Thursday 31 December 2020

The Letters #8

This year has been a challenging one, not only in physical terms, but mental as well! I dare say, no one would see it coming, reshuffled the entire economic and business landscapes, and most importantly, shifted our awareness back to the importance of health, or more precisely, immune system. I have lots of plans for 2020, but MCO since 18th March had changed everything. I’m grateful that I’m with a team of people who embrace changes! I know lots of businesses been affected badly, though I can’t say that we were still able to carry out our initial plans without any obstacles, at least we could still survive and navigate through it successfully. I’m not sure how people train for mental strength but I guess, if you want something very badly, you would find ways to withstand the pressures and strive through it. So yeah, people and environment around us matter too. Anyway, let’s not get carried away, here comes my annual routine:


Dear CT,

I guess this is a very difficult and different year for you as you work at the front-line. I can never be able to imagine the risks that you are exposed to during this pandemic. I’m so proud of you and I believe the same for your family as well. I’m glad that after MCO been semi-lifted, we still able to make time out to catch-up and shun-bian celebrated your birthday. A simple hangout like this means a lot to me, although that time my face was bengkak like hell lol

I would like to say thank you for your sacrifices to serve the people in-need, not just you but all the front-liners who work tirelessly to keep the numbers down. Although the numbers been quite high of late, I’m glad Sabah is now under-controlled. Let us pray that, next year everything would get better, take care ya!


Dear J,

How have you been? Wah this year I think we langsung didn’t manage to meetup right? Lol so you see, I don’t know what to write to you also but hopefully next year at least we able to meetup once? All the best in your work ya, and please take care as well!


Dear YL,

Wah, finally we managed to meetup after few years! I’m glad that we are still friends despite a great fight that time! I’m so happy for you that you finally jumped out from audit and now currently doing your favourite tax! Wah next time need to find your for tax advice liao hahaa all the best in your career and relationship ya, keep me updated on your status aite! XD


Dear S,

Omggg little did I know that this year we are getting back together again! Thank you so much for having me on your team, and taught me so many things! My small achievements and break-through this year all related to you! Wah I got so many things need to tell you but I guess you can roughly know also right hahaaa well, actions speak louder than words! Talk so much no use wan, I’ll continue to put in more effort to express how grateful I am for all the opportunities given, and to have you in my life! We shall make 2021 a great one together! Love you!


Dear K,

You know what? You are one of the few friends that still in close contact until now since we first explored into startups a few years back! And I’m glad that this year I had the opportunities to work with you! Last year we worked for NGO, this year as collab partner! Thanks for sharing with us so much experience and insights! And I’m glad that despite COVID, despite many people feel scared to go out, we still managed to make it for meetup and makan! Hope we would have more hangout and makan sessions next year? XD


Dear BJ,

You have been an unexpected surprise to me when you decided to join our team in the early of the year! I know this year had not been a smooth-sailing year to you, but I guess your new baby is one of the best gifts you’ve got in 2020? You are such a brave and strong woman and I always salute how you balance your life between kids and work and yourself. Although you had face a lot of challenges this year, you always know very clearly what you wanna pursue and achieve in your life, and you always have the initiative to do things out of ordinary! For example, your X’mas deco in your shop was a true surprise! I’m glad to have you as a comrade as we embark on this journey call life. All the best to you and I wish that we would have more and more break-through next year! Take care aite and see you soon!


Dear JCIBK bro & sis,

This year has been a wonderful year because of you all! Wah, I need to start from the beginning, where Prexy approached me to be LO SG! Despite me being indecisive and hesitating whether I could commit for long term, you guys have been a great support to me! Despite me needing to chase you all for the reports, you guys still given me full cooperation without feeling me annoying lol despite me being a bit cold sometimes, you guys still jio-ed me for many events and hangouts! Thanks for all the wonderful memories that we have shared this year, be it physically or virtually via zoom lol although I’m not taking any post and planning to deep-dive next year, I’ll sure join you guys for any events if time permits! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve! <3


Dear ZL,

First of all, I would like to apologize for not being able to spend as much time with you as how we did years back. Sometimes, we just have to rearrange and filter our priorities in life as all of us have only 24hours. I’m glad to see that you are doing so well in your new job and that you are getting closer with your friends after a big fight. Sometimes, to some people, fight is their way of communication lol hope that you are living well with your new family and ganbatte with your slimming journey! Let’s just keep in touch and all the best ya!


Long story short, although 2020 had not been what I expected it to be, I still find it interesting as I’ve had many FIRSTs lol first FB live, first TikTok video, first ZOOM class MC, first ZOOM class speaker, first official FB page, first FB content video with different series, first retreat with JCIBK family, first debate (some more went to national level), first FB live campaign speaker, first time extracting wisdom tooth! Lol

This is also the year where I did lots of things which I was afraid of! I have no idea how 2021 would turn out to be but hopefully I would be able to execute my plans and reach where I wanna be. Every day is a learning day! Not gonna set any new year resolution this time because every time also failed wan, because gaining weight is a mission impossible for me lol

So yeah, despite what happened in 2020, both good and bad, let’s move on with a positive mind and anticipate for great things in the new year ahead! #ganbatte #hopecouragestrength

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