Saturday 11 January 2014

Deactivating My FB

Wanna know what was the first thing I did in 2014? Basically, I deactivated my FB account! Of course I posted some "hints" on my wall first lar, a few hours in prior. Wait, to be exact, that wasn't the FIRST thing. The first thing I did, was sleeping! Haha.. Ya, I was putting on my facial mask around 11.45pm, and wanted to deactivate it after I done with my mask. But who knows I fell asleep with the facial mask on, until 3 in the morning! Only then, I woke up and deleted my FB. A 15 minutes session became few hours wey. Luckily my face is still okay, no new pimples popping out yet. LOL

So, a few days before I deactivated my FB, I read lar, some "procedures" involved, some "warnings" given by FB to remind you that, whatever you shared will be gone etc etc. And I screen-captured this:
Wow, only these 5 people will miss me ar? Haha...
It was really a hard decision to make, seriously! Especially when you have someone in your friend list that you wish to always be able to be in-touch with. Especially the photo albums that would always make your mind swaying into the memory pool and try to revive some of the moments which you wish you could have them again in your life. Or, especially the contents in the chat box with some of your closest of friends, which would always make you laugh (ya, there were plenty of silly stuff that we talked about) whenever you read it through again, some of which might even make you break down into tears (in my case lar). It wasn't easy at all.

However, having the privilege to own a smartphone in the world today (compared to last time, whereby, no apps eg: Watsapp, WeChat etc to be downloaded) has really influenced my decision making. My friends may not be able to "find" me in FB, but for those who have my cell number, they could always look for me, be it via charged-channel (eg: SMS) or free-channel (eg: Watsapp). Though I've been thinking, "should I change my number too?", I think I'll still inform some of my buddies lar if I really decided so ;)

Okay, these were what I saw when I wanted to delete my FB account:
I wonder how does FB come out with this.
Is it by random, or based on the interaction you have with them. Hmm...
See? This is how we manage our assignments nowadays.
I wonder what happened to these groups now...
But, why are there TWO Int Trade Law? lol
To be honest, though I have already deleted my FB account, I still have another FB account to accommodate my primary school, high school and tuition friends. LOL... So yeah, from having two FB, I now only have one FB to manage, really save me a lot of time. Though it might not be fair for those in my Uni-FB, some closest of friends do have my blog link, so I think its still not that bad, at least they could still know about my recent encounters if they care to find out. And, to ease my adaptation to a life without a FB, I started using Twitter more frequently. But, not THAT frequent also lar, I have extremely LIMITED data plan :(

For those who wish to look for me via FB but to no avail, I'm very sorry for that. I know this is a drastic move but please understand that I have my own reasons for this. For those who have my mobile number, I'm glad that we could still get in touch any time we want :) For those who even have my blog link, OMG, you are one of the lucky ones. Hahaha...

'Till next post, cheers :D

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