Saturday 29 November 2014

Mini Gathering #1

Finally we met up after a long planning, and DETERMINATION! lol.. Ya, everyone is sooooo busy nowadays, who is free, kan? So, ZY insisted to have a meet up on a name of her birthday.. Haha.. Means, of course we had to give her face lar right? Gosh, sounds like we are so mean... o.O

Anyway, we met up at 10am but we told ZY 11am so that we could have time to write some wishes down on the birthday card that I bought (the card was so damn cute! forget to take a photo of it.. aiks..). Since ZY was super super late, we straight went to Red Box after a fail attempt in exploring the cinema for nice movie. ZY is a person who likes to sing-k very very very much, so yeah, we followed her and had lunch there. Not buffet style though, we actually had to order separately. Anyway, their free-flow of, what was that, err, the mushroom soup was not bad. And according to Winnie, their ABC soup and barley was not bad too.

Ah West really pattern banyak banyak.. lol..

Our lunch..
We had so much fun in the box thanks to Ah West who constantly drove up the atmosphere made us syok sendiri, especially ZY and me.. lol.. Anyway, times up and we headed to somewhere else for high tea. Oh, btw, we sang 朋友, a song which I like the most and a MUST to sing it whenever I go hanging out in the box.. hehe.. and I'm glad that they like old old songs as much as I do :))

Place where we went for high tea :D
And then, each one of us ordered a piece of cake and treated it as celebrating our birthdays together. Ya, we are so busy to meet up that often so we sekaligus gaodim.. Haha..

Top left: Blank Forest, RM12 (I prefer the one from Starbucks though)
Top right: Tiramisu Crepe, RM12 (my favourite among these four) :D
Bottom left: Mocha Cheese Cake, RM10.50
Bottom right: Red Velvet, RM10.50
Left: Green Tea, RM7
Right: Mocha Latte (RM12.50) & Caffeine Latte (RM10.50)
After a long chat about everything on anything, finally it's photo time! :D
Our Dailou Ah West, klk patterns a lot XD
Credit to ZY for the candid shot in the middle.. lol
Hehe.. Everyone with everyone ^^
After we bid adieu with Ah West and Winnie, ZY and me continued shopping pulak.. LOL.. And.. my OOTD was taken in the fitting room because I was rushing out in the morning that I forgot about it.. *old-people-symptom*

BTW, the pink bag was the one which I bought with my jimui :)
Then, we had our dinner at Canton-i, and spent our time there chatting about.. well.. some personal issues.. I mean.. some girls topic lar basically.. And we slowly ate our dinner until the manager asked us to pay the bill first because they were going to close account for the day. Haha..

Really miss the time we spent together wey. We should have more of this next year k? Have so much of catching up to do especially we are now apart earning a living. Not necessary must be one-day hangout kind of thing, it could be a short trip too!! Looking forward ya, our dear organizer ZY ;)

Here's something that I wish to share, like the lyrics!!
There's another Australian version from Justice Crew too
but I don't know why I can't be able to share it here =.=

Have a great day ahead, my friends..

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