Saturday 6 February 2016

The Signs

I've been wanting to write this out but I constantly find it hard to squeeze some time in for blogging. Even though it could be just a few sentences or a paragraph at a time, I failed to do so. I'll slowly come to the reason why I'm super occupied of late in the paragraphs below. But first thing first, let me start with the reasons why this post is titled "The Signs", which marks the 100th post of my blog.

I've been told that I'm a strong advocate for the phrase "everything happens for a reason", "timing is everything", "time will tell" etc. But no one knows how I've become one. I'll slowly dwell into things that I've come across with and perhaps you would know why I'm still a strong believer for the above phrases. The signs are just too obvious and too strong that, I couldn't help but reminisce back "the dots that connect down the road". 

~~~Oh BTW, my apologies that the paragraphs below are not in chronological manner. I just write as my thoughts flow~~~

I think it all started when I stumbled upon a YouTube video of late Steve Jobs giving a commencement speech. I shared this in my blog before, titled "Don't Lose Faith". I've managed to grasp some points from his speech, and tried as hard as I could to nail it deep down in my heart. I wish to really understand and feel where was he coming from and grow my own intuition, rather than just blindly memorise the useful points as my life principles. However, as a typical me, these points faded away as time passes, as I walked through day-to-day routines, as I was busy chasing my First Class "dream".

Fast forward to the day I became a FreshMind for one of the reputable companies, SONY. No one knows when did I start to apply for jobs, nor did many people know of me becoming a FreshMind. Anyway, what I wanted to say here is, I'm glad to have had the chance to experience a different working culture as well as to make few connections whom still in close contact with me. One of whom, is a remarkable icon whom I admire, who is living his life to the fullest and practising LOA and impacted thousands of lives. One more icon would be our FreshMind Manager. To date, I still update my ex-manager on my recent endeavours and I really appreciate the feedbacks given that allow me to keep improving and striving forward.

Then, I hopped on to a sales position in finance industry. There's where I discovered my field of interest, my passion, the one thing that I wish to pursue. The reason being is quite simple. We were only allowed to sell certain products, and needed to persuade gao gao the customers to buy. It made me felt like, I wasn't really able to help them much. Frankly speaking, after I attended the courses, did I know that those products that we were "trained" to believe to sell, wasn't really that great. There are some other better options and products!

Then, there is this lecturer who taught us back in university during my final semester. We are still in close contact too. In fact, he is the one who is helping me out with my project. Speaking of project, there is this senior that I made acquaintance with during an alumni dinner. He has been very kind and helpful to share our ideas of the project with his business partners and have been giving us insights of how things are gonna be, if we are really determined to take the "road less taken".

Speaking of project too, I didn't really had much driving force to plan for it, initially. I was just thinking, really, without any actions, and thought that, perhaps I would still focus on my full time  job and take my time to slowly figure out how to go about with it. However, on the first day of this year, the signs started showing up. My social networking sites, my email subscription, my radio station, basically everything around me. I spent the whole day, reading and checking out articles, searching for more and more information. I even bought 3 books from Amazon totalled MYR200+, and the books arrived just yesterday, all the way from US!

Stumbled upon this in my IG.
I had been constantly asking myself, "Do I really wanna do this?" "Am I sure about this?" "What if it didn't turn out as expected?" "What if this... What if that ..." But then I figured, maybe those are the signs. Those are the signs to show me, to guide me, to direct me. There is a reason why some people appear in my life and some just "appeared". There is a reason why I have been constantly being fed with pieces after pieces of information. There is a reason why every time I turn on the radio, there are few songs that would sure be aired! And then I figured, there is a reason I came across my idol and exposed to LOA. And of course, there is a reason why I stumbled upon late Steve Jobs's speech.

Speaking of signs, now I know why whenever I have doubts, something would sure appear in front of me. I don't know if you believe in Gods, but I do, truly and faithfully. Now that whenever I'm reminiscing back to university time, I know why I saw what I saw. Even though few years have passed, I can still see now, why things still happened the way they did. Maybe timing is just one of it, or maybe it isn't. So yeah, back to the phrase "time will tell".

Anyway, back to the reason why I had been super occupied of late. Due to the over-flooded informations, me and my senior have decided to apply to join a programme. Both of us are working full time and thus, the only time that we are able to discuss and changing of ideas, is either at night after work, or during weekend. And that is also the reason why I had been sleeping in late for the past one month, trying to draft and lay out the project framework, as well as more and more in-depth research and more close-to-market projections.

I know this past one month had been very exhausting for me, sleeping at 2, waking up at 5, and sleep again from 6-8. My body was not able to adjust to this new lifestyle at first, and thus was having some hormones imbalance. I was a bit scared, really, and thought something was wrong with my body. But after holding it up for around one week, it stabled. My cousin asked me, "Did your partner help you out ar, for the project?" The moment I answered, was also one of the moments of realization of my life.

Now I know why back in university, Gor would always stay up late, and always have minimal sleeps. I know why he needs chicken essence to fuel up his days. I know why he always frowns when he is working on his laptop. I know why his hair has turned white faster than any guys that I've ever known. I know why he always has such heavy shoulders. I know why he would rather do every assignments, every parts and portions, including presentations, all by himself, instead of letting us to spoil the milk. I know why he works so hard, strives so hard, and fights so hard. Now I know why. And now, I'm feeling so bad and guilty to have misjudged him.

I know one month is a very short time. Many would doubt, how could I learn and realize so much in such a short period of time. To me, I would say, when you do your best, live life to the fullest, and make more and more things progress on full swing, there's where your learning curve shoots up. I'm not saying that I'm satisfied with where I am now, nor am I saying that I do not appreciate everything that happened, happens and happening to/around me. I'm just saying that, I've finally made a move.

In "The Letters #3" that I posted one day before the new year, I mentioned that I would like to add one more item on to my current plate. I'm glad that I did it. TBH, the first time I felt the impact of taking an action, is the decision I made to enrol for the course. I've learnt so much, made many friends, and now, hoping to finish all by end of this year. This is the decision where I truly feel that, I'm my master of my life, I decide my destiny, and I hold my pen to write my life story.

I know there is no rush to post all these up, but I just hope to be able to remember how much I've grown, and how far I've come thus far. Just submitted the application yesterday, and now writing this post to constantly remind myself that, "Actions speak louder than words". I've been giving words of motivation to people around me, and see them becoming better and stronger each day, and now I need to motivate myself as well. Speaking of motivation, now I know why Gor would always hold double standards against me and would have relatively higher expectations on me. I'm actually feeling very stupid right now, to realize that, my learning curve is four years behind of his!! omg~~~

Back to songs that aired by my radio station. There are "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus, "Hit the Lights" by Selena Gomez, "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten, "I lived" by One Republic, and the list goes on. Listening to them always turn my fighting mood on. Speaking of "The Signs", there are these two songs that would always reach my ears whenever I turn on the radio:

"Half The Man" by Resh.
Such a nice song by a Malaysian, so proud of him!

If you guys can't recognize him, or never heard of him, perhaps this photo from would help ring a bell:

Another song would be this:

"Something Better" by Audien ft. Antebellum

So, are they yet another signs?
Anyway, I have no idea why I still don't have the CNY mood on. Perhaps I would find out soon. TIME WILL TELL lol

Wishing you all Happy CNY in advance! :D

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