Sunday 31 December 2023

The Letters #10

It turns out that, I’ve missed few letters in the previous years! Although busy was one of the reasons, but everyday busy with similar things also nothing much to updates lar lol but yeah, I’m thankful that after 3 years of covid, this year finally everything had started to fall back into normality. This year I’ve tried something new, embarked on a new journey, and made some important decisions. So yeah, here’s what I feel like saying to these people dearly to my heart:

Dear J,

Ahh finally we able to meetup few times this year! Because of me you got to take photos with your idol leh. And what’s more? Finally we went for staycation together hahaa although it ended up very funny but that’s us lor always the gila xiaopoh pattern when we are together! Love it when we can just chat about anything and everything whenever we meetup, be it serious life topics or lame/ sampat jokes. Please take of your health ok? Btw, I think the video we shot need to wait til next year only can publish already lol all the best in your work ok? Looking forward to our first concert together next year!! And hopefully we can go holiday together again xd


Dear S,

Grateful for the exciting and memorable ride with you in the past! I’ve learned and done so many things that I’ve never imagined I could do well! Although this year I’ve parted ways, you’ll always have my support in everything you do! I’m thankful that we made it to celeb each other’s’ birthdays together again this year after the pandemic! Don’t be too workaholic, ok? I’m waiting for good news from you ok? Xd


Dear K,

Wah, when I heard of you getting engaged, I was so shocked! Because as far as I remembered, you are someone who enjoyed single life and couldn’t see the needs and necessity to get married. Well, everything changes when you met the right person eh? Happy for your new venture! And of course, happy for your marriage too! Thanks for having me over for your wedding reception K, wish you both happily ever after! Hopefully next year you wife still allows you to hangout with us ok? hahaa


Dear JCIBK bro & sis,

Although I’ve been diving this year, I can see that The Hatch had been running well under the leadership of J and W. I’m glad that what A, Y and I started, has passed down and executed so well, delivering values to community in need and empowering individuals to create positive change. All your hard work and dedication had paid off when The Hatch was announced to be the winner of Best Rise Project in National Level. Words are never enough to express how proud I am of you guys! And, I heard next year there will be a junior version of The Hatch? You guys are always full of surprise and I can’t wait to cheer for you all again! Let me know if you guys need anything from me aite, more than happy to lend a hand 😊


Dear Sky,

Should have written this in previous letters but I’d want to express again how grateful I am when you willing to help me out when I faced some difficulties in my career. As we grow older, we all know that anything involves monetary would shun people away, but you didn’t, and I owe you for that. This year, I itchy hand wanted to go travel and the first place that came to my mind was our neighbour! I still remember vividly when I decided to visit SG, we spent hours and days discussing and planning where to visit, what to eat etc hahaa thank you so much for being my tour guide for so many days, some more come picked me up every morning (although I overslept almost everyday lol) but yeah thank you so much for being my photographer as well (although most of the photos very blur lehhh) anyway, let me know if you come KL ok, my turn to bring you for nice food xd


Dear LBM team,

Actually, A, Y and I, we have been discussing about it for some time, what I learned from this journey is that, like minds do think alike! I’m impressed with how magical the universe works, that there is this unseen force that gels us together. PK, first of all, deep apologies to you, when we met for the first time, I didn’t even remove my mask, and you didn’t even know who I am, yet you accepted me into the team anyway, I’m glad that we got to click well over time and that, we are open enough to discuss and share any thoughts from time to time, even until 3 or 4 in the morning! Btw, I did realise we have got lots of late-night owls in our team! I really love the group photos that we took at the studio, really happy-family kinda feel. I’m not perfect, in facts flaws and thorns from head to toes, but you guys embrace me the way I am. And we get to spend the last day of 2023 and first day of 2024 together weyyy hahaaa grateful to be part of the team and let’s make 2024 a great one!


Dear V,

Not sure if you noticed that I’m a very 慢热 kinda person, but I really do appreciate that you invited me over for the private retreat. It was the first time I felt so close with you guys, I learned so much about all of you when you all opened up past wounds and made the atmosphere so sad that some of us cried. I’m not someone who opens up easily but seeing you all backing up and healing each other really touched me. Although we only met for the second time, but I know this is the circle that I want in my life. Especially after the sharing from XX, her willingness to share her life stories really made me ponder about myself. 家家有本难念的经 if she can do it, why can’t I? You all really inspired me a lot and I promised to let actions speak next year. I want to glue with you more!


After all these years of writing letters to people whom I’m grateful for, suddenly I realised, why didn’t I write any letter to myself? Didn’t I have anything that I wanted to tell myself? So yeah this year I’ve decided to include this part in my mother tongue.

这几十年来你辛苦了!虽然你每次都不说,也没有几个人知道你到底在干嘛,只有我知道你有多么的不容易。通常很多人都是报喜不报忧,而你倒好,喜忧都自己扛。谢谢你这么多年以来都有乖乖的爱惜自己的身体,每年都有按时做体检。去年的报告在cancer marker那里出现红色指数的时候,贪生怕死的你真的是慌了,赶紧找了很多资料、看了很多报告等。虽然你内心是恐惧的,可是你开始调整生活作息、饮食习惯、开始更积极养生、专注平衡内心状态。一年下来,你的指数正常了,真的很为你开心。也算是对你的一个警告吧,提醒你要多花心思在自己身上。所以今年我看到你真的开始改变,开始舍得花钱在自己脸上、做睫毛、做指甲、舍得犒劳自己旅行放松、吃好些、用好些、舍得花钱请私教做健身、练瑜伽等。没有能力自爱的人,如何去爱别人呢?尤其是女人,真的要懂得富养自己哦!虽然你的悟性是慢了一点,可是你依然一面体验人生,一面学习人生,从未停下脚步。而且今年你也提起勇气做了一些一直以来不敢做的决定,你终于不再像骆驼一样逃避,你选择正视它然后再慢慢征服它。听说一个人的悟性和福气有关,从今以后多做些积累福报的事吧,多多帮助有需要的人。改变别人很难,那就从改变自己开始吧!期待接下来能够看见更坚强、更优秀、更快乐的你!你值得幸福美满的人生!加油!


In a blink of an eye, 365 days have passed. I’m forever grateful for all the opportunities to learn and grow, and everyone who has faith in me. I’m not perfect but I guess nobody is, or will ever be. Let’s always be a work-in-progress, and strive to be the better version of ourselves. Thanks for everything 2023! I’m ready for you, 2024! Kick-starting 2024 with first post on 1/1/2024! #HopeCourageStrength

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