Saturday 10 May 2014

Forever 21 #1

As the title suggests, I wish to stay 21 forever! Haha.. I know, I was so emo for the past few weeks. This post was supposed to be up the next day we spent the day together, but emo-ness came in the way. Sigh.. Anyway, seeing that I'm feeling much better now, tada~~~

We started planning it around a month before.. lol.. Because, we are both so busy!! So difficult to hangout nowadays seeing that we both have different schedule already. I browsed Groupon to look for great deals to share with my jimui. Initially, we wanted to have a hair cut, nice lunch, enjoy a spa/massage/movie, then shopping, then go for "sumptuous" dinner. Hohoho.. However, the plan changed...

We met at Mc'D above the ice-ring and had our lunch there. My first reaction when I saw my jimui was, "OMG! Long time no see!" and hugged her like there is no tomorrow. Haha.. After exchanging birthday gifts, she helped me to order and we had a chat until our appointment time, which was at 2pm. Aiya, we chatted a lot of stuff lar.. About studies, work, life etc etc.. Oh, and also one of our friends who is currently in UK. She ffk him many times wey, busy 'till no time to skype with him *konon-nya* Haha..

Then, we went and redeemed our Groupon at Adonis. We bought a package on some hydro-treatment thingy and we were kinda looking forward to it because, this was our first time doing this sort of things together mar.. Haha.. When we went in and showed our Groupon, we were brought into a discussion room and the lady started to explain their service to us.

First of all, we were told that the package we bought is more meant for much elderly group, people like us who are still young, our skin type is not suitable to have those kind of treatment. So, she suggested another type to us, which we had to top-up RM200 plus some more = = After we agreed, she started to examine our skin type (because different skin type requires different set of treatment?) And then, we were brought in to a darker "chamber" (I don't know how to describe it.. lol).

So, the treatment last one and a half hour though they said it's a 2-hour session = = Well, I think we both felt quite rejuvenated after the session? Perhaps we felt much younger as well? LOL.. Nah! My face was quite itchy because the lady kept squeezing all my pimples out! This is so much different with another place that I went with my cousin sister last time, whereby, they are more skilful with equipments and all. This is just.. Argh.. My face was so red, but my jimui's was slightly worse. Probably she has been more stressed up recently that's why more pimples ba?

Then, they led us into the discussion room again, and showed us a series of products. So, when the lady talked, we just listened lar, didn't know how much we understood though.. lol.. She also asked us to subscribe their service, eg: Around 1k for 5 or 8 sessions (I can't remember already).. Also tempted us with first-time walk-in customers price.. I erm.. I almost subscribe lar, if the price is affordable.. So at the end, after around one hour of hesitation, we rejected their packages and bought the product instead. I bought an O2 Spray and my jimui bought some black-head removers thingy. Total spending? Groupon + top-up + spray, my side was around RM300++ already!!

After this we went shopping some more! I bought a dress and a tube, spent around hundred. Finally, when both our legs were so soar to walk further for more shopping, we finally settled in Pasta Zanmai for dinner.
My jimui's Mini Salmon Cream Pasta
Together with Mini Turkey Ham Pizza
My Spicy Kinoko Fetteccine
Together with Roasted Eel Omelette Garlic Rice
Our dessert: Itachoco Monaka
Vanilla Wafer Ice Cream with Thick Chocolate 
Choco Banana Crepe
Crepe with Chocolate Ice Cream & Banana, topped with Almond & Chocolate Slice
Close-up, with bokeh effect.. hehe..
After some window shopping (ikr), we bid adieu.. Argh, I felt so reluctant to let her go, seriously! I don't know when would we meet again now that she is busier than ever! Err.. I think me too lar.. But it was indeed a day well spent. I really wish that we are able to maintain this for as long as we shall live, to celebrate our birthday together without any cake to remind us of our real age. Haha.. See you soon, my dear. Please start saving up for our year-end trip! Love you ❤

See? Last year's present now only I unwrapped it.. haha.. Thx!
'Till next post, cheers :)

1 comment:

  1. lol 骗钱的! u should know better than i do~ marketing tsk tsk...
