Saturday 4 January 2014

Happy Birthday!

Well, this post is meant to be a dedication to a friend of mine, YT! :D So, I'm not gonna talk about what I've done in the past few days (I can't seem to remember how I spent my time in the first few days of New Year anyway.. lol). 

Happy Birthday !!!
May happiness, health and wealth be of abundance in the years ahead :)

After having hard time deciding what present to buy for her, we went to have lunch together. (Note: lunch, movie, desert and present are all sponsored by both CT and me! Ahem ahem...) Guess where we had our lunch? Mc'D!! Haha.. Ya, simple and fast, because we were kinda rushing for the movie, 47 Ronin. But erm, seems like the movie was quite boring to YT that she almost fell asleep (though it appeared to us that the movie was not bad lar). LOL, paiseh paiseh.. We will choose a better movie next time. But what's the definition of "better" again? Haha...

So, here comes the gist of the day!
We passed her the birthday bag while waiting for our order.
See how happy she was? Hehe...
Epic expression, candid shot! ;)
Before unveiling the content, smile...
Muahahahaha :p
A shot of YT with our treat :)
Buddies since high school.. Yeah...
Fondue. RM66, a total of approximately RM77 at the end (incl taxes).
Because cutting cake for birthday is just too mainstream.. Haha.. 
You see? What has CT done to the Chocolate ice-cream?
Tsk tsk tsk tsk...
A feeble attempt to capture a sexy flame, I suppose?
Okay, I realized the importance of having a high pixel camera now. It feels so motivating to capture photos as opposed to using a phone camera. I'm not saying that all phones are not equipped with good camera, it depends on how you define the term "good". I mean, it seems so COOL to capture photos with pro-camera which, in a way, makes you look pro as well. LOL... Wanna know what feedbacks I got? Both my jimui and my best friend CT said, they are attracted by my camera and they have a sudden urge to own one as well. Haha... I would definitely say, "Go for it! It is worthy of your investment." :) (Suddenly I feel like a promoter for Sony Alpha.. Haha...) But seriously, my NEX is way cheaper than any DSLR. At the same time, I have the chance to buy other lenses as well if I wanted to (FYI, NEX is an inter-changeable lens camera). Ah, I just can't seem to be humble about how much I love Sony lar :p

Anyway, it was indeed a day well spent with high school friends again. Hope you enjoyed the day with us, YT. All the best in your future undertakings ya. And remember to share your thoughts with us after reading the book lor! Hahahaha... XD

'Till next post, cheers :D

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