Tuesday 3 January 2017

A New Beginning

Well, there's actually nothing special happened that makes me wanna write this post. However, there must be something that triggered the urge in me right. (Perhaps, I'm just a bit sentimental at times? Hmmm) Let just say, I did want to post this on the first day of 2017. But I took too long time to construct this post! (too much grandmother stories lol)

Initially, I had a plan with J to spend the last day of 2016 together. On the other hand, I was also planning to meet up with my uni seniors. But too bad ZY was sick! Then, I was also planning to meet up with my high school mates as well. But the WA group didn't seem to be as active as I hoped to be as no one actually directly agreeing to my proposal to watch Passengers. (Perhaps everyone was also busy spending quality time with people who they care about) So yeah, instead of letting things hanging there, I decided to act first and watched it with J lol

[Spoiler alert] I think movies are called movies for a reason. There must be a reason why the incident so coincidentally woke Jim up instead of other people. Why didn't it wake up some random primary school teacher, or a police, or a farmer, or a beauty artist, why did it so coincidentally woke up Jim, who happens to be an engineer? The movie makes it feels as though, Jim is destined to save the whole ship from being doomed. And, the whole 5000 passengers are just lucky enough to have Jim accepted his destiny. As for Aurora, I'm super in love with Jennifer Lawrence now, her acting skills are incredible! I could really feel what she felt like when she discovered the truth behind her early "discharge" from her pod. I guess I would have the same response if I were in her shoes... [End]

After the movie ended, we then headed to the washroom downstairs and guess what? I bumped into ZY! If this is not fate, then what is??? She was coming out from the washroom and I caught her "red-handed" with her BF whom she hasn't mentioned anything about before! I was super shocked of course! The first thing I asked was, "I thought someone was very sick wan??" While also waiting for J, we chatted for quite some time until I felt a tad guilty to see that her BF was sitting on a bench nearby, patiently waiting while scrolling through his phone. So yeah, after around 15 minutes or so, I reluctantly "returned" ZY back to him and asked him to take good care of her! LOL

Then, we decided to take a stroll around the mall to survey on places for dinner, thinking that, perhaps there would be some special package/promotion for NYE. After discussing with another two friends of ours, we settled with Impressoul, which has a really really good ambience! And therefore, I'm sure you are able to make a guess on the pricing? LOL However, it was last day on 2016 already and hence, we decided to just "let it go" 😂

Had so much fun catching up with old school friends, really. Imagine being friends for more than a decade long! Though we didn't manage to make it for a trip together this year, being able to spend quality time together to close the 2016 chapter means a lot to me too. The night was made more memorable with BE bringing us to the rooftop to watch fireworks! God only knows how much I love fireworks wey! Here's to thank you guys again for the amazing experience and quality time spent! :D

The reason why I love fireworks is rather abstract. Of course you may own fireworks at its raw forms, which is before it explodes out but what's the point? Only when it shoots high up into the sky, does it have the chance to present its beauty, which only lasts for a mere seconds. Though we can't really "own it", the moments, the memories, the emotions are ours to behold. It's because we can't have it that makes us cherish it even more. It's like, if you love a bird, let it fly instead of keeping it in a cage kind of thing. It's like, if you love a rose, let it grow instead of cutting it off and put it in your vase, kind of thing. Fine, just pardon my description, I know I'm super bad at it LOL

Every ending marks a new beginning. Kick-started the new year with my high-school mates! Due to the fact that I've already watched Passengers, CT suggested an alternative called SING. I knew that it's just a cartoon and thus, didn't really put much expectations but gosh, I was wrong.

