Thursday 14 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: Gardens by the Bay

After we had our dinner at Marina, we walked over to Gardens by the Bay via overhead bridge (aka Lions Bridge) which also kind of links to the underground Bayfront MRT Station (Exit B). For those who wish to have time strolling around the Gardens and taking nice photos, I would recommend going there earlier, say 5 something or 6. 'Cause when we were crossing over at around 7.30pm, it had started to get crowded because people were coming from all over the places for the Light & Sound Show which usually starts from 7.45pm.

Actually, a more precise term for that would be Garden Rhapsody:
"The Garden Rhapsody is a signature light and sound show of the Gardens by the Bay, and its overall creative vision is led by award-winning Lighting Designer Adrian Tan, and one of Singapore's most sought-after music composer and arranger, Bang Wenfu, since 2015." - Gardens by the Bay official website

Singapore Flyer at night
Photo taken on our way heading to the Gardens via the overhead bridge.
Should have captured with longer exposure aiks ~~

Supertree grove at night
Only if I had wide angle lens~~
Love how the camera is able to get such low-noise shot!!

Recorded a video of the Garden Rhapsody show, which was around 10 minutes or so. Will upload to my channel after some minor editing :D Anyway, need a reason to spend time here for Gardon Rhapsody than anywhere else? Did you know that, "68 independent audio speakers are used during each Garden Rhapsody show, simulating 'live' musicians performing at various spots."? Sources from Gardens by the Bay official website :)

Supertree at night
Feeble attempt at capturing the beauty of the Supertree.
Should try longer exposure next time~

OCBC SkyWay at night.
Part of OCBC Skyway...

Actually, I felt bad that I arranged our agenda this way. Because to be honest, if you visited this place during the day, you'd most certainly will go up there to enjoy the panoramic vistas of the Gardens and Marina Bay skyline from the OCBC Skyway at a height of 22m. When I visited this place like 3 years ago with my Jimui, we made it to this 128m long aerial walkway and I can tell you, the view is gloriously superb!

Feel tempted to share some of the photos taken like 3 years back!! XD

Watching Marina Bay Sands from Lions Bridge
Photo taken on the Lions Bridge

Panoramic view from Lions Bridge
Panoramic view from the Lions Bridge.

The magnificent Marina Bay Sands.
The magnificent Marina Bay Sands.

Supertree grove.
Supertree grove~~~

Supertree Grove with Marina Bay Sands
Can you see how long the aerial walkway is??? *gulp*

Supertree, OCBC SkyWay
How tiny humans are~

Hours and admission for OCBC SkyWay (For more info, please click here):

  • Daily 9am-9pm (Last sale at 8pm, last admission at 8.30pm)
  • Ticket for adult: SGD8
  • Ticket for children (age 3-12): SGD5
  • Tickets can be purchased at near the entrance of the OCBC Skyway (cash payment only)

Dining at IndoChine, Supertree, Gardens by the Bay
"Take chilling out to new heights at IndoChine."
For more info, please click here.

A lot of photos could be taken if you spend a little bit more time there! So yeah, if we are going to Singapore again, then I need to bring my family there during the day and take time strolling around the garden and take more photos :D

Stay tuned for more!!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: SkyPark Observation Deck

From Singapore Flyer, we walked back to the same direction to where we came from - Marina Bay Sands LOL.. Yeah, 'cause there's where the SkyPark Observation Deck is located. The reason why we arranged our agenda this way was because, we wanted to see if we were lucky enough to witness any sunset from the above, wondering how would the sky look like haha.. 

Double Helix
Photo taken on our way back to Marina Bay Sands.

You need to head back in to the shopping mall, and search for the ticketing counter for SkyPark. You may inquire about it at the information counter, and the friendly officer will direct you to the place. For more info, please click here.

Marina Bay Sands Box Offices:
ArtScience Museum Lobby
Concierge Desk, Hotel Lobby Tower 1
Retail Concierge, The Shoppes L1
SkyPark Ticketing Counter, Tower 3 B1 (The one we went to)
Theatres, The Shoppes B1

Marina Bay Sands
I have no idea since when I have a thing for architecture like this :D

Marina Bay Sands
Head straight and take the escalator down (follow the red arrow),
then look for the SkyPark signage.

SkyPark Ticket Price
One of the slides showed at their LCD screen.

We then took the lift all the way up to 57th floor. The lift was so quiet and still that you wouldn't notice it's moving at all, if not for the pressure that your ears feel. It gracefully took a mere 30 seconds to reach at the 57th floor! (Ya, I literally timed it as I had nothing better to do LOL)

Top right: Some restaurants;
Bottom right: Some souvenirs shops.
There are shops selling some F&B and a whole lots of souvenirs too, the typical ones are like, key chains, T-shirts, mug, fridge magnets and so on~~~ So yeah, no worries if you feel thirsty or the sudden urge to buy some souvenirs for friends :) For more info about the restaurants and bars available at the SkyPark, please click here.

