Tuesday 8 April 2014

A Transportation Ordeal

Hmm.. For those of you who knew I had an accident, I think a month or so back, would probably know what this post is about. Just because the sulky Malay couple didn't accept our counter-offer to fix the boot for them and opted the insurance-solution, I had to send mine for the claimant too, last last Saturday. And guess what.. The workshop needed a full one-week to attend to my car! I had no choice but to oblige. And erm, I had to drive our old Kancil to work. What a unique way to welcome my birth-month, April.. lol

Actually, the 15-year-old car has been an emergency-rescuer all the while. When we don't need it, it obediently stays in the garage. It has been quite some time since we last drove it out, so I had to wash it to make it more presentable. On a more important note, I had to literally remove all the shits myself! (ya, our house does attract countless of disobedient birds around for god-knows-why!!) Pffft...

In the first day morning, I really thought I couldn't roar it to life. But when I did and managed to drive it onto the road, I was driving it like a mad person. On an average speed of not more than 70km/h, I talked to myself, giggled and laughed all the way until I reached my destination. I mean, seriously! I can't imagine myself driving at those speed and it nearly bored me to the land of Nod. Then, when I thought I wouldn't cut lanes during the jam, I did! When I thought I wouldn't slide backward on the ramps, I did too! Luckily I didn't panic and didn't kiss the car behind me. lol

Driving a manual car is no-joke. You must make sure your left leg is always standby for the clutch just so your engine won't die off if you forget to change the gear. Both of my legs, especially the left one, started to feel numb after only two days, and my heel bone started swollen the next. I'm not really that type of person who can endure hardships eh? Wait, was it me, or was it just my leg (not legs!)? lol.. Omg.. I just realized that I'm not really a sport-car-type of person though I'm determined to have one.. Hmmm.. *must find a way to work it out*

Sometimes I just couldn't stand with the speed and pressed harder on the pedal without realizing that I almost reach 90km/h. Things were made worse when it was raining. The Kancil is too low that I was afraid that the water might just flood in. There were times when I drove across some relatively lower ground with a reasonable speed, the harsh splashes of water current against my car made me feel as if my car was going to break into pieces! (Omg, pardon me with my stupid English...)

After one week of miserable drive without the company of any music from the radio, the time to collect my baby Myvi had finally arrived. Though they didn't make much repair to my car, I'm still happy that I could finally have my car back! Thanks to the obstinate Malay couple to have my will power tested for one-full-week! Grrr...

I heard I was going to have my entire hood replaced for a new one, but I think they just knock it back and put some make-up; instead, they changed a new bumper for me (though I still doubt that it's brand new). Then, they forget to replace the scratched logo-thingy. Luckily we found out, or else they "untung" lar.. Ishh..
How could they forget? So careless.. zzzz
Now that I've gotten my car back, I can finally rest my left hand on where I want it to be (instead on a stand-by mode on the gear). On my way back home, I couldn't wait to unleash my desire to speed! It's not that fast lar, but 120km/h was way way way better than the initial 60km/h right? Fuh, I felt so syok! And more confident, haha.. Now I know why when people have the money, they buy good car to reward themselves. It's not just the brand or fame, it's the power and sound of the engine that thrills you up! I have a thing for speed, seriously. My dad drove me on 140km/h before, but that's nothing lar.. I was in the passenger seat on 180km/h before too, that's awesome!! And one more time it was abit over 200km/h, THAT really got me a bit of an adrenaline rush! Hehe.. Omg, I missed those times...

I wonder if I could ever afford myself a CRZ, and ultimately march forward to the possession of an Aventador (you may have thought that I'm crazy, I know). But in between, I'm gonna have few cozy cars first, Suzuki Swift, VW Beetle, or Mini Couper those type of cars, easy to park mar.. But but but, before that, I must also have money first!!! Argh.. Bye, works await!

'Till next post, cheers :)


  1. u literally talked and laughed to urself?! funny la u...
    hey if u so into speed, go become a racer then! like 林志颖!Can be part time oso lol
    I think i have phobia on the road so pls dun speed when im in ur car ya lol

    1. Ya,like literally..lol
      Ya,i know he is a part time racer..but hor,difficult to be one leh..i hv a fren who wanted to learn drift rite,nearly lost his life twice..den only he gave up bcz too dangerous ady..
      I dun think i speed b4 when u were in my car ba?hahha
