Sunday 15 September 2013

OMG #1

Ya, #1, it means, I might have OMG #2, #3 and so on, whenever I can't figure a proper title for my post. Haha, sampat right? (Note: I don't really know how to explain the word "sampat" into English. Anyone mind helping me out? lol) Fine, just ignore me. I don't even sure myself what am I crapping around. Well, I would say, lotta things happened lar. I think I'm crazy now. XD

First of all, this happened in a bathroom. I had no idea what happened that day, nor did I remember what was the thing that puzzled my mind. I grabbed my toiletries and went right into the bathroom. I think something good had happened, and that's why I was humming some songs. With the tantalizing water flowing tom-bottom of my body, I had the most relaxing sensation ever. Most probably due to the fact that, I have just done my International Economy's test. Though I'm not in anyway confident about my performance, somehow I did feel good about it. I wonder was there any other contributing factor. Well, back to the topic. Guess what? After showering my curly hair, I instinctively reached out for my shampoo, only to realize that, I left it in my closet! Stupid right? Now what? I couldn't bear the idea of leaving my hair un-shampooed, continue my bath and leave the bathroom pretending my hair has been "shampooed"! So? Ahem! I erm, I ended up washing my hair with my body soap! OMG right? Back then, I didn't have a slight idea of the differences between both, except the fact that their smells seem to differ. Now? Argh! I really had a hard time untangling knots which were not even there in the first place! Now, I wholeheartedly accept the importance of using a "conditioned" shampoo! You certainly have no idea how hard it was, to brush my hair through with my fingers, when the entire head of mine, had no bubble at all! (Means? My hair wasn't as silky as it used to be anymore!) Though I've always known as a person with short-term memory loss, but I never knew it could be until THIS extend! Grrr~

This whole week, I was basically busying with assignments and presentation. Among the five subjects that I'm taking this semester, International Economy is the only subject that the lecturer hasn't uploaded the assignment question yet. I wonder what took him so long to do so! As for the other four subjects, there are two individual and group assignments. I've already done almost 50% of one of the individual assignments while the other is yet to begin. As for group assignment, I'm the leader for both. Means? I'll be the final station to compile, restructure, rephrase, paraphrasing and summarize all the work that my group members have sent me. Means? My workload is more! Though team work is increasingly important nowadays, it seems to me as a waste of time when the outcome of a team work is even less satisfying than that of my own effort alone. I'm not saying that I'm more superior or my work is of more quality, I'm just saying, cooperation is the essence in a group work. If one of the members shows a sign of reluctance in accomplishing the task assigned, it could be contagious and affect the team spirit of the rest. Means? As a leader, I must constantly motivate them and? "brainwash" them! I hate to have "free-rider" in my group and thus, I'll do everything I could to avoid the re-occurrence of such events.

In brief, I have meeting almost everyday, be it meeting with human being, or with my laptop "screen". zzzz. Every Monday, we will have meeting for International Management weekly homework, whereby, each group is required to present the findings on a weekly basis. Tuesday, group mates will send me their parts for Strategic Management, so that I could compile it and send it to the lecturer for "checking", as in, whether the way we done it or the content we have written is what he wants/expects. Wednesday, we will have meetings for Strategic Management group assignment right after the class itself. AND, my group mates for International Management will send me their parts (weekly homework), so that I could compile and upload it to our FB group on Thursday, and whoever presenting on Friday, would have at least one day to prepare for it. Oh ya, and their part for the group assignment too! Thursday, we will have meeting for International Management group assignment, whereby, our "company" will be exporting honey to UK (some market expansion assignment of sort). Friday, let me think. Ah, I had a meeting with the Employer Relation department of INTI, briefing on an event (Business Leadership Series: whereby top executives from various industries are invited to give a speech to the INTIans) to be held next Wednesday. I am to be the student ambassador. Hehe. Well, its just a mere four weeks, and everything started to go on full swing. Wait, full swing doesn't seem like that. Full swing is even worse! The schedule will be even more packed up! So, I better start getting my hands on the assignment which I have never even started searching for info!

