Sunday 1 September 2013


This is not a patriotic post, its rather a simple post on how I spent my Merdeka weekend. On Friday, or should I say Saturday (it was 12 in the midnight), I had a conversation with my dear jimui for more than one hour over the phone. The initial objective was to discuss our plan for our X'mas. It's rather saddening that, with a friendship, nah, scratch that, a jimui-ship for over a decade, we have never gone for any trip before! Could you imagine how hilarious is that? And this time, seeing that we have both turned 21, I had an idea to start having our little own tradition. I proposed that, we will spend the X'mas together every year. Even until the day one of us, or both of us have a boyfriend, this will be a tradition that both of us shall honour. Its either we ditch our boyfriends for the festival, or bring them along, the most important thing is, we have swore to keep this promise for as long as we shall live! Hehe ❤

A small note:
Dear jimui, just want you to know that, no matter what happens, I'll always be there for you, okay? ❤
Be strong and never give up! Hope what I said over the phone somehow motivated you to move forward. :)

I woke up at 9am the next day, taken a shower, packed my stuff and got into the car. Today was national day, as a citizen of the father land, somehow I was numb and didn't feel as excited as I was back in primary school. When I was a small kid, I used to get up early, switch on the television and watch the Merdeka parade via live. I was particularly fond of the floats which were decorated with different themes. However, I can no longer figure out the reason why I found it amazing back then. Is it because I'm growing up and find it rather amusing to admire those floats amid the effort that the designers and participants had contributed? Or is it I can no longer feel the joy of celebrating the national day ever since we left primary school, after all, we are no longer naive, in a way I think (here, referring to all the dark-politics that I was never know about their existence back then). PS: I wasn't referring to any party in particular.

On a separate note, this was what I found when I launched the Google page:
I like the hibiscus-shaped flag though :)
Anyway, I arrived at home for lunch and then went for a movie with my high school bestie. She was the one "jio-ing" me (Note: it basically means asking me out) for a movie. She wanted to watch City of Bones, which I've longed for. Though we were supposed to meet at 2pm for the 3.20pm movie, she made me waited at Popular Book Store for an hour because of traffic jam (heavy weather). Because of this unintended event, I bought another two novels. Haha. Anyway, guess what's next? We couldn't make up for it and kinda reluctantly bought tickets for Elysium, the 4.30pm session. One thing she commented on my hair was, "Even wigs look nicer than your hair", ah, that really broke my heart a little. :( Hmm, since she had not eaten anything filling, we went to Lavender for late lunch.
The menu looks inviting. :D
Left: A kind of pasta which tasted like Pan-mee soup.. lol
Right: Grilled Zucchini Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Panini
(Sorry for the bad quality)
There, CT handed me over the customized necklace which we bought together from Groupon. We talked about the movie that we've bought for, talked about life, the necklace and joked around. By the way, hers costs a mere RM58, while mine was RM100, due to the material which I've chosen, the premium version of hers. You may want to have a clearer description and photos presented to you, despite of the low-quality attachments below. Click here. We then rushed to the cinema when we thought we were about to be late, only to realize that, erm, well, a line of sentence appeared on the screen, "Please rise for the national anthem". We had no choice but to comply with all due respect. I mean, I didn't have the enthusiasm to sing the anthem before a movie when seeing some foreigners (or were they locals?) recording/taking photos amused me in ways I couldn't have possibly imagined before.

After the movie, I walked her to Mc'D as she was asked to bring home some dinner. I waved her off at the parking lot and darted back to mine. The first thing I did, was unwrapped the package, wait, the envelope to be exact.
Top: How lovely the envelope was.
Bottom left: The warranty card above the cotton cloth.
Bottom right: Steps/guidelines to prolong its lifespan.
Top: My customized necklace. When would I wear it, I wonder~
Bottom: Hand made with love? I wholeheartedly hope so XD
That's it, nothing particularly special happened. That was how my days went. Tomorrow is Monday again, but Monday blue? Nah, get yourself up and keep fighting aite! :)

'Till next post, cheers ^^


  1. same same same...My house was nth diff than other contrast to when we were kids; every chnl would be showing the national parade. But now, only TV1 and TV3 lol. (I purposely switch on the tv to check lol but i didnt watch) I didnt even see any vehicles decorated with jalur gemilang? :( quite sad actually)

    OHH were u really that sad abt the comment?! but i told u some wigs are really nice, what i meant was ur hair looks more unnatural than oops did that actually make u feel better? xD

    1. when u switched on d tv i guess i was still sleeping.. ha
      well, i guess we have all grown up?
      YA! but u didnt make me feel any better here k? appreciate your feeble attempt though :(
