Sunday 11 January 2015

Birthday Hangout :)

It had been a year since our last meet-up during YT's b'day. This year round, YT was the one offered to treat us lunch on her b'day pulak.. So paiseh.. LOL.. Anyway, we have decided to meet up in KL thus, CT and me took LRT to KL Central and done the present shopping at NU Central. Then, YT came and picked us up, headed to Fahrenheit 88. Btw, since the movie that we watched during her b'day last year didn't really impress YT, this year round, we decided to give Night at The Museum 2 a try :)

After bought our tickets at GSC Pavilion, we headed to Ben's for lunch. Well, though I've heard quite a lot of recommendations from friends and blogs, CT didn't really find it somewhat outstanding. The food served are of normal standard, which drove her into deep ponder, "are the chefs foreigners from third world country or what?" Wait, it's not that the food are bad, okay? It's just that, the food tastes kind of common. 
Photo taken while waiting for food.
YT's Spaghettini Carbonara, RM26
With beef bacon, mushrooms & cream.
CT's Aglio Olio Spaghettini, RM16
Tosses with olive oil, garlic & dried chillies.
My Golden Soft-shell Crab Spaghettini, RM28
With curry leaves & cili padi.
Panorama view, auto-generated by G+.
Then, it's movie time. Luckily, the movie that we chose this time round, didn't bore YT to slumber like it did last year.. haha.. All of us find it quite entertaining. On our way to Fahrenheit, we stopped by the concourse to take some photos :)

YT and the X'mas tree
I know, X'mas had long passed, I know.. Ishh.. But its still nice!
We then headed to Fahrenheit for tea time, but I have forgotten what's the name of the cafe called. According to YT, her aunt recommended that place to her, and, 3D coffee art is available upon request. However, we didn't order 3D coffee lar, we just ordered an ice-cream waffle :)

My Cappuccino, RM9

Ice-cream waffle, RM15.90
While having lunch, we chatted; while having tea time, we chatted; when it's time for dinner, we continued our chat! Haha.. Of course lar kan, so long time didnt catch up already. Thus, we headed to Tom, Dick & Harry's. As we had had a lot for the day, we just ordered some snacks as our dinner.

Menu hanging from the ceiling.
I wouldn't have noticed it had YT not point it out.
Wish to try their pork knuckle next time :)
The stage. No band performing though as we were there quite early, around 7pm.. lol..
I like their MENU very much, it's like story book!!
Six Pigs in a Blanket, RM22
I don't like the mustard though......
Deep Fried Chicken Wings, RM28
Oh, BTW, YT introduced us to Hoegaarden, and thanks to her, I've fallen in love with it. I find it tastier than Carlsberg and I think I wont have Carlsberg this CNY if we could find Hoegaarden in can-form. Hehe.. CT on the other hand, wasn't really fond of any liquor and thus, only had one sip of it, the rest shared between YT and me. Well, if not because of the fact that I need to drive back home, I think I would have one pint for myself alone.. Ooops......

All in all, it was a day well spent, especially on special occasion, eg birthday! So paiseh that you treated us lunch, YT. Hope that the rest of the day had been laid out in a way that pleased you, planned by CT and me. Oh, and your birthday present too, chosen by both of us.. Hehe.. All the best in your final year aite! Take care :)

Very hard to have high school friends who are still in touch 'till now k?
Photo credit to CT :D

A memorable way to start a new year indeed.
"Till next post, cheers :)


  1. like our selfie! <3 see... selfie better than the other one that u asked ppl to take for us rite? lol

    1. indeed! haha.. btw, where is YOUR version of the entry?? :D
