Tuesday 3 September 2013


Ah, I really "love" our government SO much lar. First thing appeared on my FB wall today when I logged in, were all the news regarding our petrol price. Because of the BR1M voucher, the government held a last minute media press to declare "good" news. The petrol price for RON 95 has now rose from RM1.90 to RM2.10 per litter!! I'm now regretting to the core when I didn't pick up my dad's call last night, perhaps he wanted to inform me about the news.
It wasn't his turn just yet after 3hours of queue and he lashed out!
Location: Durian Tunggal, Melacca.
Source: Click here.
Why? Why couldn't the government give us a prior notice of at least three days? Why did he have to announce it last minute? Right after the news, the petrol stations were all cramped up with people and vehicles. There were people who lashed it out to the petrol pump and smashed them into pieces when rage took over their mind. They couldn't stand that such ridiculous fact is now a FACT, no one could ever change it. According to our despicable Prime Minister, "the 1Malaysia People Aid (BR1M) cash handout will be increased to cushion the impact of higher fuel prices and the impending implementation of the Goods and Service Tax (GST)." (Citation) He believed that, "the slashing petrol and diesel subsidies will not be detrimental to the public.", in other words, "it won't hurt that much!" (Citation) What the hell? He thought the BR1M would be able to offset the lost we have had because of the increase of petrol price?

PS: You would need an account to read the news above. Here's the news open to public: Click here

There are some people who criticize on those who blame the government for the hike in petrol price. These particular people point their fingers on the frustrated ones. They argued, "If you have time to waste a few hours of petrol just for the 20 cents rise in the price, why not cut down your Starbucks consumption for the sake of the few cents?" OMG! How shallow their thinking is?! The rise in petrol price doesn't just affect the individuals, okay? It affects the entire economy chain, for godness sake! Your daily consumption of food, groceries, or any other goods, how do you think they arrived within your reach in the shop all the way from the warehouse of the distributors? They just happened to "miraculously" appeared there in the shelves? No transportation is needed to carried them? Hell NO! The entire chain starts from the moment they collect the goods from the port (for import goods)/factories (locally produced goods), to the warehouse, to the distributor, to the middlemen, after a few hands, to the consumers. All these involve PETROL and that's why it matters! The burden of increment in transportation fee would be transfered to the consumers for no doubt, by increasing the selling price to cover their expenses. Therefore, prices of most of the products, if not every product increases! It's a long-term impact too, okay? OMG! These people can't even understand the whole chain effect properly and see the bigger picture yet judge those who complained. As if the overall standard of living in Malaysia is good enough to bear for it. zzzz

Malaysia is a petroleum exporting country, yet, the government can't even take care of the welfare of people in terms of affordability for car petrol. Not to mention, the MYR has been depreciating since a few weeks ago. On 12th August, GBP/MYR crossed the frontier and reach 5.0244 selling rate. On 27th August, GRP/MYR touched the all-time-high at 5.1879. Some of my friends who are already applying VISA to study in UK started filling up their FB wall to express their despair of the situation. Well, let's not take UK for the comparison, Singapore, our neighbour would be far enough to distinguish the differences. All the while, the conversion rate has been floating at 2.4+, on 11th June, SGD/MYR rose to 2.5014 and has been rising gradually, touched the all-time-high at 2.6031 on 28th August. (Source) I do not know why I feel so ashamed to have a ruling parting which ruins the future of Malaysia. If Malaysia finds it ridiculous for the people to be raged over the issue, please develop a proper system for public transportation and thus, there is no need for the people to own a car. See how Singapore is doing? See how Germany is doing? Ordinary citizens can't find any reason to possess a car when travelling from Point A to Point B is nothing less than convenient; only super wealthy people own cars. In Malaysia, however, car is a necessity, not want.

Don't get me wrong, I love the country, I love the place where I was born and raised. But the government? Pfffft! When I looked over my shoulder and see how advanced Singapore has become, I have no idea why am I still in Malaysia. Malaysia has been discouraging all the other races in any field, setting barriers and obstacles in hopes to see all the other races fall. Take for example, students (other races) who have got straight A's hardly gotten a place in the government university, whereas students (their kind) who got only 3-4 A's secured theirs. Students with different skin color who wish to study medic, have to go for a so-called "interview" by the "authorized" party, making their destiny determined by out-most bias. Students who got their professional licences from private institutions are not recognized by the government, which means, they will never get a job at the government departments. Hell, who cares? They will definitely secure their jobs in the private sectors and get paid handsomely! Grrrr..

This is one of the reasons why, a high percentage of Malaysians chose to work overseas. The government just doesn't know how to appreciate the human resources the country has. Pua Khien-Seng, the Father of Pendrive, the CEO of Phison Electronics Corp based in Taiwan is one of the example. Malaysia doesn't "want" him and thus, he was forced to pursue his dream in Taiwan and run the business with few partners. Now, he is one of the most admirable entrepreneur in Malaysia. Take Robert Kuok for example, I bet most of you must have heard of his name. Malaysia doesn't "want" him too, set a lot of barriers in limiting his moves, "kicked" him out and guess what's the result. From Sugar King of Malaysia, he became Sugar King of the World, controlling the sugar market globally! 

Well, these are some of the most significant public figure that I want to talk about in the business industry. Though the information in Wikipedia might not be totally true, you may want to have a look in it, List of Malaysia Chinese: Click here. One of my tuition teacher back in high school once said, "In all the other countries, education is judged based on qualification; in Malaysia, however, people are judged by 'kulit-fication'." (Note: "kulit" means skin.) It basically means, if your skin colour is same with theirs, ya, you will be given hell lotta privileges that they "deserve". Otherwise, hell no! You will not be seen as a "proper" human to deserve all those, don't even dare to dream of it, child!

What I want to say is, I used to be oblivious towards what's happening around me. I used to only listen to what my dad, or what my teaches/lecturers or friends told me. As I grow older, I've gotten more sensitive towards all these unfair treatments! When it comes to politics, ya, I have no intention to be involved in it, or even be part of it. But when it comes to the government, I will always have so much to talk about. There are so many criticism out there on the government, I even subscribed to one of the blogs. Its a medium to voice out, though it may not help much to make changes to the events happening, it somehow acts as a medium to express personal feelings. You may not agree with me, and you don't have to if you don't want to. All these are mere personal grudges. Ya, I do hold grudges against the government, but we do have our freedom of speech, okay? (not a "total-freedom" though) zzzz

Last but not least, thank you Malaysia, for the "wonderful" Merdeka gift. I wonder what would come after 16th September, the Malaysia Day. Well, better be prepared for the worst to come! 

You really "made" my day lar, Malaysia. You really did!

'Till next post, cheers :)

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