Thursday 28 April 2016

Seoul 6D5N: Ehwa Womans University (梨大)

We first went to Hongdae (弘大), had lunch there then only took train to Ehwa Station.

Direction from Hongdae (弘大) to Ehwa Womans University (梨大) is very very straight forward, really. To recap: Just need to transit at KTX Seoul Station from Myeong-dong, then hop on to Airport Railroad. From there, you will be able to reach both Hongdae and Ehwa via Line 2. See the map here:

Simple right?

According to my jimui, Ehwa is an area which sells a lot of teenagers stuffs with latest fashion trend. Again, the area is like a maze to me.. Sigh.. So to be safe, we just walked along the main street from the subway station, which people call it the Fashion Street.

Excited to see so many choices!

To be honest, if you are a girl who is fancy on shopping for apparels and all, you will definitely be spoilt by choices in Ehwa! Not only their goods are of latest fashions, the prices are of students price too! Super affordable! I managed to get myself a pair of heel-boots in this shop for KRW 47,000! I've always wanted it but couldn't find the one that suit my taste and requirement but I managed to get it finally! I would sure recommend this shop of all the others because the boss is super friendly and patient! Though he is not good in English, he really tried his best to explain the material, the feels, the size and make sure you are comfortable in it, rather than rushing you to make a decision to buy or not to buy! Besides, if you really in love with the pair(s) that you love, you are able to nego the price with him too. Spent around half an hour in this shop alone LOL 

Then, we continued our expedition to locate the legendary Ehwa Womans University. In order to do that, you need to first locate this:

Zoo Coffee?

Because Ehwa is just right beside!

The famous Ehwa wall.

Actually, we should have explored further in!!! We were afraid to enter the university as we were not sure if outsiders are allowed to enter. Aiks, missed some great shots wey!! If I were to go there next time, I'm sure I wanna capture these images below (grabbed from google)!!

So magnificent right, the landscape, the buildings, the structure, the sceneries!! What a view ~~

Anyway, that's all from me, a short and sweet sharing on our visit to Ehwa Womans University. Ending the post here with one of my favourite portraits. My Jimui does have photographer potential XD

Cute and natural expression and pose *Syok sendiri* XD

Stay tuned for more :D
* In case you have not read about our itinerary, please click here :D

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Seoul 6D5N: Korean BBQ

After our Everland adventure, we were seriously very exhausted and thus, we decided to reward ourselves with some Korea style BBQ! There is this shop located in Myeong-dong that was recommended by the Travel Guide that my jimui bought. We spent like more than half an hour to locate this shop because, still remember what I said about Myeong-dong? It's like a maze! Being a person with no sense of direction? It just got worse! LOL

Anyway, we went back to Namsan Guest House first and changed into something more comfy before  hunting for the shop. It was already 8pm by the time we found it!

The shop is located upstairs, right above the shop "San Jin".

As you can see, the area is quite dark, because the place was rather isolated as compared to those shop that we visited few days back. So yeah, make sure you are aware of your vicinity and always be alert of your surrounding, especially if you are not with a huge gang of friends. 

They are considerate enough to show cast their menu at the ground floor, just outside of their staircase. So you would have plenty of time to decide on what you wanna order.

The food looks quite tempting eh~

After we had made up our mind, we went up to the shop.

It was not a very big restaurant, but it wasn't as stuffy as it seems.
The air ventilation was quite good.

I forget what we ordered, but I remember we had a set of beef and pork, and perhaps chicken too? Ah, I really couldn't recall anymore. I just know that the food was awesome. The owner, who is a Chinese from mainland China was very friendly too. He helped us to grill the meat until its super tenderly soft and chewy! There was once where he straight picked a piece of meat and asked me to open my mouth, I was like, stunned awhile, and he said, please try this now, it's superb, and without waiting for me to response, pushed the meat into my half-opened mouth. His skills were superb that he grilled the meat to perfection, and you could feel the juices from the steaming hot tender flesh when you bit on it. It was awesome even you eat it without the kimchi vege! *Please ignore my poor descriptions. Just remember that, the food was superb!*

See the sexy flame? XD

One of the things that we like about Korean BBQ is that, the side dishes are all free-refill! Aww.. Its such a huge advantage for people with huge appetite, eg me LOL.. (Nah, I was, but no longer eat so much now haha)

Close-up view XD

Here's few photos taken with my mobile phone, obviously not as high-res as those shared above!

Able to guess which meat is which? XD

The dark one was beef, the middle ones were prok ribs
(If I remember correctly haha)

It costed us KRW 25,000 per person. It looks like so little right? But it was already super filling for us even though we didn't order rice! I think it was due to the spiciness of the sauces, that I had more water than food LOL..

Ending my post here with a photo I posted in IG back then:

*Drooling ~~

Stay tuned for more updates on our Korea trip :D
* In case you have not read about our Seoul 6D5N itinerary, please click here :D

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Seoul 6D5N: Everland

I know how frustrating it is when the info you looked from online, is not accurate when you really arrived at the place. We managed to get 2 sources guiding us how to reach Everland. But on that day itself, did we realize one of it was wrong, and it costed us time and physical strength as the distance between the exits are super far! Please remember to get as much sources as possible.

Map for your reference:
Kindly open in new tab to enlarge.