Having tea time with CT and ML was enjoyable. Especially when ML shared how she slimmed her legs! Hohoho, it's time for me to follow what she does already (really hope I would have the discipline to hold it until year end LOL) When S had finally arrived, we headed over to cinema and another surprise caught us off guard. S decided to treat us popcorn! Hoho, so ya, four of us then marched into the theatre and conquered the "couple seats" lol we even managed to take few wefies thanks to the few super bright ads XD

[Spoiler alert] I think I'm not going to describe the story in details but rather, share what I felt the moment I finished the movie? This is one of the very few movies that I could super relate to, especially now that I'm embarking on to a journey that I thought I'd never have the courage to. Buster the main-lead, is the owner of the Moon Theatre. I could see, think and feel so much through this character. His passion to make things work no matter how hard things get; his loneliness when no one understands why he does what he does, or rather what he wants to do; his stubbornness to ride on his "unintentional" mistakes with hopes that things would eventually work out so long as he strives it through; his depression when his theatre collapsed, the whole world labels him as a liar and everything else seems too bleak; his persistence to stand back up to make his late father proud; his positivity to build things up from scratch again, with a bunch of incredible people who have faith in him and never leave; his determination to never give up. One of the favourite quotes I like from the movie is, "You know what’s great about hitting rock bottom? There’s only one way left to go, and that’s up!

There are of course, many other characters in the movies too, where each of them have their own reason/motivation/agenda to join the competition (ya, a hundred grand is indeed super tempting!). However, as the story progresses, they found the true reason why they want to perform on the stage, be it to unleash one's talent, to conquer one's fear, to express one's feelings through music, to push one's skills further, or to simple relax and enjoy the moments. It's never about the monetary reward anymore, everyone does it for themselves. Thus, instead of a singing competition, the story ends as a performance. And I like it this way :) [End]

We then went for Korean BBQ for dinner with LY. Too bad S was on a vegetarian diet though. It was such a huge stunned moments to realise that, it has been almost a decade since we graduated from high school! Can you believe how time flies? But one thing that we are super grateful for is that, we are still in close contact! Not to mention, all of us are staying so nearby to each other!! Unlike last time whenever some meetups/gatherings were proposed, sure many couldn't make it 'cause all of us were having a different study timetable. Now that all of us are back and, we can drive on our own, it makes meeting up so much easier! Awww :D

So yeah, coming back to what I would like to conclude (Ikr.. after the whole grandmother stories, finally it's time to put them into a nutshell lol).. I think there is a reason why I'm such a strong advocate for the phrase "everything happens for a reason". The more I think of it, the more I feel like it's indeed part of LOA. Though ZY was super sick and couldn't make it for the meetup, we still bumped into each other, aren't we fated to? Though I felt bad for not watching Passengers with my high school mates, SING seems to be no worse than Passengers at all, especially in terms of messages that it intends to deliver.

What triggered the urge in me to jot all these down then? Perhaps the fact that, the year of my zodiac has passed, and need to wait for another 12 years! So, it's rather a big deal! LOL Perhaps the time spent with these bunch are worth remembering (ya, we have been friends for a decade long!). Perhaps it was my first time to have tried raw oyster, Choya Mojitos, the Japanese beans (idk what they are called lol) and pulling off a confetti lol... Perhaps just simply want to remind myself of what I learned and inspired from SING. I'm grateful to have closed the old chapter with my primary school mates and opened the new one with my high school mates. Both of them are people who have been growing up with me and we will grow up together in years to come. It means so much to me to have them by my side during these significant moments that I wouldn't trade it for some other ways.

So, am I ready? Seeing everyone working so hard towards achieving the life they want, I feel bad about myself at times. I'm indeed super lucky to have the privilege to explore around to discover things I'm passionate for. So, am I ready now?  I hope I would be in no time. Because, though time is rather relative, I still think that time does flies~~~ We are indeed racing against time. I'm not sure if I would have time to spend with this bunch of nicest people on earth again because of my upcoming schedule this year round. It's about give and take again, it's about making serious sacrifices again, I reckon. But I would never want to lose you all. Listening to Kids really brought back a lot of fond memories that we shared. Here I quote from the Kids, "I refuse to look back thinking days were better // Just because they're younger days // I don't know what's 'round the corner // Way I feel right now I swear we'll never change // Back when we were kids // Swore we would never die".

I doubt I would ever have time to post an entry this long in anytime soon. Perhaps my CNY entry and those travels related entries would have to wait. But who knows? They say it's all about time management. So, I think there's only one way to find out? Time will tell...

Ending the entry with my favourite quote up there:
"You know what’s great about hitting rock bottom? There’s only one way left to go, and that’s up!

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