Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Letters #2

It had been a bitter-sweet year! They say, people come and go. Most important thing is that, we stay in touch and "jio" each other come out and "yumcha"! It's sad that I lost my phone and hence, gone all my precious photos~~~ T.T Anyway, let's not get carried away, I'm sure we are able to create new memories in times to come :)

Dear Jimui,

Yes, it's undeniable that we had a small fight few months back regarding the trip that we were supposed to have this year, we even had cold war for few weeks. However, it really not worthy to lose a jimui due to some trivial matters like these, is it not? I'm sorry to have caused you distress because of my ignorance and stubborn-ness. Thanks for always being so understanding, my dear. I will work on my stress management and do my best not to lash it out on you. 

Looking forward to our trip next year! ❤ ❤

Dear ZY,

I can never thank you enough for the initiative to always jio us out. Our HOC gang are still in place thanks to you. You are the one who always suggest nice places to hangout for coffee, to start a topic for us to crap along, to suggest bonding activities etc... And, of-course my personal source for promotion updates! haha.. My purse almost always bleed gao gao because of you.. lol.. Anyway, though we are all apart earning a living, we are still in touch because of you! Remember save money and join me with the Europe trip ya! 

See you this weekend! :D

Dear CT,

Hey, I know you have been very busy in your final year, especially your thesis, report, lab thinggy and all.. But, please also have time for yourself, ok? As in like, yourself, not with books or homework. I had been thru' moments like that before and I know how stress it is to finish everything before due date. But, just like what you said, remember to spend time with your family and friends, ok? Eg: me! haha.. Thanks for spending time with me despite of being so busy with your report and erm.. Sorry yeah, that sometimes the hangout session got a bit awkward.. LOL.. Wait, not my fault, it was yours! lololol.. Anyway, please do keep in touch! 


Dear ZL,

You are the first person who made me understand how it feels like to be able to help someone in need. Having said that, you showed me what a person could achieve if he/she is willing to change his/her attitude towards life. Before I know you, I would always be oblivious about people's comment such as "Feel great to have helped a bunch of friends and I am happy to be of help and wish to help more people" etc kind of, well, in my opinion, flourish comments. But, ever since you showed me the influence I could have on people and direct them, guide them, and grow with them to lead a better life, you make me feel like, yeah, exactly the way those great people put it. I feel empowered at the same time when you are empowered by me. I, err.. I don't really know how to explain this kind of feelings but you helped me to be a better person. Thanks, ZL, you helped me to understand the joy of helping people grow and succeed and for that, I thank you again.

Let's fight for a better future! Ganbatte!! :))

Dear SOMAS staffs,

I know I had been quite a shy colleague in the office, but still, you guys' warm welcome made me feel like, well, I wouldn't say home (because there all still some formalities that we have to follow), but I feel like I'm being surrounded by a bunch of good people who are always ready to help and guide us, the newbies. People always say that office is full with politics, but to me, ours had none. We really do work like brothers and sisters and we support each other, and I'm glad that you all were there for me when I needed some advice or opinion. You guys had taught me a lot of things which can never be learnt from schools and Uni, not only soft skills but also, how to be efficient. I had the opportunity to observe different kind of leadership and be follower under different type of leaders and I must say, it was a great learning experience in order to form my kind of leadership. I can never list out all and everyone that had helped me into this blog entry of mine because, well, I respect your privacy. Oh wait, there is this Kak Eza!! XD Anyway, always know that, I'll always remember you guys. Stay in touch ya, we can always hangout for yumcha or anything.. hehe..

Thanks for the opportunity given to learn and grow under your leadership.
It was an honour to design a farewell video for you, our dear MD.
Photo credits to our pro-photographer, Jeremy.
You guys will always be my senior that I look up to despite of the fact that,
some of us are apart. Thanks for accepting me into the gang XD

Well, of course, this is not the complete list, there are countless of people who crossed path with me in this year of 2014. However, FYI, I lost my phone and thus lost all the photos taken from, hmm.. high school to this year June. So yeah, I'll sort the photos out from my new phone and update this letter at once. Just know that, I'll never thank you guys enough for making me who I am today :))

Happy new year, guys.
New year, new beginning.. Fighting~~~~

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