Monday 24 March 2014


Hohoho.. ZY jio-ed me out again! Why? Actually, we could still "tahan" (aka suppress) our urges to meet up know? But things changed when she called me up, and "rambled" about her life, her stressful life, and the evidence of all the stress (aka, pimples.. lol).. So, we met up again! :D

We had our breakfast at Madeleine. I parked my car at Sunway Pyramid and she picked me up. According to her, this cafe gets some good reviews so she kinda wanted to try out. Though it's located in Sunway University, it's open to public. And you know what, it was an open day! So, we acted as though we were surveying for Uni and we went in.. Hohoho.. We were told that if we got Straight A's, we'll get free dessert. We looked at each other and laughed! Haha.. 
Guess how much is this?
RM5 and non-refillable! Grrr...
I forget what's this called, but it's something with ham and pineapple. Quite nice...
And guess what? ZY helped me out with the vegies.. Haha..
But its RM15.. We should have ordered some chops instead, which costs around RM16 only.. Aiks
They are just some normal sandwiches, cost RM5 if not mistaken.
They serve dessert too.. But we were kind of in a rush..
Next time, perhaps? ;)
After I shared with her the drama "You Who Came From The Star", we went on with our agenda, which was ice-skating. We brought our Groupon deal along, but was told not claimable during school holidays! Aiks.. I was kinda in hopes to meet a "particular person" there actually.. But, well.. Anyway, we changed plans to Red Box. This time, I didn't screamed like the way I did last time, until I lost my voice. So, this time, I could stand longer, but the thing is, my voice sounded as if I was dying soon, like no energy; unlike ZY, well, of course, because she was the one who wanted to release stress! Haha.. RM51 in total for 3 hours, include two meals and four drinks. We ordered one pasta and one set of hash-browns, two aloe vera, one ribina lemon and one Luo Han Guo. I think the price is reasonable. Quite worthy :)

Then we went on shopping. Okay, this part I should really mention a bit. I'm quite proud of myself because I hardly spent! I mean, not that much lar.. I only bought three pairs of earings for RM10! Ahem.. I think I should really learn from Du Manager, and further control my spending. I know I'm on the right track and erm.. though resisting the urges to buy is not easy, I'll do my best, Du Manager! LMAO

I don't really have much stress to release lar, but I'm glad that we spent time together. Don't be so stressed out lar k? Remember when we sang the song "My Destiny"? OMG, I laughed so hard that my stomach was literally aching! Haha.. I'll replay it again next time when we meet up, to relive the craziness we once shared! LOLOLOL.. See you soon, real soon~~

'Till next post, cheers :)


  1. Geez, the food and drinks in that cafe are even more overpriced than my uni's cafe! FYI, my friends and I don't buy from our uni's cafe anymore! lol

    1. What to do? They are Sunway mar, memang pricey wan.. I think our cafe is still ok...
