Sunday 7 December 2014

In The Rain

Ok, this is gonna be a short post, just to have a record on what I did with this "siao-po", J! lol.. So, this was how it happened: she saw a post on FB about marathon, she asked me, I said why not, we registered, had no idea it would rain, and.. ahem.. No one pulled out and we ran like the rulers.. Well, because there were police blocking the road for us, first time crossing road without looking right-left-and-right, like a boss wey! XD

After we found ourselves a parking, we went and collect our "runner's kit", the so-called "kit" consisted of only a pair of fluorescent-ed shoe laces, a t-shirt, our runner number tag, and a stick of fluorescent band. We then went and had some light food before the race began. Wait, to be honest, we didn't really run a lot, we were just speed-walking for 5km.. lol.. 

Sorry for the blur image.

This one we took immediately after we finished the run, with MZ.

Before and after the run :)

Actually, to be frank, I was the last one among the 3 of us to reach the final point.. lol... Then, we were all famished, and decided to go for steamboat after running in the rain for one hour! 

Imagine the warmth!!

My finisher medal :D

Thanks for the jio, siao-po! :p

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