Friday 20 June 2014

Shopping Spree #1

Disclaimer: I’m not the one who went on a shopping spree k? It was my jimui!! Hahahaha..

So, what’s with this sudden shopping spree after so long a time? Well, my jimui has finally gotten herself a job! Within one month after her convo some more! Something worth spreading the joy right?? She is very cute and funny lar, to be honest. Texted me like, an hour before her interview and asked me, “If they ask my strengths and weaknesses, what should I say?” Haha.. Actually I understand lar, we are jimui of course we know of each other’s strengths and weaknesses right? But we can’t 100% just said as we wish during the interview right? LOL.. That’s why I also “cincai” told her some lar (“cincai” as she asked me to.. because she was too desperate already that time.. LOL)

Anyway, I’m so proud of you lar, my dear. You made it! See lar who you consulted with? Because of me you got the job leh.. LOL *perasan betul* That’s why we had a series of shopping agendas on our calendar, went out a few rounds to get all the formal attires ready before her job started. I was basically there to give some comments or suggestions on which to buy and which not preferable to buy. Hmm.. I feel like I’m some sort of fashion consultant now (in a not-so-fasionable way).. LOL..

It’s because I’ve been buying formals from time to time that I could give her some advice lar, especially last year. It was my final year thus in hopes to buy few more, and few others more to fill up my closet for the working world. I even bought a blazer for around RM150 from H&M when I hang-out with my high school friends last time. So I roughly know lar which kind of blazer suits my jimui’s petite size. ;) She bought hers from G2000 wey! *jelly*

Beside hunting for blazers and formal dresses/skirts, we hunted for her flats and wedges too. It was a terribly tiring task because we had to visit each and every footwear stores, and tried on the designs that she likes, and at the same time, seeking comfortness and suitability. I, on the other hand, could hardly restrain myself from buying some heels for my convo, seriously! Some of the designs are too tempting (with discounts, of course), haha.. 

Teman-ing my jimui shopping is indeed one of the greatest joy in my life, though seems to be a torment at the same time. Why? Because I like shopping, but I’m also on a mission to save money! I shouldn't buy anything unnecessary simply because I feel like buying it. Thus, suppressing the urges to buy is the ultimate challenge! But erm, to smooth my feelings out, I did buy some lar.. LOL.. But I managed to control my spending to under a hundred bucks each time we went shopping (used to be few hundreds lor.. should I be proud of myself? oops :p) 

So, my jimui has started working now, making it harder than ever for us to hangout, because, I on the other hand, need to work on the weekends.. Oh my, when will be our next hangout? Hopefully after my convo lar.. It will be in July, which means, its about one more month away.. Actually, we have been discussing where to go for our year-end trip. Aside from saving money, another issue would be the uncertainty of whether she could apply annual leave or not.. Hmm.. 

I know I've been MIA for quite some times.. Not because I've been emo-ing because of my recent encounters lar.. Merely because I wasn't in a mood to write anything at all.. And, also, nothing special to update/share. So yeah, I find hanging out with my jimui worth my time laying out this entry on a sudden impulse. Is it because I miss her too much? :(

Yet another genre from Imagine Dragon :)

I find these few lines of the lyrics rather meaningful: "If you love somebody, Better tell them while they’re here ’cause, They just may run away from you.. You’ll never know quite when, well, Then again it just depends on, How long of time is left for you". I thank God for having you in my life, my dear jimui :))

I noticed I've changed in some way or another, though I don't know if this has anything to do with one of my lecturers back in Uni. I'm getting more and more conscious of what I have now, and I really appreciate for being blessed. For example, though I had been driving my little Kancil for two weeks when I sent my car for repair, the way I felt was different as that of the first time. I don't know how to describe it but I'm grateful at least I still have a transport to reach my destination despite of the fact that it's old, manual and slow. Then there are my dad and my jimui, and my cousins, and some of my closest buddies from high schools and university.. I'm truly blessed ^^

I know you can't really enjoy today as you are working on this weekend, but always remember to take care of yourself k? I'm sorry that I couldn't teman you for shopping last week, but I promise that I definitely will when I'm free.. It's just around one more month away.. Stay strong ya! We can always Skype when we both are free, for hours long during midnight.. Hehe.. 

'Till next post, cheers :)

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