Direction to Everland from Myeong-dong (明洞) Station:
1. Take Line 4 to the direction of Chungmuro Station.
2. Disembark at Chungmuro Station and transit to Line 3 to the direction of Dongguk University.
3. Disembark at Seoul National University of Education and transit to Line 2 to Gangnam Station.
4. From Gangnam Station, take Exit #10. Regardless, make sure you see this, then you should be in the right direction to the bus stop:

One of the exits which is located nearby Burger King and UniQlo.

5. Wait and take Bus #5002 at bus stop located outside of kyongbo tower. Bus fee was KRW2,500.

We could see Olive Young from across the road at the bus stop that we were waiting for Bus #5002.

Buses were queuing up at the bus stop.

Every bus stop has the notification board showing how long you need to wait for your bus.
As for Bus #5002, it comes at an average interval of 15 minutes.

6. After 90 minutes in the bus, you would need to transit into Everland Shutter bus:

This was where the Bus #5002 dropped us.
Then, just follow the sign to catch the shutter bus :)

That's the shutter bus station.

7. The shutter bus then took around another 15 minutes to reach Everland!

See how hot the weather was? LOL

Finally, we arrived at Everland after all the transits!! We got our tickets at a discounted price of KRW 24,000 per pax. And, the queue wasn't at all long! It was a mere 5 minutes or so.. Hoho.. Lucky us.. I think it was due to the drastic drop in Korea tourism business as it was having the MERS incident. So yeah, we got to enjoy the 50% off! :D

Some useful information for parents bring kid(s).

Parents may opt for this too at a price.

As for us, we proceed to store our stuffs in the locker.

KRW1,000 per usage.

It was already 11am+, but nobody in the park!
We were simply too early I think haha

Click here for the latest Everland Resort Guide map.

Went for 2 warm-up rides before heading for this.
But still, I already felt dizzy after this ride!

Then, we went for another more exhilarating ride in the American Adventure Park. From there, I had already felt uncomfortable and the dizziness was getting worse. My jimui however, foxed me into accompanying her for another "360-degree-spin-cup-alike" ride, just that, this was 2-axis spin! Guess what? I know this is super embarrassing but I puked! All that I've had for my breakfast, which included a cup of Milo and some brownies, were all over my shirts and pants and the seat! Omg.. I don't think I'm able to continue describing my plight over there so yeah.. To cut it short, I went and cleaned up and forced to buy a new shirt from the theme park at KRW8,000.. Sigh, I think it's time that I really have to admit, I've aged~~~ T.T

See where the red arrow is pointing at?
It's the T-Express, steepest falling degree in the world!
At 2pm, we had our lunch at KFC and I spend KRW4,800 for a burger. Oh well, at least I felt better after filling up my stomach with some food after throwing up. My jimui was super super looking forward for that T-Express ride. Though she didn't force me to accompany her this time, but I insisted so because, oh well, since that I've felt much better so why not right? 

Thus, we then opted for the short cut to reach European Adventure Park from American Adventure Park via Sky Way. It really did save our time for quite a considerable margin!

The Sky Way takes less than 10 minutes only!

In order for our food to digest a little before the extreme T-Express ride, we visited the Walking Dead Square first XD

I wonder how it looks like at night XD

Halloween deco :D

After few relaxing ride in the "zombie" town, we then headed to queue for T-Express. We spent 1.5 hours to queue up wey! While queueing up, I couldn't help but being intrigued on how they built the T-Express. According to my jimui, the structure of the ride was build 100% from wood! Yet, we didn't feel any earthquake-like shakes when we were queuing on the ground, nor did the structure vibrate when the "train" bracing through the speed! *salute*

How majestic the stucture is!

Each set of screws has their own code.

The selling point of T-Express is the speed. So yeah, no 360-degree spin, and I guess that's the reason why I didn't feel as dizzy as I was before. Just that, my neck might have suffered from mile aching because the T-Express was super fast that, I felt as if my head was going to fly off when it was cornering. Fuh, amazing experience!

We then went on to Lost Valley where I got to snap quite a few nice photos of the animals hehe :D


This was the one that we got into for the safari tour, which was already included in our ticket:

It can go on land and water :D

However, if you have more budget, you may opt for private group tour at a fee:

You are able to interact with the animal at a closer distance!

It sleeps on a single leg!
OMG, I don't think I'm able to stand still on a single leg for even 1 minute!

I wonder how old is he/she...

Is it because I just watched The Jungle Book?
Suddenly I'm feeling so much emotions for this photo~~

As gracious as ever..

A normal tour doesn't allow you to have close interaction with them :/

My FB cover pic!!
Like the greenery, the stream, and the King of the Jungle :D

We then took Human Sky to get us to American Adventure Park from Zoo Topia Park:

The staffs there are all very very friendly!

Since we were leaving, wefie time!
*with my new t-shirt and newly acquired sleeping partner - white tiger XD

Quite nice looking right the castles...
There are plenty of them in the park!

There are 30 over counters!
No worries even if you were to go during peak periods
(if all counters open) haha

We then left Everland at around 5pm and took the same Bus to take us back to Gangnam Station.

That's about it, our Everland adventure in general. I would say, Everland is more suitable for young adults as most of the rides are quite extreme. If you were to bring kids along, you may wanna consider Lotte World. Even I myself, already couldn't handle some of the ride, how embarrassing! Sigh.. Anyway, T-Express is a highly recommended ride never the less! Please try it before it's too late (in other words, before you aged.. LOL) *no offence* It really worth all the hassles and transits to get here!

Stay tuned for more :D
* In case you have not read about our Seoul 6D5N itinerary, please click here :D