectly normal and too peaceful to be ruined by my emo posting. Seeing that blogging has been one of your mediums of expressing your feelings, I would rather do the same in accommodating you. I felt evidently reluctant to list down in public about what I've been through when the objective of me having a blog is to share happy news/memories, or some positive motivations. However, its because I value our friendship that I'm writing an unprecedented post in hopes to seek for your kind understanding. I know, I am a person with too much secret, and keep everything to myself. I've got that from many people, trust me. It's just that I believe I'm capable enough to manage them myself without the need to publicize them. 

I just hope that you are not a person who holds double standards in judgements. 家家有本难念的经.. It's what we have gone through, and been through, that made us who we are today. I know I have hurt you in ways that I may not be able to imagine, and left a scar deep in your heart. I'm sorry for that, and I'm sorry that you felt like a fool for looking forward to this trip. Trust me, that only makes the two of us, because I was a fool myself, when I naively thought that, as long as we are determined, everything would have worked out the way we wanted it to be. And, I have a same wonder as yours too, "Why other people can just go anywhere, plan any trip spontaneously, make the most out of it (eg: KL, HS, SM them), and make it seem so easily done.. Yet, when we (our group of friends) wanted to be like them, its like mission impossible." Its indeed unfathomable, I would say..

Anyway, I sincerely hope that, the misunderstanding would be resolved by the time we meet up again in the near future. I mean, we may talk it out if you want, despite of the fact that I may have difficulties describing my plight verbally to you in person. Mainly because, I don't wish to leave thorns in your heart, and most importantly, I don't want to loss a friend as precious as you.

Please let's hang out when we both are ready to face each other, which I hope, it wouldn't take up unbearably long a time. Take care and all the best in your research proposal.. Looking forward to seeing you soon...

Sunday 6 July 2014

I lost my phone!

Hi all, this is a short entry, to inform those who have my cell number, but not my FB, about the lost of my phone. However, I'm in deep regret that there are also people who have my cell number, but not my FB and blog. I wonder how would I be able to let them know that I'm no longer reachable unless via FB or email. So yeah, I only managed to post this up onto my FB wall:

Losing phone is one thing, another thing would be the 16GB memory card in it! It contains basically half of my Uni life and until now. Oh, well, technically, until two days ago. I know I have some backup, but I think it was like three or six months ago. Gosh.. I'm terribly sorry that I lost all the photos taken with you all, especially with my colleagues and some lecturers. I really don't know what else to say. T.T

However, they say "everything happens for a reason", so, I'm still contemplating what sort of reasons could possibly be. To have a fresh start? To leave all the past in the past? Well, all the conversations in SMS, Watsapp, LINE, etc are gone too. For those who know me well, you must have known me as a person with short term memory lost. Those photos and conversations helped me recalling back old memories when I reminiscing the past know? I'm super duper super duper and super duper emo now~~~

I'm sorry if I lost part of my memories along with the phone, my fellow friends. I don't think I dare to seek for your forgiveness at all. However, if we happened to bump into each other and I appeared to be somewhat oblivious towards your eye contact directed to me, would you be kind enough as to help me recalling how did we know each other in the first place? (I'm foreseeing the worst scenario that I could think of, which is seeing you as a total-stranger).

I just hope that none of everything in my 16GB memory card is being MISUSED by someone.

Thursday 3 July 2014


They are flying off to UK in few months time for their final year. Who? Well, one would be my ex-roommate, whom I still managed to keep-in-touch with, and; my ex-diabolomate, whom I became somewhat closer to than the rest after countless of times bumping into him in the library last year! LOL

Actually, we had been planning for this meet up since early this year. But I appeared to be somewhat busy (or maybe not just me lar, both of them too! Ishh..) So, finally, the day had come and we decided to meet up at One-U.

While waiting for Ah Ben to arrive, MY brought me around the mall for a leisure stroll and had small chats. When Ah Ben had finally arrived, we started to Chili's for lunch (after around 1 hour of contemplating? LOL).. On our way there, we stopped by at some mini Japanese food fair at the concourse and guess what? I spent around RM70++ for cup noodles and some junk-food! Oh my.. But, I'm glad that MY liked the Pocky that I bought her.. Hehe *ignoring Ah Ben's jealousy* LOL

Our sumptuous lunch!!
BTW, I missed out my chicken mushroom soup.. lol
MY's Quesadilla Explosion Salad (RM27);
Grilled chicken with cheese, tomatoes, corn relish, cilantro, tortilla strips and citrus-balsamic dressing.
Served with cheese quesadillas.
Ah Ben's Cajun Chicken Sandwich (RM22);
Spic, Cajun-style grilled chicken breast with Swiss cheese, jalapenos, lettuce, tomato, pickie and
ancho-chile ranch dressing, topped with crispy orion strings.
My lunch set, Chicken Crispers and a bowl of chicken mushroom soup (RM19);
Chili's famous strips of hand-battered chicken fried to perfection.
Served with corn on the cob, homestyle fries and honey mustard dressing.
Actually, we really took our time enjoying our food to the max for, we were there for around 2 hours!! Haha.. First, because we had sooooooo much of catching-up to do; and second, because we were not in a rush anyway, our movie was at 2.30pm! We talked about anything and everything, and thanks to Ah Ben, who constantly made jokes out of nowhere. He is indeed a great company to have though I can't really get the jokes at times.. lol.. I know I'm slow k? Laugh at me ba.. Ishh..

When we wanted to clear the bill and I expressed my intention to treat them all, Ah Ben's reflexes were fast enough to present the notes to the waiter than mine were. So yeah, we ended up paying for our own portion instead. Ishh.. However, luckily I was the one who booked the movie tickets so there, my plan wasn't entirely being sabotaged lar.. Haha.. They seemed quite guilty though, but never mind, y'all could always return the favour when I going over to visit you both! Muahahahahaha..

Off we went for movie, Transformer 4: Age of Extinction! I had to book the tickets few days in advance to secure the seats just in case we encountered full house if we were to buy on that day itself. The entire movie is around 2 hours plus. Though the action parts are quite fascinating, the story seems to have been dragged for far too long that, MY felt her back bone ached.. lol.. Anyway, there is this one line said by Drift that I find it quite interesting, hope I remember it right: "loyalty is but a flower in the wings of fear and temptation". This quote worth to be pondered upon.. Hmm..

I'm sorry that I can't upload our photo here ya, because I wanna use it in my last post of the year. I will have to write letters before the new year, remember? Haha.. Anyway, please remember to let me know of your departure date.. I'll try my best to send y'all off myself! And also, to pass something to you lar, MY. Hope you'd like it :) Enjoy shopping for your UK adventure k, one year may appear to be rather hard to endure, but it will definitely turn out to be a remarkable experience worth treasuring in your life. Both of you!

All the best and do keep it touch k! Wish to see y'all soon!! :)