And, guess what? I was the one presenting on last Friday! A week before, we were asked to watch some YouTube videos on Cirque du Soleil and present our argument, whether it applies Red Ocean Strategy or Blue Ocean Strategy. This is not the first home work given by the International Management lecturer, and thus, I already have an impression on the overall presentation skills that my peers possess. I kinda had the feelings to out-perform them. The way they presented was simple, stood in front of the laptop and faced the audience. All they did was either, read directly from the slides (on the monitor screen) or read from the projector's screen. As in, literally READ! No joke, okay? Can you imagine what would be your boss's response when you present just the way they did? Their tone monotonous, their face expressionless, their body motionless. Do you think you would be able to trigger some POSITIVE response from your boss? Because I'm hell sure, triggering negative response from the boss would never be an issue, because within five minutes, the boss would say, "Hmm, ok, redo the thing and show me again" or "Hand the project over to your colleagues because I don't think you are ready just yet", or something even more awful. Thus, the way I presented was different. I didn't stand as still as a stick, hiding at a corner to read from the monitor screen. In fact, it was quite an opposite. With a bluetooth mouse in my palm, I walked around between three points, two points stretching in front of the white board, and another at the center of the class, basically a T-shape. By practicing my speech for around 7-8 times, I could hardly refer back to my slides. By scrolling the wireless mouse, I didn't have the need to press my keyboard to proceed to the next slides. Though I was a bit outstanding as contrast to the rest, I would say, I was still as nervous as I have been, to speak in front of a crowd. Though my command of English is slightly better than my peers, I still had plenty of grammatical errors in my presentation. Though the lecturer was quite impressed by the slides designs and my presentation skills, I was advised to "maintain the expectation from the floor". Means, I must not disappoint them the next time I present! My shoulders shrugged the moment I felt the pressure to live up to expectations~~

Fuh! Anyway, I just realized, my life as a student, is much more alive than that of as an intern. Did I mention anything about my internship before? It was awful, in the sense that, I didn't learn anything new at all, let alone the fact that, I have become more efficient in "Copy&Paste", which I doubt it'd be categorized as some sophisticated skills that I should be proud of for possessing it. zzzz. Wait, maybe I did learn something from my internship. I learnt some formulas in Excel and Microsoft Publisher to design brochures. Ya, I know, its nothing, I'm not bragging in anyway possible that you might think I am, okay? I'm just "informing" out of, erm, courtesy? lol. From there on wards, I vowed to myself that, no more office job in my life, at least not that kind in which, I'll have to face the monitor from 9am to 5pm except for lunch hour. I'll definitely die out of boredom or, hmm, maybe eye disease or something! I wish that, at least my future work place, can really "torture" us and make us work like cows (like what I am now, rushing the assignments ahead of the rest). BUT, make sure the pay is handsome and incentives astonishingly beyond expectation!

Ah, one more thing which I could really use "OMG" to describe, is this: "Flight tickets bought!" Guess where are we going to? My jimui and I are going to Singapore for X'mas, 3D2N! Hotel, checked! Itinerary, nah, there is no need to rush. Plans, spontaneous will do. Cash, hmm, that's the core issue of it. My dear Malaysia, why is your currency not performing well? What is wrong with you? What kind of slapstick humour are you pulling through on us? Like I've mentioned in my previous post, MYR/SGD is depreciating wey. I should have started exchanging the currency a few months back. May be it wouldn't have "hurt" so much. Argh! Fine, will start observing the market now and try exchanging the currency whenever the situation permits. Is there anything else which I've missed? OMG! Well, just wanted to say, for a person whose parents are so damn strict and overprotective over her, she must be outrageously delighted to jump on her feet and hit the ceilings for the "approval" she gotten to go overseas. It's just her friend and her, two of them, you must not have a slight idea of what it feels like, to finally have her father's trust, to let her travel alone with her jimui! You may not even understand how much does it mean to her. For over 20 years on earth, finally, the moment has come! All the hard work in convincing her dad that, she is now a grown-up, has finally paid off! You know what? There is no word on earth to describe her current feelings. Or, is there? Haha. Who cares? What she knows is that, she will definitely experience insomnia the night before the flight, recalling her first time flying off to Kuching with a bunch of friends for her elementary graduation trip. The difference is that, this time, there are only two persons, her jimui and her. And she will never forget the promise they have, to keep it as a tradition, to spend the X'mas together for as long as they shall breath. :D

Before I bored you to death with my lifeless entry, there's something that I wish to share:
Never afraid to be unique, for
each one of us has different destiny to be fulfilled.
'Till next post, cheers :)

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