Thursday 27 February 2014

Congratz, Jimui!

So, I promised to treat my jimui lunch as she passed her ACCA, while she treated me movie, The Journey. Hmm.. She is a bit naughty this time. She didn't even tell me this good news, I had to hear it from one of our common friends know? And, I had to stalk her wall to find clue. Well, her mum commented how proud she is when my jimui passed the subject that she undertook alone (self-studies). Grrrr.. Eh, you should have told me right? In fact, I should be the first one to know leh.. *sob sob*

Anyway, we went for brunch at Delicious and we spent THREE hours there. Haha...
This photo is taken from their website.
Chicken Katsu Curry on Spaghettini - RM22.90
The pieces of chicken are all breast meat though..
Napolicious Spaghettini - RM22.90
Their wall is painted with cages too.
I like their pillow, it's so nice to hug.. Hehe..
I love their deco, the cages and all...
We were there for three hours to discuss about our year-end trip. But erm, it's still too early to decide where to go, as we both are so broke right now. So, the first thing is to save money. Another thing that we are concerning about, is the uncertainty as to whether we could apply leave for our year-end trip. Some companies just don't allow staff to take one-week-plus trip right? So.. Since we couldn't decide anything, finally we left the place and went shopping. Though my jimui wanted to hunt for dresses, she didn't manage to find any, except a pair of ear-ring. Haha...

Then we went for the movie, The Journey. First thing, the story is touching, and second thing, the "angmo" is quite handsome leh! (I said quite ar, not very ar.. lol) See the hot air balloon in the poster? I wonder if it could really work (though according to the theory and formula they showed in the movie it could really "float" lar). Anyway, I think I fall in love with an "angmo" like him, in the sense that, he tried his best to understand the Chinese culture despite of the disapproval of his father-in-law-to-be about the wedding. His efforts in trying to communicate and comprehend is really touching, especially the interaction with his father-in-law-to-be. And the part where, from not appreciating having a baby to looking forward to be a father. To be honest, I wept.
The movie poster
After having a piece of cake at Secret Recipe, we bid adieu. Though it was just a short day out, I'm happy to have spent time with you after soooo long. Again, congratulations ar. Remember about your promise k? Your turn to treat me lunch with your first ACCA salary! Hehe.. :D

'Till next post, cheers :)

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