Saturday 20 February 2016

My CNY 2016

Happy Chinese New Year!!
It's the year of Monkey wey, the year of my Zodiac!
Wish everything shun-shun-lei-lei, HUAT ar~~

Time does fly!! In a blink of an eye, two cycles of zodiacs have passed since the year I was born. And soon enough, in a blink of an eye too, another cycle will complete. It was kinda hard to take all these in TBH. This is the year where I was feeling rather complicated, with emo and contemplative thoughts on one end, at the same time, positive and hopeful thoughts on the other. I've been thinking, it's either now, or never! I'll not waste my time to wait for other people or whatnot, I'll have to make a lot of choices and decisions this year, and these will lead to more choices and decisions to be made in the near future. Unlike any traditional way of kick-starting a new year by writing some New Year Resolutions, mine is pretty simple: Whatever I want to do, just do it! (The reason why I'm just that fond of Nike XD)

Anyway, back to the topic, time does fly. Two more days to Chap Goh Mei yet, now only I've got time to update about my CNY. Well, this CNY was a bit different because we managed to plan a family trip! However, it was unfortunate of my brother as he was unable to join us due to Uni exam, which clashed with our family trip. What kind of university arranged final exams during CNY lar for goodness sake! 

Unlike last year which I wasn't able to stay up for count down, this year I did. Our family didn't light any fireworks though. Fireworks were mainly come from all other parts of the neighbourhood which lasted until, 2am++? As for me, I managed to stay up until rather late because was having a very serious heart-to-heart chat with a special someone until I sobbed. WT~~

The next day, as usual, we missed the Lion Dance, again! After praying at the temple, we went back home for our next agenda - taking full family photos! Yup yup, the one that we took was like 4-5 years ago! And the thing is, the photo that was taken last time, all of us was like so casual, not looking at our best. This time round, I even bought myself a tripod! Hehe.. So yeah, all of us were in our CNY attire, all reddish, pinkish, rosy and all the other descriptions that you could think of! My dearest cousin sister was even in Cheong Sam!! Really have the CNY feel! But it was such a regret that my aunt's family couldn't rush back in time to join in the photography session as they were still at the in-laws'. Oh well, I'm pretty sure we will try to have a better and more fitting arrangement for photography next year! :D

Moving on to second day of CNY, we were hosting this family reunion luncheon with some far far relatives, just like what we did last year. Just that, this time round, we ordered some catering to lighten up the burden of having to prepare and cook so much food in so short period of time! So yeah, time to get dressed up to welcome the guests XD

Since it's my year, just itchy-itchy wanted to do some posing lar LOL
Love my curled hair so much that I even changed my Whatsapp profile pic!!!
Thanks and credit to my beloved and talented cousin sister ❤ ❤

After the luncheon, all of us were quite worn out and thus, we all went to sleep LOL.. Nah, just kidding. I think few young ones were still feeling quite fresh and energetic that they continued to their BJ session! My cousin sister invited few of her friends over and guess what, I could even hear their scream of joy from downstairs when they won triple (eg: double Ace) from the Tauke! Oh well, perhaps I'm just too old for that, I needed a nap instead lol..

The third and fifth day of CNY were where we had our family trip. Will share it in another posts of mine when I really have the time to construct it after I edited the photos taken. (Speaking of which, I haven't even done blogging with my Korea Trip omg) The sixth day, I went for a pampering and rejuvenating session with my high school close buddies in a KL spa. Might share it in another post too if I've got the time to do so. By that time, I hope I would still remember what I wanted to write about, or some useful details to share, for that matter lol..

On the seventh day of CNY, finally I had the chance to meet up with this someone who flew all the way back from Taiwan!! It has been around one year since we last met. His agenda in Malaysia was all heavily scheduled yet, he managed to squeeze in a slot for me. And, it was a Chinese Valentine's Day!! Awww, I'm so very touched!! XD Oh ya, the interesting thing was, when my aunt found out our photo in Instagram, she got all excited and then we discovered that, his aunt and my aunt were high school besties!! Can you believe how small the world is?? XD

The eighth day of CNY was the day I had to get back to work again. So yeah, to sum it up, my CNY this year was pretty much happening, joyful, and exciting! Managed to fully utilize each and everyday to fulfil different agendas and I'm very grateful for that. I was wondering why previously I had no mood to look forward to this CNY but I guess it was mainly due to "age" matter. Now that I've managed to figure it out bit by bit, I have a great feeling that everything will lay out the way it meant to be. All I need to do, is to trust myself, trust the signs, and give my very best to every opportunities that come by.

I'm blessed to have everything I have, and things that I don't, for that matter..
Wishing you guys a smooth-sailing year ahead, HUAT ar ~~~

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