Sunday 11 March 2018

My CNY 2018

This post may come a little late but it's better late than never right lol.. Anyway, this is just a casual, short and simple entry to roughly document how my CNY went. Maybe it's over for quite some time already that's why I'm not as ohm to write long essay already lol..

As usual, my relatives were back for the CNY Eve reunion dinner, except one of my aunts. She was terribly and severely ill that she was bed ridden for very long time. That's why this year we didn't take any family reunion shot because we felt bad to have photo without her in it so yeah..

Not sure why this year I wasn't really in a mood for CNY celebration. Throughout the two weeks time, I felt so reluctant to join my cousins for gambling sessions. No matter how many times they JIO me but I firmly said NO. Not sure if it's because I know I don't have gambling luck this year or not. Like two weeks before the CNY, I kinda had something they called "warm-up" gambling session lol where I lost all my capital. It went all the way up to four times of gross profit then shot all the way down to zero damn sad lol.. So yeah, while many of my cousins won few hundred bucks in 2-3 hours, I was shunning away reading book in my room.. Omg sound like so anti-social like that lol..

Then there was the part where we hosted reunion luncheon for extended relatives. This time, I'm tasked to be the photographer of the day. I've never taken any close up shots or portrait shots, so I just simply shot lar lol but some of the photos turned out not bad eh very candid hehe.. suddenly I feel like abit itchy hand wanna buy portrait lens and practice already lol..

This year is also the year where my aunt's family moved to new place.. So yeah, we all visited their house and we were all in awe with the reno and interior design because it's very beautifully done!! So lucky to have a cousin sister who studied interior design and has great sense of taste and able to bring out the homey feel with all the furniture and decos.. We all stayed there until past midnight because we felt so comfy and so reluctant to leave their place lol

Unlike previous years where I hardly had any yeesang during CNY, this year I lose count of the times that I had yeesang lol.. I remembered before CNY already had yeesang when celebrating birthday of one of my CFP friends over dinner.. Then I had yeesang on the first day of CNY where we went to a Vegetarian restaurant nearby our house for dinner. First time having vegetarian yeesang and it tasted not bad wey and very healthy some more haha.. Then I remembered joining other groups of friends for catching up and we had yeesang also.. And when I went for event there was yeesang also.. I had yeesang also on the night we Bai Tin Gong and also Chap Goh Mei.. Then there was one or two events that I attended after CNY also they still got yeesang.. Another dinner occasion at the temple way after CNY also got yeesang.. So yeah I think this is the year where I had the most yeesang already lol not sure why I wrote so much when it's all about FOOOOOOOOD LOL

So yeah basically that's about it, nothing really special about CNY this year. Oh wait, got surprise belated gifts from my gor gor hehe and we managed to make a trip up to Genting on the 16th day of CNY, right after Chap Goh Mei hahaha.. Not bad the whole place becomes like a new place to me probably because the last time I went there was like 2-3 years ago already.. So much has changed and the casino I went in wasn't like the one I visited last time. The new one didn't smell that bad and had lesser people smoking as compared to the old one.. So yeah, I just spent time there watching people played and strolling around the place with the most amazing person in my life :D

Hmm.. I think I didn't leave out anything already gua.. Oh ya, managed to catch up with a friend who came back from Taiwan for CNY.. The last time we met was like 2 years ago so yeah, had fun catching up over dinner.. Other than that.. Just abit regret that I didn't take much pics during this CNY.. I mean, pic of myself lol I didn't even take any CNY ootd this year really broke my record haha that's why I have no pics to attach along with this post lol

Wah I realised my English really getting worse already, sounds so broken wey lol..I better stop here before you feel irritated reading such bad English lol hope I didn't bore you to death ooops CIAO!

Wishing you guys a great year ahead aite! :D

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