Sunday 12 February 2017

My CNY 2017

Happy Chinese New Year!
It's the year of Golden Rooster. Hope all of us able to grab
whatever opportunities* that come by 
and make the most out of 'em! 
Note: "rooster" & "opportunity" have the same pronunciation in Chinese.

I can't believe that the year of Monkey has ended! I can't seem to be able to perfectly recall everything that happened in the pass one year to be honest. Quite a lot had happened! Though there were things that didn't work out, I'm glad that we are now working on something exciting. Ya, me and my partner will be heading down this road together and we have so much to learn! I just can't wait to see how this year would turn out to be! *Anticipating :D

So yeah, back to the topic. We didn't make it for a CNY family trip this year because of my brother again. But but but.. I'm grateful that we had decided to reschedule the thing and went for it during end of last year. Well, I'll be updating my blog about it if time permits. But first of all, I would need to finish updating my blog on our SG trip first LOL

This year was a bit different because I was tasked to write Chun Lian! Chun Lian is basically the two lines of words written on red papers and stick at the house entrance as CNY greetings! The last time I wrote a Chun Lian was like 2-3 years ago lol.. It was such a super last minute request you know? One day before CNY Eve! Guess what? It was so difficult to achieve the kind of calligraphy that met my standard that I took the whole day to get my job done! LOL

Me, with my humble writing,
Sorry for the blur image!
On the CNY Eve itself, what we did to stay awake, was to "cook" drama! Not the recently infamous Korean Drama "Goblin" though.. It was a Taiwan-China Drama that my cousin sister recommended and it has 50 episodes! More than enough for us to count down! Haha.. Managed to catch a series of fireworks from different parts of our neighbourhood and shared them to Instagram Stories (IGS). I think since the trip last year, I've kinda addicted to IGS already. I'm not a person who would usually share my day with others, but since whatever that I shared will disappear by itself, so I kinda like this already, thanks to someone who hooked me up to this ISHH.. 

The next day, I woke up on our couch 'cause I dozed off "guarding" the candles (whatever that means) LOL As usual, we were late for the lion dance at the temple again! After our prayers and headed home, there it split into two gangs, one which was addicted to the drama, and one which initiated the BJ session! As for me, I went and took a nap. OMG, I really am an old aunty already LOL

Oh, did I mention about Lousang? Gosh, I couldn't recall when was the last time we had that! If my memory serves me well, it's like when I was in primary school! According to the adults, it's not healthy, too much colouring, too much preservatives bla bla bla.. But, how could you not have lousang when it's CNY??? Now that we have grown up, we "over-ruled" the old norms and took the liberty to start a new tradition! Haha.. Actually, the one we bought is kinda healthy wan, not much colouring and not much taste as well LOL So yeah, it's super duper healthy! πŸ˜‚

Moving on would be photos session! I'm grateful that this year, the photos are more complete! After taking dinner, we all took our own sweet time to dress up for photo shoot. This time round, my aunt's family made it! And, aside from a traditional family photos, we actually managed to capture 3 Boomerangs as well! This is what happens when the technologies have successfully lure our hearts haha..

By the way, I have no idea why this Rooster year brings rains everywhere. Quite a number of buildings in old villages had their roofs blown off due to the strong crazy winds. Some of the villages in East Coast even got flooded! Imagine cleaning your house from the mud and all, when everyone else is playing poker or having fun. πŸ˜”

Anyway, as for the second day, we hosted the CNY luncheon for all the far far relatives. The weather appeared to be quite chill and windy at first, where many of us really appreciated that and prefer to sit outdoor for fresh air. But when it was around 1pm or so, it started raining cats and dogs! It made it more troublesome for guests to come in especially for those who brought babies along! By the way, there were so many new babies this year! And, there's one whose zodiac same as mine! Awww she is only a month old and damn cuuuute! 😍