It was sooooo windy up there!! And, we were lucky that the weather was nice with not much sun :D Here are some of the photos taken at the SkyPark:

Flower Dome
Flower Dome and Cloud Forest.
Marina Barrage at the end. For more info, please click here.

Photo taken from Sands SkyPark
Are you able to point out the Esplanade, The Float,
the Helix Bridge and the ArtScience Museum?

Singapore Flyer.
Hello Singapore Flyer, greetings from the Deck :D

Singapore financial empire
The empire at a glance!

Infinite Pool.
Infinite pool on the left; and.. Is that the port over there?

Recorded some videos but have no time to edit them yet. Oh well, will update again should I ever done editing it LOL... Ending the post here with my big-head photo:

Yay, me with the giants :D

As you can see, the sky was pretty much clouded, not able to witness sunset as we wish for. May be I should try again next time hehe... Stay tuned for more! 
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

Saturday 2 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: Singapore Flyer

As mentioned in my previous post on River Cruise, we hopped-off the river taxi at the Bayfront South Jetty, which made us then, walked for approximately 1.5km to the Singapore Flyer. Another alternate way would be taking the river taxi and hop-off at Promenade Jetty to save all the walkings! Haha.. It's really up to you. As for us, we opted the first one which allows me to capture some photos along the way! :D

Need a reason to visit the Singapore Flyer? Did you know that, it's the world's largest observation wheel outside US (according to their official website)?! Click here to find out 9 other reasons why you should visit Singapore Flyer :D

I couldn't take my eyes off of these giants *gulp*

From where I stood:
LV Island Maison on the left, Marina Bay Sands on the right,
and ArtScience Museum a bit further down.

Stopping by at the Helix Bridge.

At the end of the Helix Bridge, turn right onto the under-pass and there you go, you have reached the Singapore Flyer.

The building where the Singapore Flyer is attached and connected to.
The ticketing counter is at the other side.

No idea what is this ticketing counter for.

This was the ticketing counter in operation the day we visited.
The ticket price for adults: SGD 33.
The ticket price for child: SGD 21.

A closer view on one of the capsules while we were queuing up.

Photo taken in our capsule.
Left: Flower Dome; Right: Marina Bay Sands

Did you know?
Singapore Flyer’s 28 capsules and each capsule’s maximum capacity of 28 persons, is the evident figure of 28 means “double prosperity” or “easy to prosper” in Cantonese. Swing to some good Feng Shui onboard Singapore Flyer – the largest wheel of Fortune in its own rights. ~ Singapore Flyer Official Website

I can tell you, the rotation was super slow until you wouldn't feel a thing!
All thanks to the sophisticated mechanisms and firm structures :D

Are you able to recognise few of the majestic buildings?

See? They even provide dining service in the capsule!
Fuh, imagine having dinner over-looking the stunning night view!!! 

For more info about the unique experiences by Singapore Flyer, click here.

A must-visit attraction for breath-taking views!!  Stay tuned for more!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D

Friday 1 July 2016

Singapore 3D2N: River Cruise

River Cruise is like a river taxi, you may hop on-and-off as long as you have the ticket with you. It wasn't in our plan on the first day. However, when we were strolling along heading to the Merlion Park, my dad noticed the booth and he seemed to be very interested with it. So yeah, we went back there and bought the tickets after visited Merlion Park.

This is the same photo I shared in my previous post on Merlion Park.
This time round, I emphasis on the small booth over there (the red circle) LOL

The full duration is 40 minutes, which is quite worth it :D

Nothing better to do while waiting.
So yeah, practice time~

After I hopped on, I straight went to the deck at the back.

One thing I like about this River Cruise is that, there is this audio commentary in English throughout the journey. If you were to sit inside, you are able to watch the visual commentary as well. Which is a good thing because, you will be able to understand the history of each buildings rather than just merely taking photos haha... Here are few of the shots taken:

Here's the Cavenagh Bridge, and Fullerton Hotel at the back.

One of the jetties the boat stopped by.

Feeble attempt at getting a symmetry shot~

A closer view of the Fullerton Hotel. 

They are stopping by at the Merlion Park too!

3 iconic buildings in one frame :D

The heart of financial hub in Singapore.
The audio commentary explains the reason why they are built in this area too!

A closer view to focus on these two symbolic buildings :D

As you can see from the photos above, the weather was quite chill and windy. We were so lucky to have this weather with us throughout our stay in Singapore. Imagine taking this River Cruise under the hot scotching sun LOL

We then hopped off at the Bayfront South jetty and continued marching on to our next agenda - Singapore Flyer! Actually, if you are tired of walking, you may hop-off at the Promenade Jetty and save all the walking distance (around 1.5km?), which is way way way nearer to the Singapore Flyer because the jetty is just right in front of it!

Stay tuned for more!
* In case you have not read about our Singapore 3D2N itinerary, please click here :D