Saturday 21 September 2013

My "Rojak" Week

I would prefer rojak with "tao-geh" along. Hehe.
Well, this post of mine is NOT to talk or discuss about one of the favourite "snacks" in Malaysia. (Click here to know more about rojak. lol) Its just that, quite a lot of different things happened that I have no idea how to name my post. Seeing that rojak basically "contains fried dough fritters, bean curds, boiled potatoes, prawn fritters, hard boiled eggs, bean sprouts, cuttlefish and cucumber mixed with a sweet thick, spicy peanut sauce", it seems fit to describe my entire week. LOL

I went back to hostel on Tuesday morning because Monday was a public holiday, the so-called "Malaysia-Day". Our group presented on IMF for the Global Issues subject. There are six members in our group but only three people presented as we would like to take turn. The lecturer wants us to improve our presentation skills and thus, the audiences were asked to give feedback for all the presenter. On the feedback form, with the name of the presenter on the top, the audiences would write down what they like about the presenters, in other words, you may see that as the strength of the presenters. Next, they will write down what they wish the presenters to improve, be it body languages, tone of voice, eye contact and so on. Lastly, the audiences were asked to rate them, with the scale of 1-10, poor and excellent respectively. At the end of the class, the lecturer will give a BONUS card for the best presenter (The one which could save your course work mark). Erm, I wasn't the one presenting though, but the best presenter was from our group. So? Ahem! My turn to present would be on next Tuesday, AND, I hope to get the BONUS card as well. Means, both best presenters originated from our group! Hehe. (syok-sendiri here.. lol) At night, I had the "privilege" to meet my friend's ex. She is a playgirl, I mean, at least she appears to me so. Seeing that I hadn't done my assignment, I brought my laptop along and sat there like an invisible person when I was too engrossed with my work that I paid little to no attention to their conversation at all. I am kinda rude, right? Sigh!

On Wednesday, okay, I'll straight proceed to the main point (I got swayed away easily at times.. lol). I was the student ambassador for the Business Leadership Series (BLS), it's a sharing session whereby, INTI invites corporate leaders to inspire the young generation. My job, erm, was basically in-charge of the entire hall of around 200+ students, coordinating the event and make sure that everything went smoothly. There were six of us, professionally dressed up! Haha. It was a 45-min talk and a 15-min Q&A session. However, it took around half an hour for the Q&A questions because there are inquiries from all the INTI network. FYI, there were more than 500+ from HQ (Nilai), Subang, KL, Penang and Sabah. I know, 500+ may not sound like a huge amount to some of you, but it was the highest record to date! Actually, it's kind of saddening because most of the students would not take the initiative to attend talk as beneficial as this. They rather spend time on some trivial events such as hanging out with friends or playing games or whatsoever stuff (as if I cared). That's why, the number of students attended this time means so much to us. :)
Ah, I look like aunty :(
Ya, I know, it looks typical right? lol
We then went to the night market along the hostel street organized by one of the clubs and I bought two belts. Oh, and three of us bought 5 pairs if earrings for RM10 only (cheap-skate right) haha. At night, I went again with my roommate for Lok Lok. FYI, it was her first time eating Lok Lok, and, erm, I promised to bring her since a long time ago and finally, I managed to fulfill my promise. Oh, not only fulfill, the Lok Lok was on me too. Two of us consumed a total of RM20.20 (I wonder what we ate.. haha). Erm, I didn't manage to take some photos and thus, these are the ones I found from the internet.
For those who don't know what Lok Lok is,
it looks something like this.
It sells fish balls of all kind.
Of course not just fish ball lar. Ha.
The next day I woke up, did I realize that, I was way out of schedule! The entire Wednesday I didn't have any progress in my assignment, be it individual or group assignments. The fact is, all these while, I have been paying more attention to my group assignments (because I'm the group leader for both) that my own individual ones are yet to start. Tuesday, my group members sent me their parts for the Strategy Management assignment but I am still half way compiling. Wednesday, I received respective parts for International Management and supposed to upload it on Thursday, but it ended up being uploaded to the group on Thursday night, wait, I mean, Friday 0100. And we have presentation next Tuesday for Global Issues, I haven't even started looking for information too. Oh, the lecturer just uploaded the assignment question for International Economics which to be dued on 29th October. Seems like I've been procrastinating for quite some time eh? Wasting time for even ONE day could be so devastating! I think I made a wise decision to totally retire from clubs and societies and organizing events. I would think twice if they were to ask me for the coming events, seriously!