The third and forth day were basically my dedicated alone day. Shunned myself up in my room to read a few books. It has been ages since I last indulged myself in some good reads with everything set aside! So yeah, I managed to cover 2.5 books LOL I admit, I'm not a speed reader and I need more practice! Then, there was Korean BBQ for dinner with one of my.. consider a friend and a mentor I guess.. Really appreciate the effort to meet up with me despite of his ever busy schedule. Learn a lot from him, which is a great start in this new year! :D

The fifth day which was also 1st Feb, everything went back to normal. Work. Which is also a good thing because I could finally prevent myself from eating whole day long. Do you know that I gained 3kg of weight in just 3 days alone? I LITERALLY ate whole day! So yeah, it's time to diet already πŸ’ͺ

On the sixth, my results came out!! When they said it would come out before CNY, I was so anxious about it that I had no mood to prepare for CNY really. Now that CNY is still not yet over, suddenly they announced that the results are out! I was super nervous of course! But I couldn't stand myself to feel this way and thus, I quickly mustered up my courage and made a call to enquire. Thank God I passed!! And the best news is? All of my comrades passed too!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

On the eighth, had mini lousang again with my dear ZL. She said she wanted to have lousang with me because she seriously loves it, and that I'm embarking on to a new journey so she wanted to wish me best of luck. Awww so sweet of her. We went to Sushi Zanmai and, first time having lousang without shouting out loud lol.. Ya, we whispered our "HUAT" ar, "HENG" ar, "Shun Shun Lei Lei" ar etc etc all in whispers because we didn't want to draw unnecessary attention LOL A unique and funny experience indeed πŸ˜‚

Then, it was "Bai Tian Gong" Day. Thanks to our neighbour, it was my first time watching fireworks at such a near distance! Then I realised, actually there is a different watching it so near vs from afar. When it's far, all I had to do is just to prepare myself to be wowed by the patterns. When it's near, I would involuntarily feel scared that the fireworks may burn me when it drops LOL.. And, perhaps it's angle problem? Because it felt as though it didn't burst high enough and that my eyes really keept shutting up because I was so scared that I might kena the flare LOL.. Anyway, please pardon my poor descriptions LOL P/S I still love fireworks regardless 😍

Fast forward to Tuesday, my partner's official day to start working on our project! While I was all excited for it, I received the official letter for my exam. Now that I've seen the letters with my very own naked eyes, I can finally and confidently announce to the whole world that I've passed! This means so much to me because, it was my first time studying part time while juggling my full time job. It was never an easy journey and I really appreciate the fact that, I'm surrounded by so many awesome people who are always ready to help and guide me through. I could never have done this without them seriously. It's time to have another makan session to celebrate already! XD

Then then then, I received a confirmation email from the organiser saying that, I've been taken off the waiting list and have been accepted into the Meditation camp that I've registered two months ago! I've been rather curious about it after hearing it multiple times from my mentor. Then, I bumped into few friends of mine who happened to have joined the camp and shared their experience with me. The way they described has made me more eager to join because I would love to experience that myself too! Awww.. Anticipating :D

Fast forward again to Chap Goh Mei, while everyone was busy enjoying the festive, visiting temples, or even go "throw oranges", I had no choice but to stay at home to rush my work LOL.. Not babbling or anything here thought, because I also had the chance to learn some marketing tricks from my marketing sifu hehe.. And that we chatted until 5.30 in the morning LOL Awww that's just me.. When the topic revolves around cars and all, I just couldn't help myself wan!! XD

And tada, that's all about it. I noticed that sometimes I used past tense, sometimes I used present tense LOL.. It's because, I wrote these paragraphs on a daily basis whenever I had the time to do so. Sorry for any grammar errors seriously. All I ever wanted was to jot down as many details as I could because this year is a very different year. So many good things happened in the span of just two weeks! This is definitely a very good and encouraging sign for me to work harder this year round πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Well, since I'm on such a feel-good essence, I'll end this post with one of my SS photo LOL
Awwwww I really love this dress 😍
Sorry for the blur photo!

Hope that you guys had a joyful and memorable CNY too ya.
Best of luck in your future endeavours and ganbatte!

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