Wednesday 19 March 2014

Some Random Rambling #1

I don't feel like writing any post recently. However, this particular event has really annoyed me enough lately. Okay, may be not annoyed, but I was really speechless by it. I bet most of you know about the MH370 incidence? And also the "bomoh" video? *swt*

How I came across with this event, was via a FB post by my friend. Then, I was like, "Oh, missing ar? Then go find lar." Who knows, the government was seeking help from all over the places, not just neighboring countries but to the extend of US! Our own plane went missing yet we are not able to locate the plane ourselves. How funny! Some US transportation officials had to come down and analyze all the radar record some more, our own country doesn't even have the expertise to do that? Such a shame to be known as a developed country (some people tend to see it as developing country though, eg me). We have officially become the international laughing stock when passport which went missing ages ago was used to board the plane! How could that be possible?

Then, there was this "bomoh" video that my friend tagged me on FB, which I didn't even bother to waste my time watching it. It's like a few jokers acting like know-it-all in attempt to locate the missing plane. According to my friend, the stick to "push away the cloud", the bucket to "clear the seawater out"??; and the coconut as "satellite" to capture radar or something alike lar.. Wait, I feel stupid writing all these out!! One of my friends shared a post on his wall:
No wonder it went missing lar!! LOL
Then, there are these people who keep on talking and discussing about the news. Some stations actually encourage people to call-in and express their thoughts in the air and hopefully it reaches the passengers or something. If you really wanted to help, volunteer yourself as some family counselors for the families of those passengers, please. Or may be you could just quietly pray for them, without showing off via the station with those sighs and "polished-sympathy". If you sincerely wish to help them, no need to show around and let people know, k? And there are also people who simply spread news which have not been verified all over the social media, one said it was found somewhere in India. *swt* Please lar, don't pollute my FB wall, thank you!

The plane has been missing for almost two weeks, for Goodness sake! There are speculations such as hijacking. But, of all planes, hijack a MAS? Err.. I personally can't really see the intention behind. Oh, wait.. Unless it was aimed to make us the international laughing stock lar, then the objective has been achieved, so they might have gotten back. But no.. Hmm.. At first, I thought this kind of events would only occur on the screen, eg the recent Non Stop. But.. Sigh.. You know what? I think there is a possibility that the plane has went into the other dimension, being sucked into some black hole or something. I read an article before, about a jet pilot whom went missing for 30 over years, and came back just the same (he didn't get older). During an interview, he said, the side that he went, the time was like frozen, he didn't get tired, feel hungry or anything, and he thought he was just off radar for few hours! Ah, how good is that, I wish I could go, then I could stay forever 21!! (I feel so reluctant to celebrate my birthday already out of a sudden.. lol)

Anyway, here's an article about some theories that they could figure about the missing plane:

I was shocked to find this out..
Okay, I feel my English is like so "cacat" here. Am I being influenced after reading my friend's post? She doesn't really care about her grammar or anything when she doesn't have the mood/time. Hmm.. Anyway, hopefully they are safe and sound (not hijacked by some terrorists or something) and please be found soon. However, if they were really in the other side experiencing zero aging, then I kinda wish I was in that plane too. LOLOLOL

Signing off with a photo I found. Cheers~
My prayers are with you, passengers. God bless.


  1. are u talking about me influencing u to downgrade ur eng... =_=

    anyway i also hope that the missing of the plane has something to do with supernatural things because recently im watching a sci-fi series lol other than that i dun really care about the news, just scroll through whatever about it on FB, i dun have anyone i know on that plane afterall. Pity those family members of the passengers only..

    I some more saw a billboard: PRAY FOR MH370. on the highway..........................................

    1. u feel like i was referring to u oso eh? haha
      wat series is tat? nice de mar? any handsome guys? lol
      really? which highway? i jz noe had an event few days back at The Curve...
