Wednesday 27 April 2016

Seoul 6D5N: Korean BBQ

After our Everland adventure, we were seriously very exhausted and thus, we decided to reward ourselves with some Korea style BBQ! There is this shop located in Myeong-dong that was recommended by the Travel Guide that my jimui bought. We spent like more than half an hour to locate this shop because, still remember what I said about Myeong-dong? It's like a maze! Being a person with no sense of direction? It just got worse! LOL

Anyway, we went back to Namsan Guest House first and changed into something more comfy before  hunting for the shop. It was already 8pm by the time we found it!

The shop is located upstairs, right above the shop "San Jin".

As you can see, the area is quite dark, because the place was rather isolated as compared to those shop that we visited few days back. So yeah, make sure you are aware of your vicinity and always be alert of your surrounding, especially if you are not with a huge gang of friends. 

They are considerate enough to show cast their menu at the ground floor, just outside of their staircase. So you would have plenty of time to decide on what you wanna order.

The food looks quite tempting eh~

After we had made up our mind, we went up to the shop.

It was not a very big restaurant, but it wasn't as stuffy as it seems.
The air ventilation was quite good.

I forget what we ordered, but I remember we had a set of beef and pork, and perhaps chicken too? Ah, I really couldn't recall anymore. I just know that the food was awesome. The owner, who is a Chinese from mainland China was very friendly too. He helped us to grill the meat until its super tenderly soft and chewy! There was once where he straight picked a piece of meat and asked me to open my mouth, I was like, stunned awhile, and he said, please try this now, it's superb, and without waiting for me to response, pushed the meat into my half-opened mouth. His skills were superb that he grilled the meat to perfection, and you could feel the juices from the steaming hot tender flesh when you bit on it. It was awesome even you eat it without the kimchi vege! *Please ignore my poor descriptions. Just remember that, the food was superb!*

See the sexy flame? XD

One of the things that we like about Korean BBQ is that, the side dishes are all free-refill! Aww.. Its such a huge advantage for people with huge appetite, eg me LOL.. (Nah, I was, but no longer eat so much now haha)

Close-up view XD

Here's few photos taken with my mobile phone, obviously not as high-res as those shared above!

Able to guess which meat is which? XD

The dark one was beef, the middle ones were prok ribs
(If I remember correctly haha)

It costed us KRW 25,000 per person. It looks like so little right? But it was already super filling for us even though we didn't order rice! I think it was due to the spiciness of the sauces, that I had more water than food LOL..

Ending my post here with a photo I posted in IG back then:

*Drooling ~~

Stay tuned for more updates on our Korea trip :D
* In case you have not read about our Seoul 6D5N itinerary, please click here :D

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