Wait, I have my justification why did I upload the thing late. I attended the Toastmaster meeting from 7.30pm to 10pm. Before the meeting, I was thinking, perhaps this time I would like to try out the impromptu speech (table topics) for the first time because, you choose the topic on the spot and are required to speak for at least two minutes in front of, I think there were around 20 people. Who knows, half an hour before the meeting when I met the VP of Education on my way for dinner, he asked me to be the Assistant Surgeon at Arm as the SAA was absent. WTH! My performance sucked as I was too shy to speak, as in announcing and adjourning the meeting. You want me to speak in front of the crowd, can, not that I would be able to speak confidently, but at least I won't be super super shy/nervous. Because why, I'm prepared! But this one? OMG, I really screwed it up badly wey. I really wish I could do better. :( On a separate note, I told VPE that I would like a go for my second speech, CC2. I wish he could grant me the chance because, I'm graduating this year and really hope that I would be able to complete the manual before the semester ends.

Friday morning, we had Cross-cultural Management whereby we learn about the differences between countries and continents as well as their business customs. In one of the parts that we discussed, was related to the UK royal and noble ranking. The lecturer actually thought that Earl has the highest rank right below King/Queen and Prince. I was like, no! Earl isn't, Duke is higher than Earl, in fact, a few ranks higher. Then the lecturer just laughed it off. Haha. Actually, I have been reading novels with backgrounds set in the olden England, and the heroes are mostly either Duke or Earl, so far, I haven't come across heroes from Marquess or Viscount, these two are usually the supporting characters (in the novels that I've read) only. So one fine day, I was curious and Wiki-ed 'bout it (Click here to find out more). And, in the novels, the heroes often have relationships with mistresses or even courtesans. Haha. But my point is, I find novels with this background very much enjoyable because I adore the way they spoke. The men are mostly gentlemen and the women are of exquisite body, erm, not just body lar, but they do sincerely love the men as well. Oh, and I like the fact that they curtsied to people of higher ranks. The whole thing makes me feel like England is such a highly educated society that they respect one another. Some of them are unfathomably humble despite of the fact that their rank is so much higher than the rest. Actually, I made up my mind to read a novel during each weekend. However, seeing that I won't be free for the coming weekends, I feel so sorry that the novels I bought would have to "wait" for me and turn into some "display" items in the shelf for the time being. Haha.

Today, I was supposed to interview two candidates for the position of Account and Admin Executive. However, the first one ffk-ed me (it means stood me up). Can you imagine? Candidates nowadays stood the future employer up?! What kind of attitude is that, huh? At first, I thought perhaps she couldn't find the place or something. But at least, she should have the courtesy to inform me right? Apologize for her late arrival or maybe some "extenuating" circumstances or something. NO! Nothing at all. Well, perhaps I shouldn't make such a fuss. I'm the one interviewing her, not the one looking for jobs, right? I've heard those HR personnel who came to INTI career week and said, what they really want in a candidate, is the right attitude! Now I understand why. No wonder when I went for three interviews looking for my internship back then, all three offered me the job! With a little more courtesy, good manners, humble and all the other positive attitudes, oh, which means don't expect too high of a salary, it won't be so difficult to get a job right? I mean, provided that your results are good, active in co-curriculum and strong inter-personal skills, it wouldn't be that hard right? Anyway, the second candidate who came in the afternoon was still okay, I'm quite satisfied with her after an one-hour of interview. Hehe.

I guess its time for me to get back to work. Hope its not too late. Argh~~
Before that, an update on my hair. LOL
It has been a month. And according to my friends, it doesn't look so fake now.
(Despite of the fact that I have been using the wrong product.. lol)
'Till next post, cheers :)

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