Sunday 1 May 2016

Hiking: Broga Hill #1

Finally I've got to "climb" Broga Hill! I've always wanted to go but didn't manage to find "kaki" until few months back. Had a mini catch-up with one of my friends from Japanese class back then. We were talking about life and work and hobbies and TADA~~~ She likes hiking! She promised will bring me go and she did!! Aww.. Love her to the max :D

I had like, 3-4 hours of sleep only that night, planned to wake up at 2.30am but I ended up rolling on the bed until 3am! Rushed myself to get ready and then managed to reach her place at 4am. She had already been waiting for me! OMG, feel so paiseh still, for letting her to wait for half an hour more~~~

We then arrived at Broga Hill at 4.55am. Before we started our "expedition in the dark" at 5am, we decided to "label" ourselves first, because there is always a myth that, we shouldn't call names in the jungle (just in case "they" heard us and know who we are). So yeah, I called her Doraemon and she called me panda (because both our Whatsapp profile pic so happened to have these!! XD) We took two rests along the way and omg, I was sweating like nobody's business, literally "raining cats and dogs" all the way from my head to my back! Doraemon on the other hand, was steady sial! She really is my sifu in hiking!

It was a rather hazy day. We arrived the second-top at 5.40am! Really felt tempted to continue climbing all the way to the peak BUT my legs had already raised white flag! My face all red, my heart was beating real fast and I breathed as if I had asthma! It really seems like I need a lot of stamina training!!


6.15am, we could still see the moon.

7am, the sky started to turn bright. Can you see how hazy it was :/

What a crowd!

7.10am, wefie taken upon first light of the day :D

Followed by a literally hill landscape

7.20am, filling our famished stomachs with home-made sandwich by me,
and home-made coffee by Doraemon :D

We saw the sky turning into a little egg-yolk-like and thought we might never see the sun rise, giving the fact that, the weather was ok but the haze kinda spoilt it a little...

7.30am already, and we thought, there it was, the sun hanging-up high...

A lot of people started taking selfies and wefies already and I guess we were all planning to go back after taking all the photos. So yeah, we went and took few too~

My sifu is really good in posing!

Was trying to imitate one of her poses XD

I was a bit reluctant to just leave like that to be honest. I was like, hey, it was my first time climbing up a hill at such a wee hour wey.. Why must the haze covering up the sun? Not that the sun is shy to greet us kan? At least should show face and motivate me to climb again next time right?

Who knows, miracle happened the next second. Sun did greet us! *The power of LOA!!! XD* It left us all in awe, and we quickly took out our gadgets! Some taking photos, some recording! It was a mere 3 minutes or less, for the Sun to wake-up from behind those layers of hills back there! Well, I guess sometimes, the Sun feels like lazing around, just like how we human feel like rolling on the bed (even just for a few minutes) the moment our alarm clocks ring! That kinda explains the late sunrise.. Haha.. Aww I can super relate to that! XD

8.20am :D

My sifu took this photo.. Super got feel !!

Then, its' photography time again! I wanted to capture the sexy Sun with few birds flying around. It really needs intense level of patience wey.. And my patience level was only a sheer half an hour :/

Felt really relaxed and peaceful looking at this view~

Love how the camera is able to focus on the bird flying at such a distance! :D

We left at around 8.50am and reached the bottom after another 40minutes. Wow, coming down is even harder than climbing up. Because you really need to control your body balance, else you might slide all the way down. Doraemon was super thoughtful that she brought one extra hiking stick and borrowed me. She is super good in applying the hiking stick to stabilize the body and I really learnt a lot from her. Not just physically, but spiritually as well.

She said, one of the reasons she likes hiking is that, once you started, you can't stop. There is no way for you to turn back half way, the only choice you have, is to continue. And you know that, as long as you never give up, you will reach your destination eventually. When I was too exhausted and needed to rest, she would say, "yeah, you should, rest is to fuel you up for a further journey" (direct translate of: 休息,是为了走更长的路). When I didn't know which rock to step on, she would say "it's ok, we are the ones who pave the road" (direct translate of: 路,是人走出来的). I didn't know hiking could learn something so deep too! Really salute my sifu gao gao!!

We then headed for breakfast at ABC Pan Mee which is located just right opposite of the police station. Didn't mange to capture the photo of the shop nor the surroundings because we were too famished! Managed to capture my Dry Mushroom Pan Mee though lol.. It was very nice indeed. Just that the shop has quite a number of stray dogs wandering around. I'm not sure if they are clean or not, but at least they didn't simply bark at people and they are quite behaved. 

Nice :D

That's it, my first hiking experience! I can see now that, I might fall in love with it. Though it took me 4 days to rejuvenate my pathetic pair of legs, it's definitely worth it. Worth the sweat, worth the pain. Not just because we were rewarded with a surprised sunrise, but because, hiking is somewhat a kind of training of the heart. Not just literally, but metaphorically too.

Oh well, I don't know what I'm babbling around LOL..
Ending my post with one of my favourite shots of the day which I shared on my IG!! 
Thanks for everything, my Doraemon ❤

Awww.. Both of us look so chubby, just like Doraemon and panda XD
The background was so surreal !!

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