Tuesday 26 February 2019

My CNY 2019

Happy Chinese Pig Year!

I think this CNY is one of the best ones yet! Not sure exactly how to explain it but I think probably because everyone managed to make it back! Yes, my aunt who was very ill was back and another aunt of mine also managed to come back for reunion dinner! This is by far one of the fullest attendances for reunion dinner after so many years!

I done my spring cleaning almost in the last minutes lol I took two days just to tidy and clean up my own room only. I think because I was already in CNY mood and pretty chill while listening to my favourite songs while doing the cleaning. Also, managed to do some shopping with J on the first day of Feb and had fun catching up! We were there like 1010am, plenty of parkings there and some more we parked so nearby to each other. What an coincidence! Really had fun that day :D

My uncle’s family arrived in the afternoon on the CNY Eve. I was in shock when I first saw my aunt. She has become very thin! Even thinner than me! Then only I recalled that, she was undergoing some medical treatments a year ago. Glad that she is okay now. And, I’m also glad that my grandma insisted to refuse the same kind of treatment that my aunt received. I can never imagine what would be like for my grandma to suffer like that. Not to mention that she is very very old now, her body would not be able to take it. We’ve been treating her with traditional Chinese meds and hopefully, she will recover soon *fingers crossed*

Our CNY Eve was great! We spent the whole afternoon trying to make the eggs stand LOL yeah it was Li Chun, so my cousin sister suggested to give it a try. I tried it many times back then but couldn’t work so I was quite sceptical about it. Until she made the first egg stood! Then I was like, hey it worked? Then all of us joined the movement lol I tried like half an hour to make it while another cousin sister of mine tried more than an hour to make it lol then all of us subsequently made it too omg it was so fun! I know it may sound lame to you but everyone came together to make something “impossible” possible was sooooooo.. I don’t know how to describe lol

You seeeeee!
Then it was dinner time. One table for the elderly and one table for us the younger gens. Even my cousin sister who was working offshore also managed to make it back! And, my cousins’ uncle Mr J and aunt C from US also joined us. That’s why I said, this reunion dinner had the fullest attendance by far haha.. After the dinner, it was time for family photos and Yee Sang. Then, it was gambling time! So, this year I joined a bit because I was a bit itchy hand haha

But really, I joined a bit only because I then decided to watch Netflix haha yeah, one of my friends was kind enough to give me the access to his account. I’ve always wanted to watch Altered Carbon since last year (yeah, it was an old drama). Although the main lead isn’t really my type, but I like the story, I really have a thing for sci-fi dramas! Looking forward to season 2 haha.. oh, I also managed to finish 3 seasons of Lucifer during the one week CNY break. This “Lucifer” is my type! I was so hooked up and I can’t wait for the 4th season already!!

Okok lets not get carried away. Back to the first day of CNY as usual, we went to the temple for praying. And, as usual, we were late lol so we missed the lion dance again! After coming back and nap awhile, I continued with my Netflix again omg I think half of my time during CNY was spent on Netflix and the other half spent with families haha

As usual, the second day of CNY was our reunion luncheon. Everything was as usual, aside from the part that, one of our distant relatives decided to call in a round of BJ! He is one of the best looking uncles among all the distant uncles lol he has this persona that I don’t know how to describe lol his luck was damn ong! Kept winning, then when his wife took over also, damn ong her luck! Either BJ double or Fried triple.. But nothing stays constant eh… In one hour like that they lost around 200 bucks to us lol (yeah our bets very small only, 1-5 bucks only lol)

We went out for dinner on both Thurs and Fri. Thurs was a special one because we went to port Klang for seafood. And the best part was, we managed to catch the sunset! Ah so glad to have a smartphone with very good camera which allows me to take photos of wonderful moments such as this. And also the food! But we kinda over ordered because still have a lot of leftover. I mean, we finished everything except the fried lala meehon lol Then Fri, C passed a CNY gift to my grandma, which was a set of photo frames with photos taken during CNY. OMG my grandma loves them so much!

No filter! Love it so much😍
On Tues, S and me decided to go for photo shooting! We were lucky enough that Mr K2 was free to shoot for us haha we went to Thean Hou Temple and gosh the place is so nice!! Although the weather was very hot, he was patient enough to get us a lot of nice shots! Cant wait to see them and I would share few on my IG :D Then, it was dinner time where he needed to get some food photos for his assignment. So yeah, killed two birds with one stone haha but I felt a bit bad when Mr K joined us for dinner though he was not feeling very well, thanks to the murukku from Mr K2 hahaha Speaking of photos, I also managed to get few nice shots of fireworks that night. It was where Hokkiens like us Bai Tee Gong so the fireworks were crazy in our place!

No filter! One of my fav 😍

Then it was Valentine’s Day, which I spent it with my high school bestie. Yeah, she got transferred to KK so it will be very hard for us to catch up like how we used to. So this special day is dedicated to her. Initially we wanted to watch movie together but didn’t really have any nice movie that time, so we just spent the whole afternoon at BBQ Plaza haha I like it when we both sambil grill the chicken sambil chit chat..

The next day, I went to our JCI prexy’s house for gathering at night.. it was very near my house only so I just went and hangout.. glad that I decided to do so because we get to chat about our upcoming event! And, girls all just sat together and we discussed about dress lar, hairdo lar, anyone looking for makeup artist lar and so on.. yeah, typical girls topics lol.. I wasn’t very close with them but this kind of “girls” topics kinda did the tricks! Hahahaaa

Then Saturday the whole afternoon was having meeting for our upcoming event. Its like a final meeting between the PA, the Prog and and MCs.. Most of the time was just me and my partner drafting our MC script.. Yeah, he didn’t do any homework so I was the one drafting from head to toe! But luckily he did help to brainstorm also lar and shared some of his experience with me.. OMG first time MC for such a big event neh haha and I missed organizing events, it reminded me my uni times!

Working hard behind the scene! Like it when we all are staying in the same
area and it's convenient for everyone.. I no need travel to KL!
Sunday was about event again! They were having a dance practice and our public speaking trainer would be there. So I wanted to go find him and asked him to check our MC script. Then who knows, he was very busy with the dance (in fact, everyone was haha) so I then became their assistant to play the music and to record some “behind the scenes” videos haha but he was nice enough to help us check also lar during their rest time and he bought us McD!! :D

Then, it was our final meeting on Monday, with all the helpers and ushers.. Then, it was Chap Goh Mei, which I just spent time at home lol then it was our big event on the weekend already! I think I would write about it in another post because it’s so memorable! Hahaha

I think this CNY is one of the best ones yet, not just in terms of families, friends but on a personal level as well. I felt like this CNY is the most productive one also haha at first we were worried that things would be too rush for the event but it ended up quite a successful one! Ah… I like my CNY this year πŸ’—

How did you celebrate your CNY? Hope you had quality times with your loved ones too 😊

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