Tuesday 31 December 2019

The Letters #7

This year has been a busy one! Busy with work, busy with events, busy with community works and busy with re-discovering myself! I still remember that during Uni time, I promised myself to update my blog once a month as a summary and reflection, but then you see, I updated only twice a year, once during CNY and another one is now! Feel so bad that I fail to keep my promise but at least I managed to document my journey in IG! I feel like, photos really tell a thousand words! In blog, I’m always very long-winded lol so it’s quite hard for me to squeeze some me-time out to blog my thoughts; but IG is different. As I scrolled back my profile, past memories came flashing in…

Let’s keep it short and sweet for the letters this year:

Dear CT,

Glad to know what you’ve been living well and great in Sabah! Not only you managed to improve building friendships with new people, you also “attracted” few 桃花! Haha although we didn’t manage to catch up as frequent as we did before, I’m grateful that our friendship remains intact! They say, distance makes the hearts grow fonder, I think this definitely applies here haha I’m glad that we still managed to meet-up for a mini gathering and celebrated your birthday! And this year, we met up more often too to attend weddings haha.. Hope to have another round of gathering again with the rest of the gang!

Thank you very much or your support even though you may not really like it but because of me you still gave me a hand when I desperately needed it, so lucky to have you in my life! On a side note, remember to always keep me updated on your “情史” ok XD

Dear S,

Congratulations dear for all the new milestones that you have achieved this year, I’m so so proud of you! Not only you are learning to build your own team, your company is also growing very steadily! Despite being so busy with your work, we still managed to catch up every now and then and went for photo-shooting sessions! And some more, we still chat until 3 or 4 in the midnight like before omg hahaha thank you for involving me in your journey and trust me with all your feelings and secrets and “gossips”! hahahaaa and thank you for inviting me to events! :D

Thanks for organizing a birthday dinner for me, and I’m happy to have thrown a surprise party for your birthday too this year! Actually when I invited the guests I didn’t think properly on the execution part you know? I just thought to bring you for photo-shoot and shopping then at night go for dinner, but I missed out on “HOW” to bring your for dinner hahaha but I guess you must have felt it already the moment we went into the lift right haha glad that we all successfully surprised you and made it an unforgettable night for you!

You are truly someone whom I admire from the bottom of my heart, dear. You are a very strong woman and always strive through all the obstacles that the world throws at you. You are always sleep-deprived yet always showing your positive and energetic side to the world! I’ve been there with you when you had nothing until today and I can tell, it has never been easy but you made it. Please know that I’ll always be by your side and that my shoulders are ever ready for you whenever you need them ok? Glad that this year I managed to surprise you first for the Christmas hehe let’s celebrate together again for years to come aite!

Dear J,

I feel so bad that we didn’t manage to spend much time this year! I think we only managed to catch-up during CNY? And also one of the events in Cheras last time. That’s it omggg I even missed out to celebrate your birthday!! I really sucks with my time management this year as I’ve been overwhelmed with new responsibilities and tasks T.T I’ll make it up to you next year alright? Not sure if we still have common topics to talk about but I guess there’s only one way to fine out? Hugsss

Dear ZL,

Congrats on stepping into the next stage of life, married life! Hahaha I know I’ve said this many times but I still wanna say it again, when you pregnant must tell me ok? XD On a side note, I know that this year has not been that well for you especially getting admitted into hospital for few times, but you still managed to pull it through! I very salute you for your spirit in life as you become more and more positive nowadays! I’m sorry to have missed celebrating your birthday this year but we managed to exchange gift for Christmas! Anyway, let’s make it up next year alright? All the best to you in your new job placement!

Dear K,

I’m glad to finally have the opportunity to work with you! Since the first time we met, we have been like friends only so usually just casual chat, and didn’t really have the chance to see the “workaholic” side of you. Thanks for accepting our invitation and become our partner for CYEA, and gave me the chance to know the “serious and business” side of you! I really have lots more to learn from you K!

Thanks for celebrating my birthday this year! I think this is the first time right? Haha and some more we went for desserts! I think we could be a really great makan gang hehe wait you bring me for more nice food k XD

Dear MS,

Still remember when we met for the first time? We were at the same group during the camp then after that didn't really keep in touch already lol until... I also forget what happened then we started talking about digital marketing and so on.. I still have lots to learn from you sifu! Thanks for all your advice and helping me with my stuffs despite being so busy with your work and trainings. Some times when I saw your messages I was like, wah so late still awake?! 谢谢你对我的事那么上心!

Dear Shan,

Thanks for accepting me into your team and teach me so many things from basics. I truly have no experience in this field yet you are very kind and patient to me and always helping me with my problems and share your experience with me. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to go for photo-shooting with you guys in Muar too! The photographer that you arranged for us was so pro that almost all the photos also very nice and yeng!

I know that I might not have been performing well this year but I will do my best next year and get myself more comfortable to face camera and do pitching! Although we have met for not more than 5 times I believe? I can feel that you are serious about all of us and truly wish to see us succeed. Let us work harder together next year!

Dear JCIBK bro and sis,

I think I’ll have lots to say about you guys but I’ll try to K.I.S.S. k.. This year is the year that I re-discovered myself with you guys around. You guys encouraged me to do things that I’ve never done before, or afraid to do back then. Thanks for watching me learn and grow and I’m forever grateful to have you guys with me on this journey. Especially R and S and V, thanks for always guiding me through so many things and protocols, because of you all, I did lots of things for the first time, including becoming the OC and giving speech to 700+ students! Thanks for accepting me into the family and bear with my bad temper and “high requirements” whenever it comes to documentation stuffs. This whole year has been an ever wonderful journey thanks to you all, looking forward to more exciting journey next year!


As I scrolled through my IG, I realised I'm getting myself more involved into community works, which in-line with my resolutions since 2018, "give more". They say, 有钱出钱 有力出力。We don't need to wait until we are very rich or super rich then only start giving. "Give" can be in intangible form, eg time, energy, advice and so on. People who know me well, will know that I don't like politics, that's why I don't feel comfortable joining big organization or association. But here, I like the culture here, and I'll continue to learn and grow and create positive change together with my bro and sis.

I think 2020 for me means bigger growth and change. I'm now in two different communities serving different needs and purposes but towards the same goals, which is to improve our standard of living through various initiatives. As the co-founder of Ladies Empowering Series (LES), we will continue to roll-out more activities and events and promote UNSDG #5 Gender Equality. As for my other roles, well, I guess I'll just keep it a secret for now, more updates on my IG next year! Yes, I'll try to make myself feeling more comfortable with social media as I've realised how powerful social media can be, when it is put into good use! 

Actually there are so many people that I'd like to thank for for making my 2019 a wonderful one, but I guess I'll publicly post a few here only for my documentary purpose, then the rest just PM lar.. If not then my blog here will become very long-winded again lol well before I end, I just wanna quote a saying, "You are the average of the 5 people whom you spend the most time with"! Your environment determines your lifestyle, your knowledge, wisdon, mindset, and even your financial standing!

How has 2019 been to you so far? Hope it has been great, if not also nevermind, just note down the areas for improvement then do better next year! My 2019 wasn't as great as shown in IG too but hey that's ok! Let's work hard in 2020 and make it a great one! #Ganbatte #HopeCourageStrength

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